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68 lines (64 loc) · 8.14 KB

File metadata and controls

68 lines (64 loc) · 8.14 KB


A file containing sequencing results in bam, fastq, or pod5 formats.


Name Type Description Notes
externally_hosted character Indicates whether the file is externally hosted and not stored on portal. [optional]
external_host_url character A link to the resource where the file is externally hosted. [optional]
controlled_access character Boolean value, indicating the file being controlled access, if true. [optional]
anvil_url character URL linking to the controlled access file that has been deposited at AnVIL workspace. [optional]
release_timestamp character The date the object was released. [optional]
documents set[character] Documents that provide additional information (not data file). [optional]
lab character Lab associated with the submission. [optional]
award character Grant associated with the submission. [optional]
accession character A unique identifier to be used to reference the object prefixed with IGVF. [optional]
alternate_accessions set[character] Accessions previously assigned to objects that have been merged with this object. [optional]
collections set[character] Some samples are part of particular data collections. [optional] [Enum: ]
status character The status of the metadata object. [optional] [Enum: [in progress, released, deleted, replaced, revoked, archived]]
revoke_detail character Explanation of why an object was transitioned to the revoked status. [optional] [Pattern: ^(\S+(\s
schema_version character The version of the JSON schema that the server uses to validate the object. [optional] [Pattern: ^\d+(\.\d+)*$]
uuid character The unique identifier associated with every object. [optional]
notes character DACC internal notes. [optional] [Pattern: ^(\S+(\s
aliases set[character] Lab specific identifiers to reference an object. [optional]
creation_timestamp character The date the object was created. [optional]
submitted_by character The user who submitted the object. [optional]
submitter_comment character Additional information specified by the submitter to be displayed as a comment on the portal. [optional] [Pattern: ^(\S+(\s
description character A plain text description of the object. [optional] [Pattern: ^(\S+(\s
analysis_step_version character The analysis step version of the file. [optional]
content_md5sum character The MD5sum of the uncompressed file. [optional] [Pattern: [a-f\d]{32}
content_type character The type of content in the file. [optional]
dbxrefs set[character] Identifiers from external resources that may have 1-to-1 or 1-to-many relationships with IGVF file objects. [optional]
derived_from set[character] The files participating as inputs into software to produce this output file. [optional]
derived_manually character A boolean indicating whether the file has been dervided manually without automated computational methods. [optional]
file_format character The file format or extension of the file. [optional] [Enum: [bam, fastq, pod5]]
file_format_specifications set[character] Documents that describe the file format and fields of this file. [optional]
file_set character The file set that this file belongs to. [optional]
file_size integer File size specified in bytes. [optional] [Min: 0]
md5sum character The md5sum of the file being transferred. [optional] [Pattern: [a-f\d]{32}
submitted_file_name character Original name of the file. [optional]
upload_status character The upload/validation status of the file. [optional] [Enum: [pending, file not found, invalidated, validated]]
validation_error_detail character Explanation of why the file failed the automated content checks. [optional]
flowcell_id character The alphanumeric identifier for the flowcell of a sequencing machine. [optional] [Pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9-]+$]
lane integer An integer identifying the lane of a sequencing machine. [optional] [Min: 1]
read_count integer Number of reads in a fastq file. [optional] [Min: 0]
minimum_read_length integer For high-throughput sequencing, the minimum number of contiguous nucleotides determined by sequencing. [optional] [Max: 300000000] [Min: 0]
maximum_read_length integer For high-throughput sequencing, the maximum number of contiguous nucleotides determined by sequencing. [optional] [Max: 300000000] [Min: 0]
mean_read_length numeric For high-throughput sequencing, the mean number of contiguous nucleotides determined by sequencing. [optional] [Max: 300000000] [Min: 0]
sequencing_platform character The measurement device used to produce sequencing data. [optional]
sequencing_kit character A reagent kit used with a library to prepare it for sequencing. [optional] [Enum: [HiSeq SBS Kit v4, HiSeq SR Cluster Kit v4-cBot-HS, HiSeq PE Cluster Kit v4-cBot-HS, HiSeq SR Rapid Cluster Kit v2, HiSeq PE Rapid Cluster Kit v2, HiSeq Rapid SBS Kit v2, HiSeq 3000/4000 SBS Kit, HiSeq 3000/4000 SR Cluster Kit, HiSeq 3000/4000 PE Cluster Kit, MiSeq Reagent Kit v2, NextSeq 500 Mid Output Kit, NextSeq 500 High Output Kit, NextSeq 500 Mid Output v2 Kit, NextSeq 500 High Output v2 Kit, NextSeq 500/550 Mid-Output v2.5 Kit, NextSeq 500/550 High-Output v2.5 Kit, TG NextSeq 500/550 Mid-Output Kit v2.5, TG NextSeq 500/550 High-Output Kit v2.5, NextSeq 1000/2000 P1 Reagent Kit, NextSeq 1000/2000 P2 Reagent Kit, NextSeq 1000/2000 P3 Reagent Kit, NextSeq 1000/2000 P1 XLEAP-SBS Reagent Kit, NextSeq 1000/2000 P2 XLEAP-SBS Reagent Kit, NextSeq 2000 P3 XLEAP-SBS Reagent Kit, NextSeq 2000 P4 XLEAP-SBS Reagent Kit, NovaSeq 6000 SP Reagent Kit v1.5, NovaSeq 6000 S1 Reagent Kit v1.5, NovaSeq 6000 S2 Reagent Kit v1.5, NovaSeq 6000 S4 Reagent Kit v1.5, NovaSeq X Series 1.5B Reagent Kit, NovaSeq X Series 10B Reagent Kit, NovaSeq X Series 25B Reagent Kit, ONT Ligation Sequencing Kit V14, Sequel sequencing kit 3.0, Sequel II sequencing kit 2.0, Singular G4 F2 Reagent Kit]]
sequencing_run integer An ordinal number indicating which sequencing run of the associated library that the file belongs to. [optional] [Min: 1]
illumina_read_type character The read type of the file. Relevant only for files produced using an Illumina sequencing platform. [optional] [Enum: [R1, R2, R3, I1, I2]]
index character An Illumina index associated with the file. [optional]
base_modifications set[character] The chemical modifications to bases in a DNA sequence that are detected in this file. [optional] [Enum: ]
@id character [optional]
@type array[character] [optional]
summary character A summary of the sequence file. [optional]
integrated_in set[character] Construct library set(s) that this file was used for in insert design. [optional]
input_file_for set[character] The files which are derived from this file. [optional]
gene_list_for set[character] File Set(s) that this file is a gene list for. [optional]
loci_list_for set[character] File Set(s) that this file is a loci list for. [optional]
assay_titles set[character] Title(s) of assay from the file set this file belongs to. [optional]
href character The download path to obtain file. [optional]
s3_uri character The S3 URI of public file object. [optional]
upload_credentials object The upload credentials for S3 to submit the file content. [optional]
seqspecs set[character] Link(s) to the associated seqspec YAML configuration file(s). [optional]