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Using plt.plot
Plotting a line between two points
Plotting line between multiple points
Plotting a function
Plotting two lines in the same figure
Plot Aesthetics
Changing line colour
Changing line width
Changing line style
Changing marker style
Axis Formatting
Setting limits
Changing ticks
Adding grids
Adding a title
Labeling axes
Error Bars
Asymptotes and Annotations
Log Plots
Making log-log plots
Making semi-log plots
Figure Object
Creating a figure
Adding axes to figure
Adjusted functions
Saving an image
Making sub-plots using plt.subplot()
Plots in Plots
Making sub-plots using fig.add_subplot()
Making sub-plots using plt.subplots()
Scatter Plot
Bar Chart
Pie Chart
3D Line Plot
Surface Plot
Interactive Backend
Making an initialisation function
Making an animation function
Animating a plot
Saving an animation
Noise in qubits
Particle in a Box
Normal Distribution
Monte Carlo $\pi$ Estimation
Ball Animation
Settlers of Histogram
Normal Distribution
Particle in a Box
Plotting a Sphere
Snake Animation
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