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441 lines (353 loc) · 16.1 KB

Notes Sound Generator


Blind people are unable to concurrently "read and play" the score but they have incredible tactile and auditory abilities, this project focuses on playing the time beats and the notes on mobile devices using the vibration functionality.

Notes Sound Generator is a MuseScore 3.x plugin for blind people; it is capable of reading the current score (which can be edited with MuseScore itself) and extracting, at playing time, the notes and the time signature of the score.

My solution uses the MuseScore plugin development stack, the Alphatab JS library to extract the notes and the time signature from a score, and the JavaScript WebSocket protocol to send data to mobile devices.

The score is a MusicXML file generated from the developed MuseScore plugin; this plugin executes the job of exporting the current score (eventually edited with the program itself) in MusicXML format and then passing it to a webpage where an instance of Alphatab is executed. The webpage is able, exploiting the low-level APIs of the library, to play the score and vibrate on mobile devices the time beats and the currently played notes.

Project Architecture

Implementation details

In the implementation, the playing of the time beats is communicated by descriptive text, points and a smartwatch vibration; text and points are colored in red for the first beat of a bar, and in green for the other beats.

Beat description

Beat description

Beat description

The current played notes are communicated by descriptive text which indicates the MIDI note number and the duration.

Beat description

MuseScore plugin side

A partial portion of the plugin code is shown below; it emphasizes its behavior.

When the plugin is run, it saves the current score in a MusicXML file named 'new-exported.musicxml' in the same folder of the AlphaTab instance, and then opens a new web browser page with the URL of the AlphaTab instance by specifying the parameter filename.

function openGenerator(filePath, filename) {
  var newFilePath = filePath + "/src/webpage/" + filename;
  if (!writeScore(curScore, newFilePath, "musicxml")) {
    alert.text = "Cannot export the current score, try again.";;
  Qt.openUrlExternally("http://localhost:8000?filename=" + filename);

onRun: {
  var filename = "new-exported.musicxml";
  openGenerator(filePath, filename);

Webpage side

Library initialization

The library is initialized by setting the master volume to zero in order to avoid the sound playing of the score, and the file parameter is set to the URL param of the page if it is specified. This parameter will be set from the MuseScore plugin with the filename of the file exported from itself. Two WebSockets are opened in order to send the beat and notes infos to the mobile devices.

var timeWebSocket = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:8080/time");
var notesWebSocket = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:8080/notes");
const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(;
const urlFileName = urlParams.get("filename");
const settings = {
  file: urlFileName ?? "/file.musicxml",
  player: {
    enablePlayer: true,
    enableCursor: true,
    enableUserInteraction: true,
    soundFont: "/dist/soundfont/sonivox.sf2",
    scrollElement: wrapper.querySelector(".at-viewport"),
let api = new alphaTab.AlphaTabApi(main, settings);
api.masterVolume = 0;

The scoreLoaded event

This event is fired every time a score is loaded. When it's fired, the createMetronome function is called which is responsible for building the timeSignaturePauses array that is used to play the time signature beats.

api.scoreLoaded.on((score) => {
  trackList.innerHTML = "";
  score.tracks.forEach((track) => {

The createMetronome function

This function creates the timeSignaturePauses array which is used to play the time signature beats. It iterates over the score's bars and calculates the wait time after a beat is played, by using the tempoAutomation value of a bar. The function also determines if the beat is the first beat in the bar.

function createMetronome(score) {
  let tempoAutomation = 0;
  score.masterBars.forEach((bar) => {
    if (
      bar.tempoAutomation != null &&
      tempoAutomation != bar.tempoAutomation.value
    ) {
      tempoAutomation = bar.tempoAutomation.value;
    let barDuration =
      parseFloat(60 / parseInt(tempoAutomation)) *
    if (parseInt(bar.timeSignatureNumerator) == 0) return;
    let beatsWaitTime = barDuration / parseInt(bar.timeSignatureNumerator);
    for (
      let index = 1;
      index <= parseInt(bar.timeSignatureNumerator);
    ) {
      if (index == 1) {
          waitTime: beatsWaitTime,
          isFirstBeat: true,
      } else {
          waitTime: beatsWaitTime,
          isFirstBeat: false,

The play/pause event

This event is fired every time the user clicks on the play or pause buttons.

When the play is fired, a new metronomeWorker Web Worker is started which is responsible for sending the beat to be played and waiting for the pause time indicated in the timeSignaturePauses array. The playing of a beat is fired through the metronomeWorker.onmessage callback and the timeSignaturePauses array is sent to the Web Worker via the metronomeWorker.postMessage function. When the playing of a beat is fired, a message via the WebSocket is sent to the mobile devices.

When the pause is fired, the previously metronomeWorker Web Worker started, is terminated.

playPause.onclick = (e) => {
  if ("disabled")) {
  if ("fa-play")) {
    let currentBarIndex = getCurrentBarIndex(api.tickPosition);
    api.tickPosition = api.score.masterBars[currentBarIndex].start;
    metronomeWorker = new Worker("/js/metronomeWorker.js");
    beatLogger.innerHTML = "";
      startIndex: currentBarIndex,
      pauses: timeSignaturePauses,
    metronomeWorker.onmessage = function (message) {
      if (timeWebSocket.readyState != 1) return;
      if ( {
        beatLogger.innerHTML = '<p style="color: green;">BEAT</p>';
      } else {
        beatLogger.innerHTML += '<p style="color: red;">BEAT</p>';
        JSON.stringify({ isFirstBeat: })
      beatLogger.scrollTo(0, beatLogger.scrollHeight);
  } else if ("fa-pause")) {
    noteLogger.innerHTML = "";
    beatLogger.innerHTML = "";

The metronomeWorker Web Worker

Every time that the worker is launched, it iterates over the timeSignaturePauses array by sending the beat message and then waiting for the waitTime specified in the current element, until the array is entirely consumer or the Web Worker is terminated.

  function sleep(delay) {
    var start = new Date().getTime();
    while (new Date().getTime() < start + delay);

  self.onmessage = function (message) {
    let timeSignaturePauses =;
    let startIndex =;
    for (let index = startIndex; index < timeSignaturePauses.length; index++) {
      const element = timeSignaturePauses[index];
      sleep(element.waitTime * 1000);

The activeBeatsChanged event

This event is fired every time a note (or a group of notes) in the score is played. When it's fired, a message via the WebSocket is sent to the mobile devices, and the DOM element noteLogger content is replaced with the description of the current notes played; the notes are extracted from the activeBeats variable in the args parameter.

const noteLogger = document.getElementById("note-logger");
api.activeBeatsChanged.on((args) => {
  noteLogger.innerHTML = "";
  for (let index = 0; index < args.activeBeats.length; index++) {
    const duration = args.activeBeats[index].duration;
    const noteValues = Array.from(
    let i = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < noteValues.length; i++) {
      noteLogger.innerHTML +=
        '<p style="text-align: center;">Note ' +
        noteValues[i] +
        " (" +
        duration +
    noteLogger.scrollTo(0, noteLogger.scrollHeight);
  if (notesWebSocket.readyState != 1) return;
  notesWebSocket.send(JSON.stringify({ data: noteLogger.innerHTML }));

WebSocket side

The onOpen function

Every time a new client opens the connection to the WebSocket, the server attaches the connection to the respective clients' array identified by the connection path specified.

public function onOpen(ConnectionInterface $conn)
    $request = $conn->httpRequest;
    if ($request->getUri()->getPath() === '/time') {
        echo "New connection to time channel: {$conn->resourceId}\n";
    if ($request->getUri()->getPath() === '/notes') {
        echo "New connection to notes channel: {$conn->resourceId}\n";

The onMessage function

Every time a client sends a message to the WebSocket server, it broadcasts the message to the other clients connected to the same channel identified by the connection path specified.

public function onMessage(ConnectionInterface $from, $msg)
    $request = $from->httpRequest;
    if ($request->getUri()->getPath() === '/time') {
        foreach ($this->timeClients as $client) {
            if ($from !== $client) {
    if ($request->getUri()->getPath() === '/notes') {
        foreach ($this->notesClients as $client) {
            if ($from !== $client) {

Mobile App side

The connections to WebSocket

On app startup, the WebSocket connections are created.

final timeChannel = IOWebSocketChannel.connect('ws://YOUR_LOCAL_MACHINE_IP:8080/time');
final notesChannel = IOWebSocketChannel.connect('ws://YOUR_LOCAL_MACHINE_IP:8080/notes');

The timeChannel StreamBuilder

In the build method of the main widget, a new StreamBuilder is created for the timeChannel connection; the StreamBuilder widget executes the builder function instructions when receiving a new message on the WebSocket.

It vibrates the mobile device and prints on the screen the beats, using a ListView starting from the beats elements List, which is emptied when the first beat of the bar is received.

  builder: (context, snapshot) {
    if (!snapshot.hasData) {
      return const Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator());
    final message = jsonDecode(;
    if (message["isFirstBeat"]) beats = [];
    return Expanded(
      flex: 1,
      child: Align(
        child: ListView.builder(
          scrollDirection: Axis.horizontal,
          itemBuilder: (context, index) {
            return Center(
              child: Icon(
                size: 30,
                color: beats[index] ? :,
          itemCount: beats.length,

The notesChannel StreamBuilder

In the build method of the main widget, a new StreamBuilder is created for the notesChannel connection; the StreamBuilder widget executes the builder function instructions when receiving a new message on the WebSocket.

It prints on the screen the notes contained in the WebSocket message.

  builder: (context, snapshot) {
    if (!snapshot.hasData) {
      return const Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator());
    final message = jsonDecode(;
    return Expanded(
      flex: 5,
      child: Html(data: message["data"]),

Execution Tutorial

This tutorial shows how to locally deploy and run the project.



Clone the repository into the Plugins folder of MuseScore 3:

$ cd ~/Documents/Musescore 3/Plugins
$ git clone


  • Build the Docker environment:
$ cd notes-sound-generator
$ docker-compose build
  • Replace the web socket URL with your local machine IP address in the file notes-sound-generator/src/mobile_app/lib/main.dart.

  • Set the required Flutter version and install the dependencies:

$ cd notes-sound-generator/src/mobile_app
$ fvm install 3.7.2
$ fvm use 3.7.2
$ fvm flutter pub get
  • Build the Android App with Flutter:
$ cd notes-sound-generator/src/mobile_app
$ fvm flutter build apk

The output is located at the path notes-sound-generator/src/mobile_app/build/app/outputs/flutter-apk/app-release.apk.

  • Build the iOS App with Flutter:
$ cd notes-sound-generator/src/mobile_app
$ fvm flutter build ipa

Run on MacOS

$ chmod +x
$ ./
  • And then, launch the App on your mobile device

Run on other platforms

In order to execute the plugin you need to do the following steps in order:

  • Run the docker container:
$ cd notes-sound-generator
$ docker-compose up -d
  • Launch the MuseScore program
  • And then, launch the App on your mobile device


This project welcomes contributions and suggestions. If you use this code, please cite this repository.


Credit to CoderLine: AlphaTab is a cross platform music notation and guitar tablature rendering library. You can use alphaTab within your own website or application to load and display music sheets from data sources like Guitar Pro or the built in markup language named alphaTex.