Releases: JOML-CI/JOML
Releases · JOML-CI/JOML
1.3.5-SNAPSHOT release
GitHub Releases are being discontinued as of 1.3.5-SNAPSHOT in favor of Maven deployed versions available at and Maven Central.
See the Wiki for more information.
Changes to the 1.3.4-SNAPSHOT release:
- changed all angle parameters/fields from degrees to radians
- fixed Matrix4.isAabInFrustum() - use new algorithm which actually works
- removed GeometryUtils.calculateFrustumPlanes() - frustum planes can be obtained via Matrix4
- renamed Vector3/4.mul(Quaternion) to rotate()
- added Matrix4.positiveXYZ methods - used to compute the direction of the respective axes before applying the transformation matrix
- addded some Vector3/4 methods taking primitive parameters
- added Matrix4.frustumCorner() - compute the eight frustum corners
- added Matrix4.perspectiveOrigin() - origin/center of perspective projection
- added Matrix4.perspectiveFov() - vertical field-of-view angle
- added Matrix4d.get(double[], int)
- improved performance of the*InsideFrustum() methods
1.3.4-SNAPSHOT release
Changes to the 1.3.3-SNAPSHOT release:
- added GeometryUtils with calculateFrustumPlanes()
- merged SurfaceMath into GeometryUtils
- added Matrix4.frustumPlane() - computes one of the six possible frustum planes
- added Matrix4.isPointInsideFrustum()
- added Matrix4.isSphereInsideFrustum()
- added Matrix4.isAabInsideFrustum()
- added Matrix4.frustumRayDir() - computes directions from the original through the near/far frustum planes; usable for software raycasting/raytracing
- added Matrix4.directionOfZ() - compute what +Z was before transforming with 'this'
- added Vector4.normalize3() - normalizes all components only using the norm of (x, y, z)
- refactorings
- JavaDocs
1.3.3-SNAPSHOT release
Changes to the 1.3.2-SNAPSHOT release:
- JOML is now being deployed to starting with this 1.3.3-SNAPSHOT release!
- added Matrix4.determinant3x3() and .transpose3x3()
- added Matrix4.ortho2D() and .setOrtho2D() - works like the GLU function
- added Matrix4.orthoSymmetric() and .setOrthoSymmetric() - takes just width and height
- added Matrix4.unprojectInv() with Vector3 'winCoords' parameter
- added Vector2d(Vector2f) constructor
1.3.2-SNAPSHOT release
Changes to the 1.3.1-SNAPSHOT release:
- updated JavaDocs to pass JDK 1.8 doclint
- removed static Vector4d.mul method
1.3.1-SNAPSHOT release
Changes to the 1.3.0 release:
- added all methods of Quaternionf to Quaterniond
- made angles in AxisAngle4f to auto-normalize
- made angle() methods in vector classes return degrees consistently
- added div() to vector classes
- added more conversion methods between all classes
- added Matrix3/4.scaling(float) - scales all axes uniformly
- added Matrix3/4.scale with 'dest' parameter
- added Matrix4.translate with 'dest' parameter
- fixed Matrix4.normal - compute only the 3x3 submatrix determinant
- made MatrixStack not implement Externalizable - would have needed a public no-args constructor then
- refactored all static methods in vectors to instance methods with 'dest' parameter
- JavaDocs
1.3.0 release
Changes to the 1.3.0-SNAPSHOT release:
- fixed (set)LookAt/lookAlong in Matrix3 and Matrix4 classes (#26)
- fixed (set)LookRotate in Quaternion classes (#26)
- fixed Vector4f.mul(Vector4f)
- added methods from Matrix3f to Matrix3d
- renamed Matrix4.fromMatrix3 to .setMatrix3 - this goes in line with all other methods setting 'this' to the values of some other convertible object
- replaced Quaterniond.lookAt with lookRotate - the latter takes a direction instead of two points and behaves just like its Quaternionf cousin
- replaced most static methods with methods taking a 'dest' parameter
- JavaDocs
1.3.0-SNAPSHOT release
Changes to the 1.2.9-SNAPSHOT release:
- added all functionality of Matrix4f to Matrix4d (#20)
- added Matrix.normal - computes a normal matrix of a given 3x3 matrix or submatrix (#23)
- added Matrix4.project with Vector3 parameter (#21)
- added Matrix4.mul4x3 - multiplies only by the top-left 4x3 (4 columns, 3 rows) submatrix of the right matrix (#22)
- added Vector.fma - fused multiply-add
- fixed Matrix4f.translation
- renamed AngleAxis4f to AxisAngle4f (#25)
- renamed Quaternion to Quaternionf (#24)
- renamed QuaternionD to Quaterniond (#24)
- refactored a few static methods to instance methods with 'dest' parameter
- formatting
- JavaDocs
1.2.9-SNAPSHOT release
Changes to the 1.2.8-SNAPSHOT release:
- added new Interpolate class for simple interpolation methods
- removed the interop methods (see #18)
- renamed Quaternion.setEulerAnglesRad* to rotate* (those methods now also change from setting a rotation to applying that rotation)
- added Quaternion.getEulerAnglesXYZ (retrieve the euler angles for a XYZ rotation sequence)
- fixed Quaternion.slerp
- added Quaternion.rotationTo (this is the 'set' method for rotateTo)
- added smoothStep and hermite interpolation to vector classes
- only disable doclint when building under JDK 1.8
- JavaDocs
Changes to the 1.2.7-SNAPSHOT release:
- added AngleAxis4f.transform(Vector4f)
- added Matrix4f.reflect() with Quaternion taking a 'dest' parameter
- fixed bug in Quaternion.rotateTo()
- JavaDocs
1.2.7-SNAPSHOT release
Changes to the 1.2.6-SNAPSHOT release:
- added AngleAxis4f.get(Matrix3f)
- added Matrix3f.rotate[XYZ] with dest parameter
- added missing Matrix4f.reflection() overloads
- added selected Matrix4f.reflect() methods to MatrixStack
- removed static methods from MatrixStack
- JavaDocs