This file shows how to run scripts to create and upload workspace and how to convert it back to WAW representation.
Part of this pipeline is covered by
script (see below) Except
script, all scripts are ran from the root directory.
You don't have to use this script if you don't have dialog written in T2C format (usually FAQ)
python scripts/ -x example/en_app/xls/E_EN_master.xlsx -gd "example/en_app/generated/dialogs" -gi "example/en_app/generated/intents" -ge "example/en_app/generated/entities" -v
Converts dialog nodes from .xml format to Watson Conversation Service workspace .json format
python scripts/ -dm example/en_app/dialogs/E_EN_welcome.xml -of example/en_app/outputs -od dialog.json -s ../data_spec/dialog_schema.xml -v
Converts entity csv files to Watson conversation service .json format
python scripts/ -ie example/en_app/entities/ -od example/en_app/outputs/ -oe entities.json -s -v
Converts intent or counterexample csv files to Watson conversation service .json format
python scripts/ -ii example/en_app/intents/ -od example/en_app/outputs/ -oi intents.json -s -v
python scripts/ -ii example/en_app/counterexamples/ -od example/en_app/outputs/ -oi counterexamples.json -s -v
Concatenate intents, entities, dialogs and counterexamples files to the Watson Conversation Service workspace
python scripts/ -ow workspace.json -od dialog.json -oi intents.json -oe entities.json -ox counterexamples.json -of example/en_app/outputs/ -wn "My first workspace" -v
Deploys workspace in WCS .json format to Watson Conversation Service
Before running this script you have to create an example/en_app/private.cfg file with your WCS credentials (you can use example/en_app/private.cfg.template file as a template)
python scripts/ -of example/en_app/outputs/ -ow workspace.json -c example/en_app/private.cfg -oc example/en_app/private.cfg -v
Tests all dialog flows from given file and save received responses to output file
python scripts/ example/en_app/private.cfg example/en_app/tests/test_more_outputs.test example/en_app/outputs/test_more_outputs.out -v
Compares all dialog flows from given files and generate xml report
python scripts/ example/en_app/tests/test_more_outputs.test example/en_app/outputs/test_more_outputs.out -o example/en_app/outputs/test_more_outputs.xml -v
Deletes workspace from Watson Conversation Service and deletes its workspace id from config file
python scripts/ example/en_app/private.cfg -v
Decomposes WCS .json workspace to intents, entities, dialogs and counterexamples files in WCS .json format
python scripts/ example/en_app/outputs/workspace.json -i example/en_app/outputs/intentsNew.json -e example/en_app/outputs/entitiesNew.json -d example/en_app/outputs/dialogNew.json -c counterexamplesNew.json -v
Converts WCS intents or counterexamples from .json format to csv intent files
At first you have to create new folder for these intents/counterexamples:
mkdir -p example/en_app/outputs/intents
mkdir -p example/en_app/outputs/counterexamples
python scripts/ example/en_app/outputs/intentsNew.json example/en_app/outputs/intents/ -v
python scripts/ example/en_app/outputs/counterexamplesNew.json example/en_app/outputs/counterexamples/ -v
Converts WCS entities from .json format to csv entity files
At first you have to create new folder for these entities:
mkdir -p outputs/entities
python scripts/ example/en_app/outputs/entitiesNew.json example/en_app/outputs/entities/ -v
Converts WCS dialogs from .json format to WAW xml dialogs file
At first you have to create new folder for the dialog:
mkdir -p example/en_app/outputs/dialog
python scripts/ example/en_app/outputs/dialogNew.json -d example/en_app/outputs/dialog/ -v
script takes the workspace as the -w parameter, directory with the workspace as the -d parameter, JSON file to be added as the -j parameter, and the target key as the -t parameter. The script finds all occurrences of the target key in the workspace["dialog_nodes"] and adds the JSON file there.
python scripts/ -w workspace.json -d ./outputs/ -j complex_context_object.json -t my_context_data_object
It can be also used in the script. The [includejsondata]
section has to be added to the common.cfg where the JSON file and the target key are defined as follows (the workspace is the one defined in the [outputs]
jsonfile = complex_context_object.json
targetkey = my_context_data_object
Cleans folders for generated and output files, converts dialogs from T2C and WAW xml format and intents and entities from csv format to WCS .json workspace and deploys it to the Watson Conversation Service (Cleans folders specified in config files as "outputs" and "generated" and runs all scripts from
You have to run update_all script from app directory:
cd example/en_app/
Don't forget to create an example/en_app/private.cfg file with your WCS credentials (you can use example/en_app/private.cfg.template file as a template). You will probably need to change paths in your config files to not contain "example/en_app/" part.
python ../../scripts/ -c common.cfg -c private.cfg -c build.cfg