A workflow for computational analysis of genomic data. A workflow is made up of analysis steps.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
source_url | character | An external resource to the code base of the workflow in github. | [optional] [Pattern: ^https?://github\.com/(\S+)$] |
release_timestamp | character | The date the object was released. | [optional] |
publications | set[character] | The publications associated with this object. | [optional] |
documents | set[character] | Documents that provide additional information (not data file). | [optional] |
lab | character | Lab associated with the submission. | [optional] |
award | character | Grant associated with the submission. | [optional] |
accession | character | A unique identifier to be used to reference the object prefixed with IGVF. | [optional] |
alternate_accessions | set[character] | Accessions previously assigned to objects that have been merged with this object. | [optional] |
collections | set[character] | Some samples are part of particular data collections. | [optional] [Enum: ] |
status | character | The status of the metadata object. | [optional] [Enum: [in progress, released, deleted, replaced, revoked, archived]] |
revoke_detail | character | Explanation of why an object was transitioned to the revoked status. | [optional] [Pattern: ^(\S+(\s |
schema_version | character | The version of the JSON schema that the server uses to validate the object. | [optional] [Pattern: ^\d+(\.\d+)*$] |
uuid | character | The unique identifier associated with every object. | [optional] |
notes | character | DACC internal notes. | [optional] [Pattern: ^(\S+(\s |
aliases | set[character] | Lab specific identifiers to reference an object. | [optional] |
creation_timestamp | character | The date the object was created. | [optional] |
submitted_by | character | The user who submitted the object. | [optional] |
submitter_comment | character | Additional information specified by the submitter to be displayed as a comment on the portal. | [optional] [Pattern: ^(\S+(\s |
description | character | A plain text description of the object. | [optional] [Pattern: ^(\S+(\s |
name | character | The preferred viewable name of the workflow. | [optional] [Pattern: ^(\S+(\s |
workflow_repositories | set[character] | Resources hosting the workflow. | [optional] |
standards_page | character | A link to a page describing the standards for this workflow. | [optional] |
workflow_version | integer | The version of this workflow. | [optional] [Min: 1] |
uniform_pipeline | character | Indicates whether the pipeline is developed by the IGVF consortium. | [optional] |
@id | character | [optional] | |
@type | array[character] | [optional] | |
summary | character | A summary of the object. | [optional] |
analysis_steps | set[character] | The analysis steps which are part of this workflow. | [optional] |