A replacement of alert
and confirm
. Inspired by SweetAlert
, with
customizable theme and better M2D2 integration.
This extension provides:
- $.wait : Displays a spinner without any button in it.
- $.alert : Displays a simple message with "ok" button.
$.success : Same as $ .alert, but show a "check" icon. -
$.failure : Same as $ .alert, but shows a "warning" icon. - $.confirm : Displays a confirmation message with "yes" and "no" buttons.
- $.prompt : Displays an input prompt with "cancel" and "send" buttons.
- $.message : Free form message (all the previous implementations uses this function)
- $.closeAll : Close any message that might be open
In order to display the alerts, you need to add (and possibly modify) the alert.css file. We have included the scss files for your convenience.
The easiest way is to use UTF-8
icons (no extra files needed).
Check the inline CSS included in the alert.html example.
You can easily replace the icons with SVG files, for example (just use the css classes).
If you use Font Awesome, take a look to the alert-fontawesome.html example.
In order to use Font Awesome icons, you need to specify:
$.messageIcons = 'fa'
If you use Google Material Icons, take a look to the alert-material.html example.
In order to use Google Material icons, you need to specify:
$.messageIcons = 'material'
If you are using other icons, or want to change the ones set by default, you can set your custom icons in this way:
- Add special classes to icons (example Font Awesome):
const faIcons = {
wrap : false,
question : ["fa", "fa-question-circle"],
info : ["fa", "fa-exclamation-circle"],
error : ["fa", "fa-exclamation-triangle"],
ok : ["fa", "fa-check"],
input : ["fa", "fa-edit"],
wait : ["fa", "fa-cog", "fa-spin"]
Output example: <span class="fa fa-cog fa-spin"></span>
- Add a parent class and type as text (like Material Icons):
const material = {
wrap : "material-icons",
question : "help",
info : "info",
error : "error",
ok : "done",
input : "edit",
wait : "pending"
Output example: <span class="materia-icons">pending</span>
const waitMsg = $.wait("Please wait...");
setTimeout(() => {
}, 2000);
You can use the callback to wait until the alert closes to perform some action:
const waitMsg = $.wait("Please wait...");
// By passing a callback, you are sure that the `wait` message was closed properly.
setTimeout(() => {
waitMsg.close(() => {
$.success("We waited 2 seconds!");
}, 2000);
Using a cancel button inside $.wait
const waitMsg = $.wait("Please wait...", {
div : {
css : "m2d2-alert-buttons",
button : {
text : "Cancel",
css : ["color", "cancel"],
onclick : function() {
$.alert("Hint of the day", "To exit, click in 'logout' button.", () => {
console.log("The alert has been closed.")
$.success("Data has been saved!", () => {
console.log("The alert has been closed. I didn't specified text, just title.")
$.failure("Server error"); //Display just the message
$.confirm("Are you sure?", "You are about to delete all images!", (res) => {
if(res) {
console.log("All images are gone!")
$.prompt("Please enter your name:", (res) => {
console.log("your name is:" + res);
$.prompt("Please enter your age:", "No need to lie...", (res) => {
console.log("your age is:" + res);
$.prompt("Please enter your sex:", {
select : ["Female","Male","Other"]
}, (res, raw) => { console.log("your sex is:" + res); });
icon : "times", // OPTIONAL: you can use : "question", "info", "error", "ok", "input", "wait"
css : "special", // Set class or classes
title : "Title",
text : "Text to use",
buttons : ["No way!", "Roger"], // Specify button text and classes which in this case be: "no_way" and "roger"
callback : function() {}
callback gets two arguments:
- The first one is the simplest return value when possible
- The second one is the form data as an object, for example: { button : "send", answer : "Hello" }