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Releases: Inria-Empenn/Anima-Public

Anima v2.2

24 Aug 15:47
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MICCAI 2017 release of Anima (bug fixes and some new tools)

Binary versions compiled for Fedora 25 (64 bits) and above, Ubuntu 16.04 (64 bits) and above, OSX 10.9 (Mavericks) and above, and Windows 7 (64 bits) and above. For more recent versions or if these binaries do not work on your OS, please build them from source (refer to the wiki for this).

Among new things are the following:

  • add multi-compartment model registration
  • make multi-compartment model interpolation source code public
  • add higher order SVF transformation exponentiation
  • add arithmetic tool to perform operations on dense transformations and SVFs
  • simplify noise generation tools to only one animaNoiseGenerator
  • add Nyul et al intensity normalisation tool
  • change DTI estimation to ensure positive definite tensors
  • add fibers ROI filtering tool
  • add opening and closure filters to morphological operations
  • bug corrections in non-local patient to group comparison tools
  • Other minor bug corrections

Please refer to the documentation wiki for more details on how to use those tools.

Anima v2.1

22 Mar 08:14
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Bug fix release of Anima

Binary versions compiled for Fedora 20 (64 bits) and above, Ubuntu 12.04 (64 bits) and above, OSX 10.9 (Mavericks) and above, and Windows 7 (64 bits) and above. For more recent versions or if these binaries do not work, please build them from source (refer to the wiki for this).

Among new things are the following:

  • Added displacement field Jacobian tools
  • Add BCH of order 2, 3, 4 for SVF composition approximation
  • Improved multi-threading and bug corrections for tractography
  • New registration-based Eddy current correction tool
  • Bug corrections in symmetry tools (symmetry plane and symmetry constrained registration)
  • Bug corrections for MCM estimation and averaging
  • New transformation application, averaging tools and tractography for MCM (binary version)
  • Other minor bug corrections

Please refer to the documentation wiki for more details on how to use those tools.

Anima v2.0

11 Oct 15:59
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Feature release of Anima

Binary versions are compiled for Fedora 20 (64 bits) and above, Ubuntu 12.04 (64 bits) and above, OSX 10.9 (Mavericks) and above, and Windows 7 (64 bits) and above. For more recent versions or if these binaries do not work, please build them from source (refer to the wiki for this).

Among new things are the following:

  • add diffusion multi-compartment models framework and estimation tools
  • more and improved lesion segmentation post-processing tools
  • some additional implementations of ITK filters: N4 bias correction, Otsu thresholding
  • switch to ITK 4.10.1
  • some bug corrections in basic tools

Please refer to the documentation wiki for more details on how to use those tools.

Anima v1.2

27 May 07:19
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Bug fix release of Anima

Binary versions compiled for Fedora 20 (64 bits) and above, Ubuntu 12.04 (64 bits) and above, OSX 10.9 (Mavericks) and above, and Windows 7 (64 bits) and above. For more recent versions or if these binaries do not work, please build them from source (refer to the wiki for this).

Among new things are the following:

  • Bug corrections in tensor and symmetric registration
  • Bug correction in dice score computation
  • Implementation of PPD (preservation of principal direction) re-orientation strategy for tensor registration
  • More scalar maps in animaComputeDTIScalarsMaps
  • More robust DTI estimation
  • Improved masked filters (faster, better multi-threaded)
  • Switch to C++11 coding standard and CMake 3.x

Please refer to the documentation wiki for more details on how to use those tools.

Anima v1.1

20 Nov 20:19
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Bug fix release of Anima

Binary versions compiled for Fedora 18 (64 bits) and above, Ubuntu 12.04 (64 bits) and above, OSX 10.9 (Mavericks) and above, and Windows 7 (64 bits) and above. For other versions or if these binaries do not work, please build them from source (refer to the wiki for this).

Among new things are the following:

  • Refactored non-local patch search for all non-local algorithms
  • Crashing bug correction in linear block matching and faster mean squares metric
  • Faster EPG signal simulation for relaxometry
  • Corrections in CMake project

Please refer to the documentation wiki for more details on how to use those tools.

Anima v1.0

02 Nov 19:11
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First binary release of Anima. Binary versions compiled for Fedora 18 (64 bits) and above, Ubuntu 12.04 (64 bits) and above, OSX 10.9 (Mavericks) and above, and Windows 7 (64 bits) and above. For other versions or if these binaries do not work, please build them from source (refer to the wiki for this).

Please refer to the documentation wiki for more details on how to use those tools.