This repository contains the code accompanying the paper:
"Attention-aware Resource Allocation and QoE Analysis for Metaverse xURLLC Services"
Authored by Hongyang Du, Jiazhen Liu, Dusit Niyato, Jiawen Kang, Zehui Xiong, Junshan Zhang, and Dong In Kim, accepted by IEEE JSAC.
The paper can be found at ArXiv.
To create a new conda environment, execute the following command:
conda create --name aqoe python==3.10
Activate the created environment with:
conda activate aqoe
The following package can be installed using pip:
pip install eals
in the file Main
to start the program.
Please refer to here to check the details abouth the User-Object-Attention Level (UOAL) dataset.
After generating randomly the sparse user-object-attention matrix, please put the 'my_rating.csv' under 'Seg2Rating' file.
in the file Main
. Then the predicted user-object attention values can be obtained and saved as 'pred.txt'
The compare between the predicted values and the ground truth values is shown as
As we claimed in our paper, this repository used the codes in the following paper:
eALS: A Python implementation of the element-wise alternating least squares (eALS) for fast online matrix factorization
Please consider to cite eALS if their codes are used in your research.
title={Attention-aware resource allocation and QoE analysis for metaverse xURLLC services},
author={Du, Hongyang and Liu, Jiazhen and Niyato, Dusit and Kang, Jiawen and Xiong, Zehui and Zhang, Junshan and Kim, Dong In},
journal={IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications},