Author: Peter Lee (
FincLab is an event-driven system that incorporates the following features:
- a robust event-driven backtesting engine
- fetch and manage historic market data
- supports a number of datasources, including SQL, CSV and Stata files
- incorporates a number of strategies
A simple yet robust implementation of a back-testing engine. Could be useful to prototype algorithmic trading strategies.
- Add better time zone support in
- Place logger in the event queue so that the user interface can be easily separated from the main thread if needed (using multiprocessing).
- Add a commandline interface using curses
- Sequentially fetch histoical prices of all A shares using Pandas datareader.
- Add a counter in the fetching process to track number of requests sent within an hour.
- To find out the naming rules for stock IDs in China. Use bruteforce to find out all of the IDs, including both listed and unlisted stocks.
- For all other stock exchanges, gather their IDs from the Excel sheet available on internet.
- Using the master list of stock IDs, download stock information from Yahoo! Finance.
- Construct an Alpha strategy.
- Implement real-time trading by following the strategy.
29 Jan 2015
- Introduced multiprocessing to put engine and user interface into separate threads
28 Dec 2015
- Seek possible integration with online brokers, such as the Interactive Brokers' API.
23 Dec 2015
- Complete the event-driven back-testing platform to simulate investment portfolios and produce visuals.
14 Nov 2015
- To include a pause command in .get() to avoid Yahoo penalty.
10 Nov 2015
- To save responses in Pandas.DataFrame rather than json.
4 Nov 2015
- Automate and repeat the process of finding stock IDs every month.
28 Oct 2015
- Automatically swtich from pandas datareader to my own yql downloader when exceeding the hourly requests limit.
15 Oct 2015
- Store stock information using SQL Lite and MYSQL. 12 Oct 2015
- Make to solely return the URL strings. Use other classes to complete download tasks.
10 Oct 2015
- Get company info: symbol, name (CN/EN), industry. Store in a cross-sectional data table.
1 Oct 2015
- Port application to server-au; Installed virtualenv using the following command:
python3 -m virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 venv
27 Aug 2015
- Improved the config class by reading all setting values as object properties.
- To replace urllib and http.client as requests. Handle http exceptions using requests.
26 Aug 2015
- Change settings file from json to configparser
25 Aug 2015
- Load all config settings from settings.conf
import src.config
config = src.config.Config(settings_folder)
24 Aug 2015
- Set out an API to receive YQL raw command, parse into an URL, and return results.
response = YahooOAuth.get('YQL Command')
- Get response from YQL URL
22 Aug 2015
- Use logger to display debug messages. Logging levels:
- DEBUG: Detailed information of interests when diagnosing problems.
- INFO: Confirmation that things are working as expected.
- WARNING: An indication of something unexpected happend (e.g., 'disk space low').
- ERROR: The software has not been able to perform some functions.
- CRITICAL: The program itself maybe unable to continue running.
21 Aug 2015
- Change OAuth to web url based
- Read/save consumer key and secret to a json file.
- Auto refresh session token if it is close to expiry (less than 60 secs)
07 Aug 2015 - First version
- Sign up Yahoo! API, and use OAuth and YQL to send 100,000 legitimate YQL Queries every day.
YQL has the advantage of high customizability. Theoretically it supports downloading most data from Yahoo! (e.g. news events and industry classifications), providing more flexibility than other APIs. In addition, I can send more YQL queries after completing the authenticating process (20,000 requests per hour capped at 100,000 per day compared to 2000 per hour via public API). Note I can easily inflate request quota by rotating Yahoo accounts. Large usage quota is useful when using brute force to find possible symbols of all stocks in U.S.
On the first run, FincLab downloads historical daily price series up to the day before yesterday (three days ago). Such data fetching is completed via '' table.
More recent data are fetched on a daily basis from a different table. More variables are available in this method (e.g. market cap), however, such data are only available at the time when fetching occurs. The server is programmed to begin the fetching process after market closes.
The final dataset for quantitative analysis is formed by merging the hostircal data and the more recent dataset.
Replace 'x' as a number.
A Shares
- Shanghai Exchange: 60xxxx
- Shenzhen Exchange: 000xxx
- Mid-small Exchange: 00xxxx
B Shares
- Shanghai Exchange: 900xxx
- Shenzhen Exchange: 200xxx
- 创业板: 30xxxx
- 创业板增发: 37xxxx
- 创业板配股: 38xxxx