KuCoin FUTURES API Examples - Node.js, JavaScript & Typescript SDK for Kucoin REST APIs & WebSockets
This document provides comprehensive examples for using the KuCoin FUTURES API with Node.js and JavaScript. It covers various functionalities including account management, fund transfers, trade execution, order management, and market data retrieval. The examples are designed to help developers quickly integrate KuCoin Futures API into their NodeJS, Javascript and Typscript applications.
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Current file contains only certain most used examples. If you can't find what you need, you can search through FuturesClient.ts - all of the endpoints and functions will be there! Otherwise, just ask in Node.js Traders Telegram group.
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Table of contents:
// Install by npm
npm install kucoin-api
// Install by yarn
yarn add kucoin-api
// require
const { FuturesClient } = require('kucoin-api');
// import
import { FuturesClient } from 'kucoin-api';
// initialise Futures Client
const futuresClient = new FuturesClient({
// insert your api key, secret and passphrase - use env vars, if not just fill the string values
apiKey: process.env.KUCOIN_API_KEY || 'insert-your-api-key',
apiSecret: process.env.KUCOIN_API_SECRET || 'insert-your-api-secret',
process.env.KUCOIN_API_PASSPHRASE || 'insert-your-api-passphrase',
// Get Account Balance - XBT or USDT, default XBT
futuresClient.getBalance({ currency: 'XBT' });
// Get All Subaccount Accounts Balance
futuresClient.getSubBalances({ currency: 'XBT' });
type: 'RealisedPNL', // 'RealisedPNL' | 'Deposit' | 'Withdrawal' | 'Transferin' | 'TransferOut'
maxCount: 10,
currency: 'USDT',
// Get all subaccount APIs
subName: 'my_sub_name',
// Create Futures APIs for Sub-Account
subName: 'my_sub_name',
passphrase: 'my_passphrase',
remark: 'my_remark',
// Modify Sub-Account Futures APIs
subName: 'my_sub_name',
passphrase: 'my_passphrase',
apiKey: 'my_api_key',
// Delete Sub-Account Futures APIs
subName: 'my_sub_name',
passphrase: 'my_passphrase',
apiKey: 'my_api_key',
// Get All Contract List
// Get Order Info of the Contract
futuresClient.getSymbol({ symbol: 'XBTUSDTM' });
// Get Ticker
futuresClient.getTicker({ symbol: 'XBTUSDTM' });
// Get Full Order Book - Level 2
futuresClient.getFullOrderBookLevel2({ symbol: 'XBTUSDTM' });
// Get Level2 depth20
futuresClient.getPartOrderBookLevel2Depth20({ symbol: 'XBTUSDTM' });
// Get Level2 depth100
futuresClient.getPartOrderBookLevel2Depth100({ symbol: 'XBTUSDTM' });
// Get Public Trades
futuresClient.getMarketTrades({ symbol: 'XBTUSDTM' });
// Get Interest Rate List
futuresClient.getInterestRates({ symbol: '.XBTINT' });
// Get Index List
futuresClient.getIndex({ symbol: '.KXBT' });
// Get Current Mark Price
futuresClient.getMarkPrice({ symbol: 'XBTUSDM' });
// Get Premium Index
futuresClient.getPremiumIndex({ symbol: '.XBTUSDMPI' });
// Get 24hour futures transaction volume
// Get Current Funding Rate
futuresClient.getFundingRate({ symbol: 'XBTUSDM' });
// Get Public Funding History
symbol: 'XBTUSDTM',
from: '1700310700000',
to: '1702310700000',
// Get Private Funding History
futuresClient.getFundingHistory({ symbol: 'ETHUSDTM' });
symbol: 'XBTUSDTM',
granularity: 60,
from: new Date().getTime() - 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000, // 24 hours ago
to: new Date().getTime(),
// Transfer out of the Futures to main acc
amount: 0.01,
currency: 'USDT',
recAccountType: 'MAIN',
// Transfer to Futures Account
amount: 0.01,
currency: 'USDT',
payAccountType: 'MAIN',
// Get All Transfers
status: 'SUCCESS', // optional, 'PROCESSING' | 'SUCCESS' | 'FAILURE';
currency: 'USDT', // optional
startAt: 1723550000, // optional
endAt: 1723557472, // optional
currentPage: 1, // optional
pageSize: 100, // optional
Futures are contracts, not currencies. In the futures symbols list you will see a "multiplier" field for each of the symbols. Each contract is equal to Multiplier x Size.
For example click on this endpoint and get a symbol info for XRPUSDTM: https://api-futures.kucoin.com/api/v1/contracts/XRPUSDTM
In the object, find the "multiplier" value.
// In your code, you can fetch it like this
const symbolInfo = await client.getSymbol({ symbol: 'XRPUSDTM' });
const multiplier = symbolInfo.data.multiplier;
E.g. if multiplier is 10(what you can see from the endpoint), that means each SIZE is 10 XRP. So if XRP is currently at $0.5, then each 1 contract (size 10) is going to cost $5.00
size = (Funds x leverage) / (price x multiplier)
const XRPPriceExample = 0.5;
const leverage = 5;
const fundsToTradeUSDT = 100;
const costOfContract = XRPPriceExample * multiplier;
const size = (fundsToTradeUSDT * leverage) / costOfContract;
console.log(`Size: ${size}`);
The trade amount indicates the amount of contract to buy or sell, and contract uses the base currency(USD contracts e.g. XBTUSDM) or lot( USDT contracts e.g. XBTUSDTM) as the trading unit. The trade amount must be no less than 1 lot for the contract and no larger than the maxOrderQty. It should be a multiple number of the lot, or the system will report an error when you place the order. E.g. 1 lot of XBTUSDTM is 0.001 Bitcoin, while 1 lot of XBTUSDM is 1 USD. You can get info about any contract on the link: https://api-futures.kucoin.com/api/v1/contracts/****\_\_**** - just replace the empty space with the symbol of the contract.
Here are function examples using the Futures Create Order endpoint:
// A MARKET SHORT of 2 contracts of XBT using leverage of 5:
const marketShort = futureTransfers.submitOrder({
clientOid: '123456789',
leverage: '5',
side: 'sell',
size: 2,
symbol: 'XBTUSDTM',
timeInForce: 'GTC',
type: 'market',
// A MARKET LONG of 2 contracts of XBT using leverage of 5:
const marketLong = futureTransfers.submitOrder({
clientOid: '123456789',
leverage: '5',
side: 'buy',
size: 2,
symbol: 'XBTUSDTM',
timeInForce: 'GTC',
type: 'market',
// A LIMIT SHORT of 2 contracts of XBT using leverage of 5:
const limitShort = futureTransfers.submitOrder({
clientOid: '123456789',
leverage: '5',
price: '70300.31',
side: 'sell',
size: 2,
symbol: 'XBTUSDTM',
timeInForce: 'GTC',
type: 'limit',
// A LIMIT LONG of 2 contracts of XBT using leverage of 5:
const limitLong = futureTransfers.submitOrder({
clientOid: '123456789',
leverage: '5',
price: '40300.31',
side: 'buy',
size: 2,
symbol: 'XBTUSDTM',
timeInForce: 'GTC',
type: 'limit',
On any "close position" action, if you specify a SIZE=0 or leave off the SIZE parameter, then it will close the whole position, regardless of the size. If you specify a SIZE, it will close only the number of contracts you specify.
If closeOrder is set to TRUE, the system will close the position and the position size will become 0. Side, Size and Leverage fields can be left empty and the system will determine the side and size automatically.
const marketClose = futureTransfers.submitOrder({
clientOid: '123456789',
closeOrder: true,
symbol: 'XBTUSDTM',
timeInForce: 'GTC',
type: 'market',
side: 'sell',
size: 0,
// A LIMIT CLOSE of a LONG example:
const limitCloseLong = futureTransfers.submitOrder({
clientOid: '123456789',
leverage: '5',
price: '70300.31',
closeOrder: true,
side: 'sell',
size: 2,
symbol: 'XBTUSDTM',
timeInForce: 'GTC',
type: 'limit',
// A LIMIT CLOSE of a SHORT example:
const limitCloseShort = futureTransfers.submitOrder({
clientOid: '123456789',
leverage: '5',
price: '40300.31',
closeOrder: true,
side: 'buy',
size: 2,
symbol: 'XBTUSDTM',
timeInForce: 'GTC',
type: 'limit',
// A STOP LOSS example for a LONG position:
const stopLossLong = futureTransfers.submitOrder({
clientOid: '123456789',
closeOrder: true,
stop: 'down',
stopPrice: '40200.31',
stopPriceType: 'TP',
symbol: 'XBTUSDTM',
timeInForce: 'GTC',
type: 'market',
// A STOP LOSS example for a SHORT position:
const stopLossShort = futureTransfers.submitOrder({
clientOid: '123456789',
closeOrder: true,
stop: 'up',
stopPrice: '40200.31',
stopPriceType: 'TP',
symbol: 'XBTUSDTM',
timeInForce: 'GTC',
type: 'market',
const orders = [
clientOid: '5c52e11203aa677f33e491',
side: 'buy',
symbol: 'ETHUSDTM',
type: 'limit',
price: '2150',
leverage: '1',
size: 2,
clientOid: 'je12019ka012ja013099',
side: 'buy',
symbol: 'XBTUSDTM',
type: 'limit',
price: '32150',
leverage: '1',
size: 2,
futuresClient.cancelOrderById({ orderId: 'orderId' });
futuresClient.cancelOrderByClientOid({ clientOid: 'clientOid' });
futuresClient.cancelAllOrders({ symbol: 'XBTUSDTM' });
futuresClient.cancelAllStopOrders({ symbol: 'XBTUSDTM' });
// Get open orders
futuresClient.getOrders({ status: 'active' });
// Get closed orders
futuresClient.getOrders({ status: 'done' });
// Get Untriggered Stop Orders
futuresClient.getStopOrders({ type: 'limit' });
// Get List of Orders Completed in 24h
// Get Details of a Single Order by ClientOrderId
futuresClient.getOrderByClientOrderId({ clientOid: 'clientOid' });
// Or By OrderId
futuresClient.getOrderByOrderId({ orderId: 'orderId' });
// Get Specific Fills
futuresClient.getFills({ type: 'market' });
// or search for all
// Recent Fills from last 24 hours
futuresClient.futuresRecentFills({ symbol: 'ETHUSDTM' });
// Or Search All
// Active Order Value Calculation
futuresClient.getOpenOrderStatistics({ symbol: 'ETHUSDTM' });
// Get Position Details
futuresClient.getPosition({ symbol: 'ETHUSDTM' });
// Get Position List
futuresClient.getPositions({ currency: 'USDT' });
// Or Search All
// Get History Positions
futuresClient.getHistoryPositions({ symbol: 'ETHUSDTM' });
For Websocket examples, please refer to these links:
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