Releases: IDAES/idaes-ext
2.5.3 Release
This release enables variable scaling for the PETSc time-stepping solvers and updates to PETSc 3.16.2.
2.5.2 Release
This release fixes a bug in the PETSc DAE solver wrapper that could cause constraints that are an explicit function of time not to work properly.
2.5.1 Release
This release fixes a bug in the PETSc solver wrapper that could cause it to miscount inequality constraints.
2.4.4 Release
This adds the PETSc solver extra and a Van der Waals option for the cubic equations of state root function. The CentOS 6 and Ubuntu 19.10 builds were dropped from this release.
2.4.3 Release
Minor update to k_aug version string. This is required for Pyomo versions >= 6.0 to properly identify the executable.
2.5.0 Release
Updated Pynumero major version to 2.
2.4.2 Release
This release provides to following minor updates.
- Link solver executables against static ipopt libraries.
- Fix potential issue on windows with missing zlib1.dll.
- Add a test user-defined AMPL function to test string arguments and variables length argument lists.
2.4.1 Release
This patch release fixes a bug in k_aug (dthierry/k_aug@2c3f953).
2.4.0 Release
This release adds the sIpopt, Bonmin, Couenne, CBC, and CLP solvers.
2.3.0 Release
This release adds new functions for calculating the roots of a cubic equation.