Package flagicon
provides a function to generate flag icons from image files
By default the flag icon will be of size 14x14 pixels; the original image will
be resized to this size, with a 2px border with color #808080
If the image is not square, flagicon
first crops the image (centered at the center
of the image) such that it is square before it resizes the image.
Usage: flagicon [--output OUTPUT] [--left] INPUT
Positional arguments:
INPUT Path to input image file
--output OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT
Output file name [default: out.png]
--left, -l Generate flagicon from left-side of image, rather than the center
--help, -h display this help and exit
Let us image that we wish to create a flagicon for the state flag of New Mexico, which we have saved as nm.png
. To generate a basic flagicon for the state flag, we can run:
flagicon nm.png
This would run flagicon
and create , which would be saved as
Let us take the same example from above. Here, we wish to create a flagicon for the state flag of New Mexico, but we wish to name the generated flagicon image as nm_icon.png
. To do this, we can run
flagicon nm.png -o nm_icon.png
This would run flagicon
and create , which would be saved as
When dealing with square images, flagicon
simply creates the circular flagicons from the center of the image. But most flags, with the notable exception of the Vatican City and
Switzerland, are not square. How can we control which parts of the flag to include in the flagicon?
When dealing with non-square images, such as the state flag of New Mexico from the previous examples, we see that by default, flagicon
uses the center of the image to generate the flagicon. However, many flags, such as the state flag of Ohio, have their primary design on the left-hand side of the flag, close to the flag pole.
If we use the default behavior of flagicon
to generate a flagicon for the state flag of Ohio, we get the following flagicon: .
flagicon oh.png -o oh_icon.png
However, we see that a large portion of the "primary details" in the Ohio state flag are not present in the centered flagicon. When cropping the image to generate the circular flagicon, we want flagicon
to use the left side of the image rather than the center of the image.
To do this, we can use the -l
flag, which tells the program to use the left side of the image for the flagicon. Using this option produces the following flagicon: .
flagicon -l oh.png -o oh_icon_left.png