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Implementing simple learning problems using Illinois-SL

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Examples to accompany the illinois-sl package.

To quickly test all solvers, simply run

mvn dependency:copy-dependencies
mvn compile
sh scripts/ 

We illustrate how to use illinois-sl's interface for 3 popular learning applications -- cost-sensitive multi-class classification, reranking, and sequential tagging. The following scripts are provided to run these examples from the command line.

  • scripts/
  • scripts/
  • scripts/
  • scripts/

All the scripts follow the same argument structure,

<script-name> <(train/test)-model> <train-data>  <learning-config> <model-name>

The sample training data sets can be found under 'data' directory. We describe the usage of each script below.

POS Tagging

To train a part of speech tagger model named posModel on 'data/tutorial/big.train' with DEMIParallelDCD solver, run:

./scripts/ trainPOSModel data/tutorial/big.train  config/DEMIParallelDCD.config posModel

The following script evaluates the performance of posModel on data/tutorial/big.test:

./scripts/ testPOSModel posModel data/tutorial/big.test

Sequence Tagging

Use the following command to train a sequential model 'seqModel' on 'data/tutorial/wsj.sub.train' with DEMIParallelDCD solver:

./scripts/ trainSequenceModel data/sequence/wsj.sub.train config/DEMIParallelDCD.config seqModel

Each line follows the following format

[Tag] qid:[example_id] [feature1_index]:[feature1_value] [feature2_index]:[feature2_value] ...

[Tag] is a positive integer representing the label. All lines with the same [example_id] belong to the same structured example.

The following comment tests 'seqModel" on 'data/sequence/wsj.sub.test' data set.

./scripts/ testSequenceModel seqModel data/sequence/wsj.sub.test

Multi-class Cost-Sensitive Classification

Each line of the training data represents one instance, and it follows the following format:

[Tag] [feature1_index]:[feature1_value] [feature2_index]:[feature2_value] ...

where [Tag] is an integer representing label.

The cost matrix file specifies the loss of wrong predictions. Each line follows the following format:

[gold_label] [predicted_label] [cost]

The cost needs to be positive, and should be 0 when [gold_label]=[predicted_label].

Use the following command to train a multiclass model 'multiModel' on 'data/multiclass/heart_scale.train' data with a cost matrix specified in 'data/multiclass/heart_scale.cost' using DEMIParallelDCD solver:

./scripts/ trainMultiClassModel data/multiclass/heart_scale.train data/multiclass/heart_scale.cost config/DEMIParallelDCD.config multiModel

To test the performance of 'multiModel' on 'data/multiclass/heart_scale.test', use

./scripts/ testMultiClassModel multiModel data/multiclass/heart_scale.test


Use the following command to train a re-ranker on 'data/reranking/rank.train' with Strctured Perceptron

./scripts/ trainRankingModel data/reranking/rerank.train config/StructuredPerceptron.config  rankModel

Use the following comment to test the re-ranker model on 'data/reranking/rerank.test'

> ./scripts/ testRankingModel rankModel data/reranking/rerank.test

These scripts should be runnable on installation; However, it is possible, depending on your system configuration, that you will first need to modify the permissions on the scripts to allow you to execute them:

> chmod 744 scripts/*sh


One can use other structured learning solvers by simply specifying corresponding config file in 'config/'

Currently, we provide the following options:

  • DCD.config: a dual coordinate descent approach (single thread) for Structured SVM.
  • DEMIParallelDCD.config: DEMIDCD for Structured SVM. (see the ECML paper below)
  • ParallelDCD.config: a master-slave dual coordinate descent method for Structured SVM.
  • StrcturedPerceptron.config: a Structured Perceptron implementation.


Implementing simple learning problems using Illinois-SL






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