- Add the Arr
method supports 'dot' (or custom) notation for nested arrays for setting nested values, for example,$arr
->set('first-level.second-level.third-level', "something")` - Renamed the
parameter, into$key
method. Why: in my opinion "index" is more related to array integer keys . "key" is more generic and refers to generic keys (string for example).
- Add the Arr
method for retrieving portions of complex nested arrays as Arr object.
- The Arr
method supports 'dot' (or custom) notation for nested arrays for example $arr->get('first-level.second-level.third-level') - The Arr
method supports the default value
Fine-tuning release: removing version from composer.json and fixing changelog
- PHPStan Level 9, thanks to @RoadSigns
- Updating Pint action for the GitHub Actions
- Upgrading dependencies (Rector 1, PHP 8.3, some GitHub Actions, ...)
Welcome to PHP 8.2. Added PHP 8.2 in the matrix GitHub Actions Workflow
- Ability to set and unset elements within Arr by @RoadSigns
- Remove the extension of Arr within Table by @RoadSigns
- Implement each row within in the Table object as Arr objects by @RoadSigns
- Implement Countable on the Table object to allow for easy counting of number of rows by @RoadSigns
- Implement Iterator on the Table object to allow for easy looping over the rows by @RoadSigns
- Each the method signature of the Table::select from array to spread
by @RoadSigns - Add toArray() to Table
- Refactor groupBy to return Table instances to allow for chaining @RoadSigns
- Table::transform to allow people to run specific functions on a column @RoadSigns
- Update doc
From Hacktoberfest:
- Test coverage at 100%
- Arr::isEmpty() methods thanks to @Tautve for the implementation and @RoadSigns for the review
- Allow Arr::flatMap() to support multidimensional arrays by @RoadSigns
- Add Table::orderBy() to sort the order of rows in the table by @RoadSigns
From Hacktoberfest:
- Arr::find() method that returns the first element in the array that satisfies the testing function by @tombenevides
- Arr::copyWithin() method that copies part of the array to a location but keeps the original length by @RoadSigns
- Improved code style by adding missing return types, removing unused variables, improving phpdocs, removing default values by @Tautve
- PHP Stan level 5
- not equal operator for where method
- Table::except() method to exclude some data
- Table::groupThenApply() method to apply aggregate functions
From Hacktoberfest:
- Add Pint as style checker by @tharun634
- Arr::from() method for creating new Arr from a string or array-like object by @nuernbergerA
- Arr::findIndex() method for finding the index of some element by @martijnengler
- Arr::entries() method returns a new Arr object that contains the key/value pairs for each index in the array by @LeoVie
- Arr::find() method for finding some element by @tombenevides
- Review where method, where(price, '>', 100)
- Creating Table class
- updating composer.json removing unused package
- includes() method;
- values() method extracts values from current Arr and creates new one (without keys and generating numeric keys starting from 0).
- of() static method, for creating Arr instance from parameters;
- keys() method for extracting keys from Arr;
- at() method for returning the item at that integer index;
- sum() method;
- avg() method;
- doc/arr.md: class usage documentation.
- Improve concat() method, now accept array and scalar values.
- Now, Arr implements "ArrayAccess"
- fromFunction() method for creating new Arr from a assignment function;
- fromValue() method for creating new Arr from a value;
Initial release with some Arr methods:
- make() create array;
- length(): length/size of the array;
- arr(): returns data with the type PHP array
- get(): get the element by index
- Iterator methods: current(), next(), prev(), key(), valid(), rewind()
- forEach(): execute a function for each element;
- push(): add new element (at the end);
- pop(): remove an element (at the end);
- unshift(): add new element at the start;
- shift(): remove an element from the start;
- append(): append arrays to the current one;
- concat(): return new array joining more arrays;
- join(): joins all elements into a string;
- slice(): returns a sub array;
- indexOf(): find the first occurrence;
- lastIndexOf(): find the last occurrence;
- every(): all elements match a fn();
- some(): at least one element matches a fn();
- filter(): filter elements by a fn();
- map(): apply a fn() for each element;
- flat(): flat an array of arrays;
- flatMap(): map() and flat();
- fill(): fill an array (or a piece of an array);
- reduce(): calculate a fn() with the array as input;
- reduceRight(): like reduce(), but parsing the array in reverse order;
- reverse(): reverse the array;
- sort(): sort the array;
- splice(): changes content of arr removing, replacing and adding elements;
- toString(): the string representing the array (same as join(','));
- isArray(): check if the input is an array.