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File metadata and controls

376 lines (226 loc) · 10.2 KB


Release Coverage Status Packagist

This package extends the features of PHP DateTime and DateTimeZone classes to ease the handling of times, time zones and time zone locations. Getting the UTC or local representation of a time, formatting the time to a predefined format, accessing common properties such as day, month, year, quarter and more has been made especially easy. Also, all instances can be used as strings.


composer require icanboogie/datetime


Let's say that now is "2013-02-03 21:03:45" in Paris:


use ICanBoogie\DateTime;

date_default_timezone_set('EST'); // set local time zone to Eastern Standard Time

$time = new DateTime('now', 'Europe/Paris');

echo $time;                             // 2013-02-03T21:03:45+0100
echo $time->utc;                        // 2013-02-03T20:03:45Z
echo $time->local;                      // 2013-02-03T15:03:45-0500
echo $time->utc->local;                 // 2013-02-03T15:03:45-0500
echo $time->utc->is_utc;                // true
echo $time->utc->is_local;              // false
echo $time->local->is_utc;              // false
echo $time->local->is_local;            // true
echo $time->is_dst;                     // false

echo $time->as_rss;                     // Sun, 03 Feb 2013 21:03:45 +0100
echo $time->as_db;                      // 2013-02-03 21:03:45

echo $time->as_time;                    // 21:03:45
echo $time->utc->as_time;               // 20:03:45
echo $time->local->as_time;             // 15:03:45
echo $time->utc->local->as_time;        // 15:03:45

echo $time->quarter;                    // 1
echo $time->week;                       // 5
echo $time->day;                        // 3
echo $time->minute;                     // 3
echo $time->is_monday;                  // false
echo $time->is_saturday;                // true
echo $time->is_today;                   // true
echo $time->tomorrow;                   // 2013-02-04T00:00:00+0100
echo $time->tomorrow->is_future;        // true
echo $time->yesterday;                  // 2013-02-02T00:00:00+0100
echo $time->yesterday->is_past;         // true
echo $time->monday;                     // 2013-01-28T00:00:00+0100
echo $time->sunday;                     // 2013-02-03T00:00:00+0100

echo $time->timestamp;                  // 1359921825
echo $time;                             // 2013-02-03T21:03:45+0100
$time->timestamp += 3600 * 4;
echo $time;                             // 2013-02-04T01:03:45+0100

echo $time->zone;                       // Europe/Paris
echo $time->zone->offset;               // 3600
echo $time->zone->location;             // FR,48.86667,2.33333
echo $time->zone->location->latitude;   // 48.86667
$time->zone = 'Asia/Tokyo';
echo $time;                             // 2013-02-04T09:03:45+0900

$time->hour += 72;
echo "Rendez-vous in 72 hours: $time";  // Rendez-vous in 72 hours: 2013-02-07T05:03:45+0900

Empty dates are also supported:


use ICanBoogie\DateTime;

$time = new DateTime('0000-00-00', 'utc');
// or
$time = DateTime::none();

echo $time->is_empty;                   // true
echo $time->as_date;                    // 0000-00-00
echo $time->as_db;                      // 0000-00-00 00:00:00
echo $time;                             // ""


The implementation of the DateTime class is vastly inspired by Ruby's Time class.

Day of week


use ICanBoogie\DateTime;

$time = new DateTime('2014-01-06 11:11:11', 'utc'); // a monday at 11:11:11 UTC

echo $time->monday;                          // 2014-01-06T00:00:00Z
echo $time->tuesday;                         // 2014-01-07T00:00:00Z
echo $time->wednesday;                       // 2014-01-08T00:00:00Z
echo $time->thursday;                        // 2014-01-09T00:00:00Z
echo $time->friday;                          // 2014-01-10T00:00:00Z
echo $time->saturday;                        // 2014-01-11T00:00:00Z
echo $time->sunday;                          // 2014-01-12T00:00:00Z

$time->monday->is_monday;                    // true
$time->tuesday->is_tuesday;                  // true
$time->wednesday->is_wednesday;              // true
$time->thursday->is_thursday;                // true
$time->friday->is_friday;                    // true
$time->saturday->is_saturday;                // true
$time->sunday->is_sunday;                    // true

$time->monday->is_tuesday;                   // false
$time->tuesday->is_wednesday;                // false
$time->wednesday->is_thursday;               // false
$time->thursday->is_friday;                  // false
$time->friday->is_saturday;                  // false
$time->saturday->is_sunday;                  // false
$time->sunday->is_monday;                    // false

$time->monday->weekday;                      // 1
$time->tuesday->weekday;                     // 2
$time->wednesday->weekday;                   // 3
$time->thursday->weekday;                    // 4
$time->friday->weekday;                      // 5
$time->saturday->weekday;                    // 6
$time->sunday->weekday;                      // 7

now() and right_now()

DateTime::now() returns a new instance with the current local time and the local time zone. Subsequent calls return equal times, event if they are minutes apart. now actually refers to the REQUEST_TIME or, if it is not available, to the first time the method was invoked.

On the other hand, DateTime::right_now() returns a new instance with the real current local time and the local time zone.

The following example demonstrates the difference:


use ICanBoogie\DateTime;

$now = DateTime::now();


$now == DateTime::now();         // true
$now == DateTime::right_now();   // false

Comparing DateTime instances

DateTime Instances are compared using standard comparison operations:


use ICanBoogie\DateTime;

$d1 = DateTime::now();
$d2 = DateTime::now();

$d1 == $d2; // true
$d1 >= $d2; // true
$d1 <= $d2; // true
$d1 != $d2; // false
$d1 > $d2;  // false
$d1 < $d2;  // false

$d1 != $d2; // true
$d1 < $d2;  // true
$d2 > $d1;  // true
$d1 == $d2; // false
$d1 >= $d2; // false
$d2 <= $d1; // false

To determine if an instance is between two other instances you just need two comparisons:


use ICanBoogie\DateTime;

$now = DateTime::now();

$now > $now->yesterday && $now < $now->tomorrow; // true

To determine which instance is the most recent, or the most late, simply use PHP's min() and max() functions:


use ICanBoogie\DateTime;

$now = DateTime::now();
$yesterday = $now->yesterday;
$tomorrow = $now->tomorrow;

$yesterday === min($now, $yesterday, $tomorrow); // true
$tomorrow  === max($now, $yesterday, $tomorrow); // true

DateTime and JSON

Starting with v1.1.0, DateTime instances implements the JsonSerializable interface and are serialized into ISO-8601 strings.


use ICanBoogie\DateTime;

$date = new DateTime("2014-10-23 13:50:10", "Europe/Paris");

echo json_encode([ 'date' => $date ]);
// {"date":"2014-10-23T13:50:10+0200"}

Changing multiple properties

The change() method is used to change multiple properties at once.

Note: Values exceeding ranges are added to their parent values.


use ICanBoogie\DateTime;

$date = DateTime::now()->change([ 'year' => 2015, 'month' => 5, 'hour' => 12 ]);

Using the $cascade parameter, setting the hour resets the minute and second to 0, and setting the minute resets the second to 0.


use ICanBoogie\DateTime;

echo DateTime::from("2015-05-05 12:13:14")->change([ 'hour' => 13 ], true);   // 2015-05-05 13:00:00

Creating a new instance with changed properties

The with() method is similar to the change() method as it is used to define multiple properties at once, the difference is that the method creates a new instance, leaving the original instance intact.


use ICanBoogie\DateTime;

$now = DateTime::now();
$next_year = $now->with([ 'year' => $now->year + 1 ]);

spl_object_hash($now) == spl_object_hash($next_year);   // false

Localized formatting

Localized formatting is outside of this package scope, still a localizer can be provided to the DateTime class to localize its instances, but of course the result depends on the implementation.

The following example demonstrates how to localize instances using ICanBoogie/CLDR which uses Unicode's Common Locale Data Repository to format DateTime instances.


use ICanBoogie\CLDR\Repository;
use ICanBoogie\DateTime;

// …

/* @var Repository $repository */

DateTime::$localizer = function(DateTime $instance, $locale) use ($repository) {

	return $repository->locales[$locale]->localize($instance);


$date = DateTime::from('2015-05-05 23:21:05', 'UTC');

echo $date->localize('fr')->format('long');   // mardi 5 mai 2015 23:13:05 UTC
echo $date->localize('fr')->as_medium;        // 5 mai 2015 23:13:05

Continuous Integration

The project is continuously tested by GitHub actions.



Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


ICanBoogie/DateTime is released under the BSD-3-Clause.