- 0.5 - Initial Functional Release (no failover or high availability)
- 1.0 - Complete Functional Release (failover and high availability)
- 1.x - Placement Support (Use Mesos roles and static resources with Streams tags)
- DONE - when running program in foreground
- Solution: Run in background from streams-on-mesos
- DONE - Handle situation when framework killed but zookeeper thinks domain is running
- streamtool stopdomain --force will try and release resource
- Solution: Request to release resource that does not exist should log message and exit gracefully
- DONE - Supress Mesos Offers when there are no outstanding resource requests
- Only when we have a resource request that needs resources do we tell Mesos to send us offers
- DONE -Streams Resource Manager custom commands to get internal state of allResources list, etc.
- DONE - Added title and version to manifest and retrieve in Java
- DONE - Add Flag to run in foreground or background
- foreground is needed for marathon
- DONE - Test with marathon and add sample scripts
- Handle Scheduler/Framework Failover
- Leader Election and Framework ID reuse - DONE
- Restore/Validate State
- Reconcile with Mesos
- Handle Mesos Master Failover
- Handle call to reregistered() on the scheduler
- Multiple copies of resource manager running and stop command issued
- Need to handle error, hard to reproduce
- Add support for --hosts in streams-on-mesos python script to stop individual hosts on command line
- Should it allow more than one to run on one host?
- Talked to Steve H. Agrees that --hosts should allow host[:port] to stop if multiple on same host
- for now it stops both
- Run using restart.sh like streams-on-symphony with option of running in foreground
- Prevent Shutdown while resources are allocated unless --force used
- Timout waiting for task status changes
- If a task is waiting to be running or terminal state for more than X amount of time then reconcile tasks to see if a message was lost from Mesos If not, then re-execute the task
- Utilize resource requirements in the requests to limit the offers from Mesos to what we need
- Cuts down on chatter and offers from Mesos
- Handle multiple multiple clients (e.g. multiple domains)
- Instructions and test for PKI authentication
- Web interface to get internal state
- Persistent State manager - see Symphony Resource Manager
- ValidateState
- High Availability
- Mesos - Handle Master failover, Reconcile Tasks, Handle Scheduler failover
- Streams - Do the same
- Allow a role to be set for the framework as well as a configuration parameter to specify what to do with default offers since with a role defined you could get offers of the custom role and the default role (). Tasks created must specify role of resource being used. (e.g. cant be offered cpu(myrole): 2 and create a task cpu(): 2. Must specify cpu(myrole): 2 in the task. If not it will fail.
- Convert exceptions to ResourceManagerMessageException, did not see the API for that
- Enhance Exceptions to use Locale (see Symphony)
- Handle rolling upgrade scenarios and starting isntances at different versions. Streams version is part of request for resources. Generate multiple versions of resource packages to send out
- Resource packing when offers have more resources that needed (see Building applications on mesos book)
- Do not recommend doing this becuase will overload a single host perhaps
- deploy option for HDFS
- Need test on HDFS
- Validate Stop
- Prevent shutdown (unless --force) if we have resources being used
- Starting Instance
- No resources with the application tag are available in the StreamsInstance instance for the following domain: StreamsDomain. Using mesos_resource_1 as an application resource.
if !reconciling
reconciling = true
suspend offers
if resource.state == STOPPED, FAILED, CANCELLED then DELETE
if requestState == CANCELLED, RELEASED then DELETE
else add to reconcileingTasks list
driver.reconcileTasks() // implicit
while (not exceed max time && still tasks in reconcilingTasks list)
add to total time
end while
Any leftover tasks in reconcilingTakss the revoke them
end if
if reconciling
if not in reconcilingTasks
// we do not know about it
Stop or kill it
remove from reconcilingTakss
Update timestamp
Do what about the status? Normal processing if it is a change?
- Handle multiple clients/domains, currently only handles single domain
- Support and test Mesos roles and resources with Streams tags
- Example Scenario: Need Operator X running on Host Y because it listens on a specific address:port known by external services
I0314 20:31:03.725565 425 master.cpp:2414] Refusing subscription of framework 'IBMStreams' at scheduler-ddc5b371-cce3-4588-a5ea-ec6900974bf7@ Framework has been removed
* and our log reports:
I0314 20:31:03.726305 6859 sched.cpp:1171] Got error 'Framework has been removed'
I0314 20:31:03.726320 6859 sched.cpp:2021] Asked to abort the driver
[INFO ] 20:31:03 Mesos Scheduler receieved an error from Mesos: Framework has been removed
I0314 20:31:03.726753 6859 sched.cpp:1987] Asked to stop the driver
I0314 20:31:03.726825 6859 sched.cpp:1217] Aborting framework 'd59494dc-6c95-4f93-bb1c-9ac56924c67d-0007'
I0314 20:31:03.726848 6859 sched.cpp:1187] Stopping framework 'd59494dc-6c95-4f93-bb1c-9ac56924c67d-0007'
* Hard to reproduce
- Implemented WAIT_ALLOCATED_SECS default of 2 to wait for a task to be running for that long before notifying streams
- This prevents notification of allocated and then revoking resource if it fails quickly
- this is the kind of failure that occurs if you have pre-installed streams, however, one of the slaves is not valid and the start of the controller fails. The mesos task reports running for a brief amount of time then reports failed
- By waiting for it to be running for 2 seconds if it fails within that time, we simply try again when a new offer is available. In testing it could take many, many attempts, but it usually finally gets an offer from a good slave
* notify of revoke
* <wait>
* Requests release
* <wait>
* Streamtool exits that not enough resources could be allocated
* Mitigation: Add some delay between when task goes RUNNING and notifying streams
* Why? Mesos Command Executor returns running when shell sharts running, but if Streams is going to fail
* it will happen rather quickly in the case of pre-installed software, or it will take a long time if deploying
* if it happens quickly we can retry and thus avoid telling Streams we have allocated the resource
- In order to serialize (for storage in persistence) we are utilizing a few internal IBM classes found in the
.jar files. These include:
- Casting ClientInfo -> ClientInformation and using the toJson to serialize
- Using mesos CommandExecutor not as fine grained as if we wrote our own executor
- It may report running while command is still running streamsresourcesetup.sh and controller is not yet started
- Only way to get around this may be to implement our own executor that does not report running until it is
- Work around: Like YARN resource manager set controller.startTimeout=300
- Streams system/impl/bin/startDomainController.sh has a which java before running dependency checker
- On compute nodes without their own java, this reports error and does not run dependency checker
- Need to report to IBM
- Minor becuase later in the script it runs the domain controller using Streams internal java install
- Started using the YARN resource manager as a model where only handled specified domain and zookeeper
- Moving toward Symphony approach to support multiple
- Code in transition (example allocateResources, get domainID from clientInfo or argument?)
- For now do both and look for inconsistencies
- Future move to just cilentID and remove domainId as a required argument
streamtool lsresources -l
streamtool rmresourcespec 2
streamtool addresourcespec --numresources 1 streamtool addresourcespec --numresources 1[exclusive] streamtool addresourcespec --numresources 1,ingest streamtool addresourcespec --numresources 1,ingest[exclusive]