Let's write a short description of how all this works after somone sponsors us. (🙏 Many thanks 💖)
actor YOU as You
participant SP as GitHub Sponsoring Page
Note right of SP: Webhook setup
participant HS as Houdini Site
Note right of HS: Handler with: WEBHOOK_PATH
Note right of HS: Handler with: GITHUB_TOKEN
participant SG as Repo Sponsors Generator
YOU->>+SP: New Sponsor 💖
SP->>+SP: GitHub Sponsor process
SP->>+HS: Webhook (generate new asset)
HS->>+SG: Webhook (trigger "update-sponsors" action)
SG->>+SG: New Asset
SG->>-HS: You are on the asset
Note right of HS: https://houdinigraphql.com/_sponsors
YOU->>YOU: 🙏 Thx a lot 🙏
Call the workflow with the following command:
Requires the repo
curl -L \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \
-H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \
https://api.github.com/repos/HoudiniGraphql/sponsors/actions/workflows/generate.yml/dispatches \
-d '{"ref":"main"}'