- Feature Name: multi-sig
- Start Date: 2018-11-28
- RFC PR: MR !5
- Hathor Issue: (leave this empty)
- Author: Pedro Ferreira pedro@hathor.network
Enable multi signature transactions and allow them to require M-of-N signatures to be spent.
The motivation is that in many cases we need more than one person to be responsible for the funds. With a multi signature transaction people can distribute the responsibility of control and spend the tokens.
First, to send tokens that can be spent only by multiple signatures, we need to generate a multi sig wallet.
This wallet is generated with N public keys and defining an integer M, that is the minimum quantity of signatures to spent its funds. N and M must be at most 16. We call it a M-of-N wallet.
With this wallet we define a redeem script, which is the script to be executed to redeem the fund in the wallet and a multi sig address to receive funds.
Multi sig addresses always start with byte 0x05, so we can know whether the output is Multisig or P2PKH.
The sender of the funds does not need to know if it's a multi sig output or not, it will just send to a normal base58 address.
Only when you want to spend the multi sig fund you need to add the minimum number of signatures in the input, so we can validate the script.
The redeem script is defined as <M> <pubkey 1> <pubkey 2> ... <pubkey N> <N> <OP_CHECKMULTISIG>
The multi sig address is defined as described in the BIP 13. The address is [one-byte version][20-byte hash][4-byte checksum]
, where the [one-byte version] is 0x05 for the multi sig (instead of 0x00 for P2PKH transactions), [20-byte hash] is the hash of the redeem script RIPEMD160(SHA256(redeemScript))
and the [4-byte checksum] is the first four bytes of the double SHA256 hash of the version and hash.
Multi sig addresses always start with byte 0x05, so we can know if the output will be MultiSig or P2PKH
The output script will be defined as: OP_HASH160 [20-byte-hash-value] OP_EQUAL
, where the 20-byte-hash-value is the hash of the redeem script, defined by BIP 16.
To spend tokens from a multi sig output, the input must have at least M signatures. The input data must have <sig1> <sig2> ... <sigM> {redeemScript}
To validate that an input can spend an output we first check if it's a multi sig output, verifying if the script matches one multi sig script, then we have two steps to validate the input data:
- We copy the {redeemScript} and combine with the output script. We will have
{redeemScript} OP_HASH160 [redeemScriptHash] OP_EQUAL
. Executing this, if we have 1 left in the stack, the {redeemScript} is valid and we continue to the next validation; - We separate the {redeemScript} in each component and eval the script. We will have
<sig1> <sig2> ... <sigM> <M> <pubkey 1> <pubkey 2> ... <pubkey N> <N> <OP_CHECKMULTISIG>
The OPCODE OP_CHECKMULTISIG will pop the first integer to know how many public keys it expects, then pop all public keys. After that it will pop another integer to know how many signatures it requires, then pop each of the signatures. At last, for each signature, it will search the corresponding public key. The signatures are expected to be in the same order as the public keys. If all signatures are valid, the input is valid and it can spend the output fund.
For example:
<sig1> <sig3> <OP_2> <pubkey 1> <pubkey 2> <pubkey 3> <OP_3> <OP_CHECKMULTISIG>
is valid.
<sig3> <sig2> <OP_2> <pubkey 1> <pubkey 2> <pubkey 3> <OP_3> <OP_CHECKMULTISIG>
is NOT valid because is pushed to the stack before .
We will have opcodes for each number from 1 to 16, to represent the number with only one byte. (OP_1, OP_2, ..., OP_16)
- We are using the same specifications of bitcoin, what is good because people are already used to it.
- Multi sig is really necessary when you think about a company or a group that wants to share the responsability of control and spend the funds. Not doing multi sig would limit the use of our tokens.
- Another alternative would be to use Shamir's Secret Sharing and a regular P2PKH transaction.