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687 lines (464 loc) · 26 KB

File metadata and controls

687 lines (464 loc) · 26 KB


! command: Negate the exit status of a command

./executable: Run an executable file located in the current directory

alias name=command: Create a shortcut for a command, eliminating the need to type the full command

aplay -l: List all available sound cards and digital audio devices

apt install package: Install a package along with its dependencies

apt remove package: Remove a package, preserving configuration and data

apt purge package: Remove a package

blkid: Display or locate block devices and their attributes, such as UUIDs and file system types

bsdtar: Handle tar archives


  • -f file: Specify the location of the archive
  • -p: Restore permissions
  • -x: Extract files from the archive
  • -C directory: Change to the specified directory before processing the remaining files

cd directory: Change the current directory

cfdisk disk: Partition a disk using a curses-based user interface

chattr attribute path: Change the attributes of a file or directory


  • +i, -i: Add/remove the immutable attribute
  • +r, -r: Add/remove the read attribute
  • +w, -w: Add/remove the write attribute
  • +x, -x: Add/remove the executable attribute

chmod mode path: Change the mode of a file or directory

Mode parameter:

  • 0, ---: No permissions
  • 1, r--: Read
  • 2, -w-: Write
  • 3, rw-: 1+2
  • 4, --x: Execute
  • 5, r-x: 1+4
  • 6, -wx: 2+4
  • 7, rwx: 1+2+4

Mode order for 3 elements:

  • u: User
  • g: Group
  • o: Others

Mode order for 1 element:

  • a: All

chown user/uid path: Change the owner of a file or directory

cjxl input output.jxl: Encode a JPEG XL image


  • --quality 100: Set the quality level (100 for lossless)
  • --lossless_jpeg 1: Enable lossless JPEG recompression
  • -d 0: Set the distance parameter (0 for lossless)
  • -e 10: Set the effort level (10 for best compression)
  • -g 3: Set the group size
  • -E 11: Set the encoding mode
  • -I 100: Set the maximum number of iterations for progressive encoding

code file: Open the file in the Visual Studio Code text editor

command > file: Redirect the output of a command to a file, replacing the file's current contents

command | grep pattern: Filter the output of a command, showing only lines that match a specified pattern

command && command: Run the second command only if the first command succeeds

command || command: Run the second command only if the first command fails

command; command: Run the commands sequentially

conda list: Display all installed packages in the current environment

conda activate env: Activate the env environment

conda clean -a: Clean unused packages and caches

conda create --name env package=version: Create an env environment named "env" with the package of the specified version installed

conda create --name env python=3.10: Create an env environment named "env" with Python version 3.10 installed

conda env list: Show a list of all conda environments

conda env remove env: Remove the env environment

cp path1 path2: Copy by overwriting the file or directory at path1 to path2

cyberghostvpn: Manage CyberGhost VPN connections


  • --setup: Initialize and configure CyberGhost VPN
  • --status: Display the current VPN connection status
  • --openvpn: Use the OpenVPN protocol
  • --country-code: Select the server country
  • --connect: Connect to a VPN server in the specified country (e.g., US, FR, RU, UA, JP)
  • --stop: Disconnect from the VPN

dd: Perform low-level copying and conversion of raw data


  • if=/dev/zero: Specify /dev/zero as the input file
  • of=file: Specify the output file
  • bs=1G: Set the block size to 1 gigabyte
  • count=1: Copy only one block

df -H: Display disk space usage in a human-readable format across all mounted filesystems

docker system prune: Remove unused data


  • -a: Remove all unused images, not just dangling ones
  • --volumes: Prune volumes as well

docker image prune: Remove unused Docker images


  • -a: Remove all unused images, not just dangling ones
  • --force or -f: Bypass the confirmation prompt and forcefully remove the images

docker ps: List Docker containers


  • -a: Show all containers, not just the running ones

docker run dromni/nerfstudio:1.1.3: Start a Docker container for Nerf Studio


  • --gpus all: Allocate all available GPUs to the Docker container
  • -u $(id -u): Set the user ID for the Docker container to the user ID of the current user, ensuring file permissions match outside and inside the container
  • -v /home/pc/data:/workspace/: Mount the directory from the host to the container
  • -v /home/pc/.cache/:/home/user/.cache/: Mount the cache directory from the host to the cache directory in the container
  • -p 7007:7007: Map port 7007 on the host to port 7007 on the container
  • --rm: Automatically remove the container when it exits, cleaning up any resources used
  • -it: Run the container in interactive mode with a tty, allowing you to interact with the container via the command line
  • --shm-size=12gb: Set the shared memory size available to the container to 12 GB
  • --ipc=host: Share the host's IPC namespace, allowing processes inside the container to communicate more efficiently with the host

ns-download-data: Initiate a data download operation


  • blender: Specify the Blender dataset

ns-train model: Start the training process


  • blender-data: Indicate the type of the training dataset
  • --data data/blender/lego: Specify the path for the dataset

  • Highest Quality Models: instant-ngp, splatfacto-big
  • Other Models: splatfacto, nertfacto-big, pynerf, dolphincoder, seathru-nerf-lite, tensorf, vanilla-nerf

echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE: Display the current session type, indicating whether the session is running under Wayland or X11

egpu-switcher: Manage eGPU


  • setup: Initialize and configure the system for eGPU support
  • enable: Enable the eGPU for use
  • config: Modify or view the current eGPU configuration
  • switch: Switch between available GPUs (iGPU/dGPU and eGPU)

exit: Terminate the current shell session or script

faillock --user user --reset: Reset the faillock counter for user user

fc-cache: Rebuild the font cache


  • -f: Force a rebuild of the cache
  • -v: Display detailed information about the process

fc-list: Display all available fonts and styles

fdisk disk: Partition a disk using a command-line interface


  • Command (m for help): o: Create a new empty DOS partition table on the disk
  • Command (m for help): n: Add a new partition to the disk
  • Select (default p): p: Create a primary partition
  • Partition number (1-4, default 1): 1: Choose the partition number
  • First sector (2048-3907029167, default 2048):: Specify the starting sector for the partition
  • Last sector, +/-sectors or +/-size{K,M,G,T,P} (2048-3907029167, default 3907029167): 2099199: Specify the ending sector or size for the partition
  • Command (m for help): w: Write the partition table to disk and exit

ffmpeg -i input -c copy output: Copy the media stream from the input file to the output file without re-encoding

ffmpeg -i video %04d.png: Save a video as a sequence of images, using four-digit numbering for the filenames

ffmpeg -i input -map 0:v -map 0:a:1 -map 0:a:0 -map 0:s:1 -map_metadata 0 -c copy -disposition:a:0 default -disposition:a:1 none -ss m:ss -t s -y output: Copy the media stream from the input file to the output file without re-encoding, set audio stream disposition, trim, and overwrite the output file without asking


  • -: Print output
  • -ac 2: Set audio channels to 2
  • -an: Disable audio
  • -ar 44100|48000: Set audio sample rate
  • -b 0: Use a bitrate of 0 for constant quality mode
  • -b:a 128k: Set audio bitrate to 128k
  • -bufsize 10M: Set buffer size to 10M
  • -b:v 10M: Set video bitrate to 10M
  • -codec|c copy: Copy both audio and video streams without re-encoding
  • -c:a aac: Use AAC audio codec
    • -strict experimental|-2: Enable experimental features
  • -c:a copy: Copy the audio stream without re-encoding
  • -c:a flac: Use Free Lossless Audio Codec
    • -compression_level 12: Set to maximum compression level
    • -strict experimental|-2: Enable experimental features, such as 32-bit encoding
  • -c:v apng: Use APNG (Animated PNG) codec
  • -c:v av1_nvenc|libaom-av1: Use AV1 codec
    • -tile-columns 0: Set the number of tile columns
    • -tile-rows 0: Set the number of tile rows
  • -c:v av1_nvenc|hevc_nvenc|h264_nvenc: Use NVIDIA's hardware-accelerated codecs
    • -bf 4: Set the maximum number of B-frames between non-B-frames
    • -cq 32|24|16: Specify Constant Quantizer for quality level
    • -preset p7: Use the highest quality preset
    • -rc vbr: Set rate control to use variable bitrate
  • -c:v ffv1: Use FFV1 codec for lossless video encoding
  • -c:v hevc_qsv|h264_qsv|libx265|libx264: Use respective codecs
    • -preset placebo|veryslow: Set encoding preset
    • -qp 24|16: Set the quantization parameter
    • -vprofile high: Use the high profile
  • -c:v libaom-av1: Use AV1 codec
    • -cpu-used 4: Set encoding preset
    • -lag-in-frames 48: Specify frames for lookahead computation
    • -aom-params lossless=1: Encode in lossless mode
  • -c:v libsvtav1: Use SVT-AV1 codec
    • -preset 4: Set encoding preset
  • -c:v libx265: Use x265 codec
    • -x265-params "profile=crf=16:preset=placebo:qp=16": Specify x265 encoding parameters for high quality
    • -x265-params "profile=crf=0:lossless=1:preset=placebo:qp=0": Specify x265 encoding parameters for lossless
  • -c:v copy: Copy the video stream without re-encoding
  • -color_range pc|0|tv|1|mpeg|2: Set the color range
  • -crf 32|24|16: Set Constant Rate Factor
  • -f md5: Generate MD5 checksum of the output
  • -framerate 30: Set the output framerate
  • -filter:a "atempo=float": Adjust the audio playback speed without changing its pitch
  • -hide_banner: Suppress startup banner and other non-critical output
  • -hwaccel cuda; nvdec; qsv: Use hardware acceleration
  • -hwaccel_output_format cuda: Set the output format for hardware-accelerated decoding
  • -i %d.png: Specify input files with a sequence of numbered PNG files
  • -i %4d.png: Specify input files with a sequence of four-digit numbered PNG files
  • -i %04d.png: Specify input files with a sequence of four-digit numbered PNG files with leading zeros
  • -i "concat:0|1|...|n": Concatenate multiple inputs
  • -i input: Specify the input file
  • -itsscale float: Scale the timestamps of the input video stream by a floating-point number
  • -loglevel error: Display only error messages
  • -lossless 1: Enable lossless encoding
  • -map file:stream|int:int: Map a stream of a file to an output
    • -map 0:v:0: Map the first video stream of the first input file
    • -map 0:a:1 -map 0:a:0: Map the second and first audio streams of the first input file
    • -map 0:s:1: Map the second subtitle stream of the first input file
  • -map_metadata 0: Map all global metadata from the first input file
  • -maxrate 10M: Set the maximum bitrate
  • -output: Specify the output file
  • -pass 1 -f null /dev/null && \: Execute a two-pass encoding, first pass with output directed to null
  • -pass 2: Execute the second pass of a two-pass encoding
  • -pix_fmt yuv420p10le|yuv420p|yuv444p|rgba|bgra: Set the pixel format
  • -plays 0: Set the number of times to loop an animated image (0 for infinite loop)
  • -r float: Set the frame rate of the output video
  • -ss float: Specify the start time for trimming, seeking to the given time position before starting to process the file
  • -t float: Set the duration of the output file
  • -y: Overwrite output files without asking
  • -disposition:a:0 default: Set the first audio stream as the default
  • -disposition:a:1 none: Set the second audio stream as non-default
  • -filter_complex|vf: Apply complex video filters
    • [file0][file1] overlay=240:250[output0]: Overlay file1 over file0 and output to output1
    • [file0:v] [file0:a] [file1:v] [file1:a] concat=n=2:v=1:a=1 [output0v] [output0a]: Concatenate two sets of video and audio streams
    • fps=float: Set the video filter to adjust frames per second
    • crop=230:120:190:50: Crop the video to a width of 230 pixels and a height of 120 pixels, starting at position (190, 50) on the input video
    • crop=min(iw\,ih):min(iw\,ih): Crop the video to a square where both the width and height are equal to the smaller dimension of the input video
    • format=gbrp: Convert the pixel format to GBR planar (gbrp)
    • scale_cuda=-2:1080:interp_algo=nearest|bilinear|bicubic|lanczos: Apply the CUDA-accelerated scaling filter to resize the video to a height of 1080 pixels while maintaining the aspect ratio and ensuring evenness
    • yadif: Apply the YADIF deinterlacing filter to the video stream

find expression: Search for files within a directory hierarchy

find -name pattern: Look for files matching a specific pattern in a directory hierarchy

flatpak list: Show all installed Flatpak applications

free -h: Display the amount of free and used memory in a human-readable format

gcc: Use the GNU compiler (zig cc : Use the Zig compiler as a replacement for gcc or clang)


  • -O3: Enable high-level optimizations for performance
  • -Wall: Enable all compiler warnings
  • -Wextra: Enable additional warnings
  • -fsanitize=address,undefined: Enable AddressSanitizer and UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer for runtime error detection (gcc on Linux only)
  • -g: Include debugging information
  • -lm: Link the math library
  • -o executable: Specify the output
  • -pg: Enable profiling support for use with gprof
  • code1.c code2.c ... coden.c: Specify the source files to compile

gedit file: Open the file in the Gedit text editor

git: Version control system


  • add .: Stage all changes in the current directory for the next commit
  • branch --unset-upstream: Remove the upstream tracking from the current branch, making it a local branch only
  • checkout -b test: Create and switch to a new branch named test
  • checkout main: Switch to the main branch
  • clone link: Create a copy of an existing repository located at link into a new local directory
  • commit -m message: Commit the staged changes with a commit message message
  • config pull.rebase false: Configure Git to merge the remote branch when pulling
  • init -b main: Initialize a new Git repository and set the default branch to main
  • pull: Fetch changes from the remote repository and merge them into the current branch
  • push origin :branch-name: Delete the branch-name from the remote repository
  • push origin branch-name: Push your local branch-name to the remote, updating or creating it as necessary
  • push: Push your local changes to the remote repository
  • reset: Undo changes in the working directory
  • revert commit: Create a new commit that undoes the changes introduced by a previous commit
  • submodule update --init --recursive: Initialize and update submodules recursively, including nested submodules

gprof executable gmon.out > analysis.txt: Profile the performance of a profileable executable

htop: Monitor system resources

httrack link: Download websites to a local directory for offline viewing


  • -%v: Provide detailed information
  • --depth=10: Set the maximum recursion depth to 10
  • --max-rate=200K: Limit the download speed to 200KB/s
  • --robots=0: Ignore robots.txt rules
  • -O path: Specify the output directory

hwclock --systohc: Synchronize the hardware clock with the current system time

id -u user: Get the UID of a user

ifconfig: Display network interface configuration information, including IP addresses

ip link show: Provide information about all network interfaces

ipconfig /flushdns: Flush the DNS resolver cache

killall process: Terminate all processes of process

ln -s source destination: Generate a symbolic link pointing to a file or directory

ls: List the files and directories in the current directory


  • -a: Include hidden files
  • -l: Use long format, showing permissions, ownership, size, and modification date

lsattr path: List the attributes of the files or directories

lsblk: List information about all available storage devices


  • -f: Output information about filesystems

lshw: List detailed information about the hardware configuration of the machine

lspci -vv: List all PCI devices with very detailed information about each device

man program: Show the manual page for a program

mimeopen .: Open a file or directory with the default application based on its MIME type


  • -a: Prompt the user to select an application to open the file with, even if a default application is already set
  • -d: Set the selected application as the default for opening files of this MIME type in the future

mimetype .: Identify the MIME type of the current directory or file

mkdir directory: Create a new directory

mkfs.ext4 partition: Create an ext4 filesystem on the specified partition

mkfs.fat -F32 partition: Create a FAT32 filesystem on the specified partition

mkfs.vfat partition: Create a VFAT filesystem on the specified partition

mkfs.ntfs partition: Create an NTFS filesystem on the specified partition


  • -Q: Perform a quick format with bad sector checking
  • -f: Perform a quick format without bad sector checking

mklink /D source destination: Generate a symbolic link pointing to a directory

mount: Mount the unmounted filesystem


  • partition: Specify the partition or device to be mounted
  • -a: Mount all filesystems listed in fstab

mv path1 path2: Move or rename by overwriting the file or directory at path1 to path2

nano file: Open the file in the Nano text editor

nvidia-smi: Display information about GPU utilization, temperature, memory usage, and more

ollama: Local LLM model server


  • serve: Start the server to host models
  • list: Display a list of available models
  • pull model: Download a model to the local system
  • rm model: Remove a model from the local storage
  • run model: Execute a model that is available locally

  • Smartest Models: llama3, mixtral, phi3
  • Good Models: cas/mistral-ft-optimized-1227, cas/mixtral_11bx2_moe, eas/nous-capybara, mgmacleod/laserxtral
  • Okay Models: dolphin-mistral, dolphin-phi, dolphincoder, mistral, neural-chat, nexusraven, wizard-math, yarn-mistral, zephyr
  • Bad Models: gemma, gemma:2b, phi2
  • Vision Good Models: llava:13b
  • Vision Okay Models: bakllava

pacman: The package manager utility for Arch Linux


  • -Q: Query installed packages
  • -Rsnc package: Remove a package and its dependencies, along with the configuration files
  • -Ss package: Search for packages that contain the keyword
  • -Syu: Synchronize package databases and update all packages to their latest versions
  • -U /path/to/package: Install a local package file
  • pacman -Qtdq: List all unused packages (orphans)

passwd user: Change the user's password

pihole status: Display the status of the Pi-hole

pihole -a -p: Change the Pi-hole admin password

ping Check the network connection and measure the latency

pip cache purge: Clear the local cache of downloaded Python packages

pip install -e .: Install a Python package from the current directory

pip install package --upgrade: Install the latest version of a package, upgrading it if already installed

ps -aux: List all running processes on the system


  • -a: All users
  • -u: User-oriented format
  • -x: Include hidden processes

python -OO Execute a Python script with optimizations enabled, stripping docstrings and assert statements

reboot: Reboot the system immediately

reflector: Display a list of mirrors for downloading packages in Arch Linux


  • --save /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist: Save the updated mirror list to the specified file
  • -c or --country Austria,Belgium,France,Germany,Netherlands,Switzerland,"United States",Worldwide: Filter mirrors to include only those from the specified countries
  • -p or --protocol http,https,rsync: Include only mirrors that support the specified protocols
  • -l or --latest 4: Limit the list to the four most recently synchronized mirrors
  • --sort rate|score|delay: Sort the mirrors based on the specified metric

regsvr32 library.dll: Register a DLL file


  • /u: Unregister the specified DLL

rm path: Remove a file or directory at the specified path


  • -r: Recursively remove directories and their contents
  • -f: Forcefully remove files or directories without prompting for confirmation, even if they are write-protected

rsync -avz path1 path2: Synchronize files and directories between two locations


  • --delete: Delete files in the destination directory that are not present in the source directory to ensure that the destination is an exact mirror of the source
  • --no-g: Prevent setting group permissions
  • --no-o: Prevent setting ownership permissions
  • --no-perms: Prevent changing permissions
  • --progress: Display the progress
  • -a: Archive mode/preserves symlinks, devices, attributes, permissions, ownership
  • -v: Provide detailed information
  • -z: Compress during data transfer

sed regex file: Stream edit with regular expressions


  • -e: Add the script to the commands to be executed
  • -i: Edit files in place

shutdown: Shut down the system


  • -s: Schedule a shutdown at a specified time
  • -t 1800: Set a timer for 1800 seconds (30 minutes) before shutdown
  • +minutes: Delay shutdown by a specified number of minutes
  • -c: Cancel a scheduled shutdown
  • now: Immediately shut down the system

speedtest-cli: Perform internet speed tests


  • --bytes: Display results in bytes instead of bits
  • --list: List available speed test servers

ss -lp "sport = :domain": Display all listening sockets with the source port 'domain'

ssh user@ Initiate a secure shell connection to the device with IP address using the username user

strings path: Display printable strings found in a binary file located at the specified path

sudo command: Execute the specified command with superuser (root) privileges

sudo su: Switch the user to the root user

sync: Synchronize cached writes to persistent storage

systemctl: Control the systemd system and service manager


  • enable SERVICE: Enable a service to start on boot
  • restart SERVICE: Restart a service
  • start SERVICE: Start a service

tar caf path.tar.algorithm path: Compress a file using a specified algorithm


  • --exclude=path: Exclude a specific path
  • --one-file-system: Prevent following symlinks to other filesystems
  • -C directory: Change the current working directory
  • -J: Use xz compression
  • -a: Autodetect the compression algorithm
  • -c: Compress
  • -f name: Specify the filename
  • -j: Use bzip compression
  • -p: Preserve file permissions
  • -v: Provide detailed information
  • -x: Extract
  • -z: Use gzip compression
  • ..: Parent directory
  • .: Current directory

time -v command (or /usr/bin/time): Measure the execution time of a command and display detailed resource usage statistics

touch -amt 197001010100.00 file: Create/update the access and modification times

tree: Show the contents of directories in a tree-like format


  • a: Include hidden files
  • d: Display only directories
  • x: Stay within the same filesystem

ulimit -v 4096: Set a limit on the maximum amount of virtual memory (in kilobytes) that a process can use

umount: Unmount a mounted filesystem


  • -a: Unmount all mounted filesystems

uname: Print system information


  • -a: Print all available system information
  • -r: Print the kernel release version

unzip archive -d destination: Extract files from a ZIP archive

vim file: Open the file in the Vim text editor

wget: Download files from the internet


  • --convert-links: Convert links so that they work locally, offline
  • --domains domain: Limit the download to a specific domain
  • --html-extension: Save files with the .html extension
  • --limit-rate=200K: Limit the download speed to 200Kb/s
  • --no-clobber: Don't overwrite any existing files
  • --no-parent: Do not download anything from the parent directory
  • --page-requisites: Download all the files necessary to properly display a web page
  • --random-wait: Wait between downloads to mimic human browsing
  • --restrict-file-names=windows: Modify filenames so that they will work in Windows as well
  • -E: Append .html to the extensions of HTML documents that do not have it
  • -K: Keep a backup of the original files before converting links
  • -O path: Specify the output directory
  • -P path: Set the directory prefix for downloaded files
  • -U mozilla: Identify as a Mozilla browser
  • -e robots=off: Ignore the robots.txt file to ensure no restrictions on the content
  • -k: Convert links for offline viewing
  • -l 10: Set the maximum recursion depth to 10
  • -m: Mirror the entire site
  • -p: Download all necessary files to display the HTML page
  • -r, --recursive: Enable recursive downloading

wsl --install Ubuntu: Install Ubuntu on Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)


  • --install: Install the specified Linux distribution
  • --list: List available Linux distributions
  • --set-default: Set the default Linux distribution

xkill: Forcefully close a window by clicking on it

xprop: Retrieve information about a window clicked in an X server environment

xrandr: List all available monitor configurations

xz -9efkvz path: Compress a file using the XZ compression algorithm


  • -9: Highest compression level
  • -e: Extreme compression
  • -f: Force if already exists
  • -k: Keep the original file
  • -v: Provide detailed information
  • -z: Compress

zip -0 -r path: Create a zip archive


  • -0: Store without compression
  • -r: Recursive/include subdirectories and their content