- Designed and implemented a movie ranking algorithm
- Introduced The Onion Architecture
- Achieved high branch coverage of unit tests (using JaCoCo)
- Similar user : A user that matches all given user information (gender, age, occupation).
- Secondary similar user: A user that matches given user information only partially.
- Match count : Number of matching properties of secondary similar user.
- Find all similar users according to the given user information.
- Calculate average of all ratings for each movie rated by similar users.
- If the number of movie rated by similar user is larger or equal than
, return topN
movies. - Otherwise, repeat finding secondary similar users by decrementing match count.
- Append the new rankings obtained from secondary similar users to the ranking list, until the list has
한동규 @queuedq
- JaCoCo setup for checking branch coverage
- Introduced The Onion Architecture
- Introduced repository pattern
- Infrastructure layer redesign
- Refactored DataLoader using DTO so that it becomes unit-testable
- Separated Config (initializing repositories and services), Controller (UI) from Main
- Separated validation logic (as app service) from Controller
심재환 @jaehwan1912
- Input parsing, error handling and connecting to services in Controller
- Ranking algorithm improvement
- Implemented ranking algorithm for secondary similar users
- Refactoring
- Writing unit tests for higher branch coverage
홍준화 @junwha0511
- Data loading (link.dat)
- Unit test for existing classes from Milestone 1
- Ranking algorithm design & implementation
- Investigated existing algorithms
- Designed ranking algorithm considering both effectiveness and efficiency
- Implemented ranking algorithm for (primary) similar users