- Install a JAVA 1.8 runtime, the patch level must be greater than 131
- Set the environment variable ELA_JAVA_HOME to the Java installation you want to use. If your default Java is new enough, this step can be omitted. The installation pointed to in ELA_JAVA_HOME is only used by the runNode scripts to start the ES server
- Set the environment variable ELA_VERSION to the desired Elasticsearch server version. If unset, the default version is 6.2.2. If the server software is not already present in this directory, it is downloaded from artifacts.elastic.co
- Install the server. This will download the software and create directories for two nodes
- Start the first node (http port 9200)
./runNode.sh 1
- Optionally start the second node (http port 9205) in a new terminal
./runNode.sh 2
- Check the cluster health
curl -X GET "localhost:9200/_cat/health?v"
- Run the test application (maybe a sample from the toolkit)
To verify results, use the following commands to check documents and indices
List all indices
curl -X GET "localhost:9200/_cat/indices?v"
List the first 10 documents in the index 'ecg_index'
curl -X GET "localhost:9200/ecg_index/_search?q=*&pretty"
Delete an index named 'basic_test_index'
curl -X DELETE 'http://localhost:9200/basic_test_index'
Just press CRTL-C in the terminal windows, where you started the nodes. To remove the server directories, you can use the cleanServer.sh script