A platform for brainstorming, organizing, and refining ideas in a distributed manner.
The frontend code for our brainstorming app, live version available here.
- React view layer
- Flux for one way data communication
- HTTP and WebSockets for server communication
- React-DND for drag and drop support
- Babel and Browserify for running the latest ES code
- Follows Material-UI design spec
Clone or fork the repo.
$ git clone git@github.com:IGME-Research-Studio/bloxeo-client.git
$ cd bloxeo-client
$ npm install
# Start an HTTP server, serve the app on port 3000
$ npm start
# Alternatively start the server in the background using nohup
$ npm run dev-start
# Builds the project and recompile changes are made to the src files
$ npm run watch
# Or do a dev-start along with a watch in the same command
$ npm run dev
# Check the source code for stylistic correctness
$ npm run lint
# Build the project for production
$ npm run build
Lint before you commit by adding pre-commit.sh
as a git hook:
ln -s ../../pre-commit.sh .git/hooks/pre-commit
See CONTRIBUTING.md for contributing guidelines.
Copyright MAGIC Spell Studios, 2017
See PEOPLE.md for a list of contributors.