This project aims to visualise a relationship between the positions of various
pieces and the players skill level. The positions of pieces, in states such as
captured, capturing, or checking, can be easily represented using an 8x8
map. I also plan to present accompanying statistics utilising multi plots and
histograms of events through out a game.
A key plot I aim to produce is a multi plot with ranking on x-axis and piece type on the y-axis. An example of this type of plot can be found here in the seaborn documentation.
The purpose of this project is to show the positional differences between different levels of play and over time. This is something not often visualised within the community thus I thought it would be a unique take on some common statistic.
Throughout this project I have been utilising a number of libraries such as
, matplotlib
, and pandas
for general computation. Additionally I use
the python-chess library to parse and interface with games on higher level.
For more general statistics I will adapt a
parsing script found
here. An example of this script in action can be seen here.
Chess games are found freely on the internet from many archives such as PGN Mentor. From here I am able to download thousands of games at mass. However as most games preserved will of famous players there will be significant bias. To help mitigate this I can use the public API’s from Lichess and to gather games from friends and players from various ELO’s.
To pull games from I use this shell command to gather the PGN files from individual months and write them to a single file as does not support downloading of all games at once.
for g in $(curl -Ls$PLAYERNAME/games/archives | jq -rc ".archives[]") ; do curl -Ls "$g" | jq -rc ".games[].pgn" ; done >> games.pgn
Lichess easily allows for downloading of an entire players archive at once with
a simple curl
curl$PLAYERNAME > games.pgn
import chess
import chess.pgn
import chessHeatmap
pgn = chessHeatmap.load_pgn("Dae.pgn")
filename_pawn = chessHeatmap.lost_piece_plot(pgn, [chess.PAWN])
filename_knight = chessHeatmap.lost_piece_plot(pgn, [chess.KNIGHT])