I am an incoming PHD student in Peking University, advised by Shanghang Zhang. Prior to this, I pursued my Master's degree, where I had the privilege of being advised by Prof. Tianyi Zhou, Jieyu Zhang, and Haonan wang. Currently, I focuse on 3D vision and Embodied AI under the guidance of Prof. Huazhe Xu.
Research Interests: My current research interests are Data-centric AI , 3D vision, Embodied AI and Automatic Drive. My academic goal is to advance the widespread adoption of AI and robotic technology in various aspects of human life. Additionally, I aim to conduct research aimed at developing more efficient and reliable AI technologies that contribute to the progress of humanity.
If you are interested in my research and want to discuss relevant research topic or potential collaborations, free to send me an e-mail.😄
- When to Learn What: Model-Adaptive Data Augmentation Curriculum
Chengkai Hou, Jieyu Zhang, Tianyi Zhou.
ICCV 2023. - Subclass-balancing Contrastive Learning for Long-tailed Recognition
Chengkai Hou, Jieyu Zhang, Haonan Wang, Tianyi Zhou.
ICCV 2023. - Key-Grid: Unsupervised 3D Keypoints Detection using Grid Heatmap Features
Chengkai Hou, Zhengrong Xue, Bingyang Zhou, Jinghan Ke, Shao Lin, Huazhe Xu.
NeurlPS 2024.
- University of Jilin university - M.S. in Computational Mathematics.
- University of Jilin university - B.S. in Information and Computer Science.
- 4Paradigm - Research Intern
2022.06 - 2022.10 - Lixiang Auto - Algorithm Engineer
2023.06 - 2023.10 - Shanghai Qi Zhi Institute - Research Assistant
2023.11 - Now
- Reviewer: NeurIPS, CVPR, TIP.
Email: Houchengkai1998@outlook.com