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webMethods Developer Portal Helm Chart

This Helm Chart installs and configures a webMethods Developer Portal container.

Default deployment



ECK / Elasticsearch

This deployment uses the ECK Operator to deploy Elasticsearch. You can use Helm to deploy the operator with the following commands:

Register the Elasticsearch Helm Repository

helm repo add elastic
helm repo update

Install ECK (Cluster-wide)

helm install elastic-operator elastic/eck-operator -n elastic-system --create-namespace

For more information please see:

Image Pull Secret

If you want to pull image from IBM webMethods Containers Registry, create secret with your IBM webMethods Containers Registry credentials ...

kubectl create secret docker-registry regcred --docker-username=<your-name> --docker-password=<your-pwd> --docker-email=<your-email>

Install Developer Portal Release

helm install webmethods/developerportal devportal

Examples for Use-cases

Sub-folder examples contains some values examples for more use-cases. To use the use-case, adapt and add the provided values.yaml to your values.

Use-case Description
House Keeping Backup Job to backup data of Developer Portal

Version History

Version Changes and Description
1.0.0 Initial release
1.0.1 Supports wM version 11.0. Validate devportal.port value in values.yaml if you want to use wM image version 11.0.
1.0.2 tpl function support in affinity value added. topologySpreadConstraints support added.
1.0.3 priorityClassName support added. Error is corrected on using value useDefaultAffinityRule == true. Now, the release name is used in condition with affinity and topologySpreadConstraints support added for Elasticsearch. Implementation of extraConfigMaps added.


Key Type Default Description
affinity object {} Set Pod (anti-) affinity. You can use templates inside because tpl function is called for rendering.
autoscaling.enabled bool false
autoscaling.maxReplicas int 100
autoscaling.minReplicas int 1
autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage int 80
devportal.clusterPorts.end int 47509
devportal.clusterPorts.start int 47500
devportal.cspDomains string "" csp domains for SSO usage with external Identity providers. This should point to your identity provider domains. Controls the PORTAL_SERVER_CONFIG_HEADERS_CONTENT_SECURITY_POLICY environment variable for developer portal. More CSP information on
devportal.elasticSearchDeployment bool true Deploy Elasticsearch. Depends on Elasic Search Helm Charts. See
devportal.port int 8083 HTTP listening port. Use on wM version 10.15 (default): 8083, 11.0: 8080
devportal.useDefaultAffinityRule bool true Use the default anti pod affinity. Specifies a Pod Anti-Affinity rule for Kubernetes pods. The default Pod Anti-Affinity is a scheduling preference that indicates how Kubernetes should distribute pods across nodes to avoid having multiple pods of the same application or with specific labels running on the same node. If you want to use your on rules, refer to affinity value and provide your own configuration.
elasticsearch.affinity object {} Set Pod (anti-) affinity for ElasticSearch. You can use templates inside because tpl function is called for rendering.
elasticsearch.certificateSecretName string "{{ include \"common.names.fullname\" .}}-es-tls-secret" The name of the secret holding the tls secret By default the name will be fullname of release + "es-tls-secret"
elasticsearch.defaultNodeSet object {"count":1,"extraConfig":{},"extraInitContainers":{},"installPlugins":["mapper-size"],"memoryMapping":false,"setMaxMapCount":true} Default Node Set
elasticsearch.defaultNodeSet.count int 1 the number of replicas for Elastic Search
elasticsearch.defaultNodeSet.extraConfig object {} Extra configuration parameters for Elasticsearch nodes to be appended to the default (none). See
elasticsearch.defaultNodeSet.extraInitContainers object {} Extra init containers to be started before Elasticsearch nodes are started. See
elasticsearch.defaultNodeSet.installPlugins list ["mapper-size"] install plugins at startup from Elasticsearch by default the mapper-size plugin is required. Set this to [] in order to avoid installation of any plugins and you are providing a custom Elasticsearch image with the required plugins.
elasticsearch.defaultNodeSet.memoryMapping bool false Set this to true for production workloads, this will also use an init container to increase the vm.max_map_count to 262144 on the nodes.
elasticsearch.defaultNodeSet.setMaxMapCount bool true Controls whether to start an init container that increases the vm.max_map_count to 262144 on the node. Set memoryMapping to true and this setting also to true to run the init container. Note that this requires the ability to run privileged containers, which is likely not the case on many secure clusters.
elasticsearch.deploy bool true Deploy elastic search instance
elasticsearch.image string nil The image that should be used. By default ECK will use the official Elasticsearch images. Overwrite this to use an image from an internal registry or any custom images. Make sure that the image corresponds to the version field.
elasticsearch.keystoreSecretName string "" The secret name that holds the keystore password
elasticsearch.nodeSets object {} Node sets. See official ElasticSearch documentation at: if you specify node sets here the defaultNodeSet will not be used.
elasticsearch.port int 9200 The default elasticsearch instance http communication port
elasticsearch.priorityClassName string "" Set Pods' Priority Class Name
elasticsearch.secretName string "" The secret name that holds the sag es user for Developer Portal.
elasticsearch.serviceName string "" The elasticsearch http service name that Developer Portal uses. The default is compiled of the fullname (releasename + chart name) + "-http" You MUST override this if you use an external elastic search service and do not deploy the embedded elastic CRD from this chart.
elasticsearch.tlsEnabled bool false Whether the communication from Developer Portal should be HTTPS Note: you will need to create certificate and a separate truststore for the communication.
elasticsearch.topologySpreadConstraints object {} Set Pod topology spread constraints for ElasticSearch. You can use templates inside because tpl function is called for rendering.
elasticsearch.version string "8.2.3" The ECK version to be used
extraConfigMaps list [] Extra config maps for additional configurations such as extra ports, etc.
extraContainers list [] Extra containers which should run in addition to the main container as a sidecar
extraEnvs object {} Exta environment properties to be passed on to the container
extraInitContainers list [] Extra init containers that are executed before starting the main container
extraLabels object {} Extra Labels
extraVolumeMounts list [] Extra volume mounts
extraVolumes list [] Exta volumes that should be mounted.
fullnameOverride string "" Overwrites full workload name. As default, the workload name is release name + '-' + Chart name.
image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent"
image.repository string "" The repository for the image. By default, this points to the IBM webMethods container repository. Change this for air-gapped installations or custom images. For the IBM webMethods container repository you need to have a valid access token stored as registry credentials
image.tag string "10.15" The image tag of the apigateway image default this will be the latest version. For realworld scenarios SAG recommends to use a specific version to not accidently change production versions with newer images.
imagePullSecrets list [{"name":"regcred"}] Image pull secret reference. By default looks for regcred.
ingress.annotations object {"":"cookie","":"/portal","":"true","":"/portal"} Ingress annotations
ingress.className string ""
ingress.defaultHostname string ""
ingress.enabled bool true
ingress.hosts[0] object {"host":"","paths":[{"path":"/","pathType":"Prefix","port":80}]} Hostname of Ingress. By default the defaultHostname is used. For more complex rules or addtional hosts, you will need to overwrite this section.
ingress.hosts[0].paths list [{"path":"/","pathType":"Prefix","port":80}] Address the backend
ingress.hosts[0].paths[0] object {"path":"/","pathType":"Prefix","port":80} Path to address the backend
ingress.hosts[0].paths[0].pathType string "Prefix" Path type to address the backend
ingress.hosts[0].paths[0].port int 80 Port of service
ingress.tls list [] TLS of Ingress
lifecycle object {} lifecycle hooks to execute on preStop / postStart,...
nameOverride string "" Overwrites Chart name of release name in workload name. As default, the workload name is release name + '-' + Chart name. The workload name is at the end release name + '-' + value of nameOverride.
nodeSelector object {}
podAnnotations object {}
podSecurityContext object {}
priorityClassName string "" Set Pods' Priority Class Name ref: string "{{ .Release.Name }}-developerportal-es-http:9200"
prometheus-elasticsearch-exporter.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent"
prometheus-elasticsearch-exporter.image.pullSecret string ""
prometheus-elasticsearch-exporter.image.repository string ""
prometheus-elasticsearch-exporter.image.tag string "v1.5.0"
prometheus-elasticsearch-exporter.serviceMonitor.enabled bool true
prometheus-elasticsearch-exporter.serviceMonitor.jobLabel string "devportal"
prometheus.path string "/portal/rest/v1/prometheus"
prometheus.port string "8083"
prometheus.scheme string "http"
prometheus.scrape string "true"
replicaCount int 1
resources.devportalContainer.limits.cpu int 1
resources.devportalContainer.limits.memory string "4Gi"
resources.devportalContainer.requests.cpu int 1
resources.devportalContainer.requests.memory string "1Gi"
securityContext object {}
service.port int 80
service.type string "ClusterIP"
serviceAccount.annotations object {} Annotations to add to the service account
serviceAccount.create bool true Specifies whether a service account should be created string "" The name of the service account to use. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template
serviceAccount.roleName string ""
tolerations list []
topologySpreadConstraints object {} Set Pod topology spread constraints. You can use templates inside because tpl function is called for rendering.