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Concept Chunk (and Related Chunks)

Sam Crawford edited this page Dec 22, 2022 · 3 revisions

Summary of Chunks

ConceptChunk: an IdeaDict with a definition (Sentence) and a domains(s) ([UID])

-- | The ConceptChunk datatype records a concept that contains an idea ('IdeaDict'),
-- a definition ('Sentence'), and an associated domain of knowledge (['UID']).
-- Ex. The concept of "Accuracy" may be defined as the quality or state of being correct or precise.
data ConceptChunk = ConDict { _idea :: IdeaDict -- ^ Contains the idea of the concept.
                            , _defn' :: Sentence -- ^ The definition of the concept.
                            , cdom' :: [UID] -- ^ Domain of the concept.
makeLenses ''ConceptChunk

CommonConcept: a common idea (CI) with a definition (Sentence)

-- | Contains a common idea ('CI') with a definition ('Sentence').
-- Similar to 'ConceptChunk', but must have an abbreviation.
data CommonConcept = ComConDict { _comm :: CI, _def :: Sentence}
makeLenses ''CommonConcept

ConceptInstance: a ConceptChunk with a reference address (String) and a ShortName

-- | Contains a 'ConceptChunk', reference address, and a 'ShortName'.
-- It is a concept that can be referred to, or rather, a instance of where a concept is applied.
-- Often used in Goal Statements, Assumptions, Requirements, etc.
-- Ex. Something like the assumption that gravity is 9.81 m/s. When we write our equations,
-- we can then link this assumption so that we do not have to explicitly define
-- that assumption when needed to verify our work.
data ConceptInstance = ConInst { _cc :: ConceptChunk , ra :: String, shnm :: ShortName}
makeLenses ''ConceptInstance

Issues with Chunks

Potential Overlap Between IdeaDict and CI Based on Abbreviations

An IdeaDict is a NamedChunk that might have an abbreviation (Maybe String). A CI is a NamedChunk with an abbreviation (String) and a domains(s) ([UID]). What is the point of differentiating between an idea with and without an abbreviation? In my mind, it would be easier to use one chunk that might have an abbreviation (Maybe String), but I know we are trying to move away from Maybes when possible. However, I don't know enough about lenses to know if there's another way around this. Is keeping IdeaDict and CI separate intentional? Should they be merged? It seems like there is some work being done on this, from this discussion and the issue about using Lenses instead of Maybes.

Domains are Stored at Inconsistent Levels

One quirk of CI is that it takes a domain(s) Even though it's been pointed out that domains shouldn't be added at the Idea level. However, ConceptChunk chunk that takes an IdeaDict also takes a domain(s), so the domain(s) are almost implicitly associated with the IdeaDict. Should the domains be added up a level by whatever chunk is using the CI instead of being in the CI itself? What conditions cause a chunk to require a domain(s)?

Interestingly, IdeaDict is also present in QuantityDict, which is present in ConstrainedChunk and UnitaryChunk, where the former is also present in UncertainChunk. None of these types are given domains, although they have similar chunks with domains (as shown below):

Chunk Similar Chunk Has Domain from...
UncertainChunk UncertQ ConstrConcept
ConstrainedChunk ConstrConcept DefinedQuantityDict
UnitaryChunk UnitalChunk DefinedQuantityDict
QuantityDict DefinedQuantityDict ConceptChunk

So all of these chunks get a domain from ConceptChunk, which is just a CommonConcept with a domain(s) and definitely (as opposed to Maybe) has an abbreviation, where CommonConcept is just a CI with a definition (Sentence).

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