It's been a long journey to reach this point but we're finally here. Now we have Monad Transformers and lift, we can finally read input from stdin and modify some internal state. Most Haskell beginners start with this problem before knowing about Monads and Monad Transformers and are disappointed to find there is a lot of work needed to get this to work. But here we are! Enough talking - let's do it!
In this example we have two layers.
Innermost (top)
IO <- StateT
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class -- lift
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Lazy -- State, StateT, get, modify
type Command = IO
type CommandCounter = StateT Int Command
Let's create a basic REPL that reads a command and prints it back to us. We can use a loop similar to the infinite loop we created 3C.
repl = do
command <- lift $ getLine
lift $ putStrLn $ "Command = " ++ command ++ "\n"
main = do
evalStateT repl 1
return ()
Remember that monad transformer stacks default is innermost monad which in this
case is the State monad. Both (i) reading commands and (ii) printing them needs the IO monad
which is one level out (it's not the default), so we'll need to use lift
So in our state evalation, we have lift $ getLine
to read input and to print output
we use lift $ putStrLn
. Running the above, we have a simple REPL that echos our commands:
$ runhaskell foo.hs
> foo
Command = foo
> bar
Command = bar
> baz
Command = baz
Now let's read these commands and use them to mutate our state. Let's suppose we have the following commands
- increments the counterdec
- decrements the counterprint
- prints the current value of the counter
We can implement these using our monad transformer stack.
We'll need to read the command and perform a string comparison
check if it equals inc
, dec
or print
repl = do
command <- lift $ getLine
when (command == "inc") $ do
-- TODO: increment state
-- ...
when (command == "dec") $ do
-- TODO: decrement state
-- ...
when (command == "print") $ do
-- TODO: print current state
-- ...
Great! Now just need to use the modify
and get
helpers of the State monad to modify
and read the state and we're all done!
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class -- lift
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Lazy -- StateT, get, modify
import Control.Monad (when)
type Command = IO
type CommandCounter = StateT Int Command
repl = do
command <- lift $ getLine
when (command == "inc") $ do
modify (\x -> x + 1)
when (command == "dec") $ do
modify (\x -> x - 1)
when (command == "print") $ do
current <- get
lift $ putStrLn $ show current
main = do
evalStateT repl 0
return ()
Instead of a simple counter, let's instead have two numbers, or rather
a vector. Suppose our commands where not
simple strings like inc
and dec
but could be something like
inc (10, -20)
or sub (4, 9)
. It's going to a little tricky parsing these commands.
Luckily, we can use Parsec.
Parsec is a library for parsing complicated strings and turning them
into Haskell data
structures. Parsec has a Monad that holds
the internal state of the parse tree.
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class -- lift
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Lazy -- State, StateT, get, modify
import Text.Parsec
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
data Command = Inc (Int,Int)
| Dec (Int,Int)
| Print
deriving Show
parseWhitespace = many $ oneOf " \n\t"
parseCoordinates :: GenParser Char st (Int, Int)
parseCoordinates = do
char '('
xs <- many1 digit
char ','
ys <- many1 digit
char ')'
return ((read xs), (read ys))
parseIncrement = do
string "inc"
(x, y) <- parseCoordinates
return $ Inc (x,y)
parseDecrement = do
string "dec"
(x, y) <- parseCoordinates
return $ Dec (x,y)
parsePrint = do
string "print"
return Print
parseCommand = do
<|> parseDecrement
<|> parsePrint
repl = do
command <- lift $ getLine
let println = lift . putStrLn
let result = parse parseCommand "" command
case result of
Left _ -> println "Parse Fail"
Right result ->
case result of
Inc (dx, dy) -> modify (\(x,y) -> (x + dx, y + dy))
Dec (dx, dy) -> modify (\(x,y) -> (x - dx, y - dy))
Print -> do
current <- get
println $ show current
main = do
evalStateT repl (0, 0)
return ()
> print
> inc (20, 10)
> print
> dec (5, 5)
> print
> inc (100, 100)
> print