This is Pill 60, it offers various bottom row layout, a stepped caps, an OLED screen, and two rotary encoder, and uses Kailh Hotswap Socket, and underglow RGB LED.
layout is this
This 60% keyboard that uses BluePill or STM32F103C8T6.This is my first board, Any feedback is appreciated. Contact me on Discord Ikta#8871.
Firmware is currently waiting for merge to QMK Firmware Repository, but you can still access it from my fork
Modified the pinout diagram so that it doesn't crash with Black Pill or STM32F4xxx line of board, the pinout obviously will be different, but because all uses the a valid pin even with Black Pill / Blue Pill configuration, pin matrix diagram can be modified in firmware level.
You might need to use a jumper for a more reliable connector in the caps/control key. I guess the pad is a bit too small for it to keep holding on with constant pressure of being pressed hard.