This guide walks you through creating a GitHub Personal Access Token (PAT) to allow Exstatic to authenticate and fetch precompiled NIFs from a private repository. If/when Exstatic becomes a public repo this will not be necessary.
- Go to GitHub Token Settings:
- Navigate to GitHub Personal Access Tokens.
- Click "Generate new token (classic)".
Token Name:
- Give it a meaningful name like
- Give it a meaningful name like
- Choose an expiration date.
Select Scopes:
The following scopes are required for accessing private repositories:
✅ repo → Full read access to private repositories
✅ read:packages → Read access to GitHub Packages (under write:packages)
- Click "Generate token".
- Copy the token – it will not be shown again.
Exstatic needs this to during installation:
export EXSTATIC_GITHUB_TOKEN="your-token-here"