Neodo can do:
- Detect projet root using project type specific patterns
- Detect projet root using generic patterns
- Detect projet type
- Run project specific commands
- Mongoose OS
- CMake
- PHP(composer)
Using packer
use {
branch = 'devel'
The setup()
function must be called to properly initialize plugin.
User can pass config paramters to this function to change default behavior of plugin or to add project type specific bindings.
local function bind_mongoose_keys()
local opts = {noremap = true, silent = true}
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(0, "n", "<leader>mb",
[[:lua require'neodo'.run('build')<CR>]], opts)
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(0, "n", "<leader>mf",
[[:lua require'neodo'.run('flash')<CR>]], opts)
local function bind_cmake_keys()
local opts = {noremap = true, silent = true}
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(0, "n", "<leader>mb",
[[:lua require'neodo'.run('build_all')<CR>]], opts)
project_type = {
mongoose = {user_buffer_on_attach = bind_mongoose_keys},
cmake = {user_buffer_on_attach = bind_cmake_keys}
For example to add support for Javascript
project type just create definition of javascrip project type with all needed commands specified:
local javascript = {
name = "JS",
commands = {
update = {
type = 'terminal',
name = 'Update packages using NPM',
cmd = 'npm update'
patterns = {'packages.json'},
buffer_on_attach = function()
local opts = {noremap = true, silent = true}
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(0, "n", "<leader>up",
[[:lua require'neodo'.run('update')<CR>]], opts)
project_type = {
javascript = javascript,
The update
command can be executed using defined keybinding, or using :Neodo update
or using :Neodo
which will open
Command can be also called from lua
by using require('neodo).run('update')
For every detected project(generic or type specific) the configuration file can be defined. Using project specific configuration file user can extend default project specific commands or user can define commands for generic projects(they don't have commands defined by default).
Project specific config can be placed:
- In the source tree (
file of the project root) - Out of source tree (
To edit configuration use command:
If the project already has config file created, the file will be opened. If the project config file not exists then user will be prompted to create in or out of source config file.
Example of project config file:
local M = {
commands = {
say_hello = {
type = 'function',
name = "Say Hello",
cmd = function()
print("Hello World!")
return M
The configuration parameters are automatically reloaded on config file save.
Project specific configuration file:
local M = {
commands = {
refresh_browser = {
name = "Refresh browser",
cmd = [[xdotool search --desktop all --class ldd_preview windowactivate --sync \\%1 key Ctrl+Shift+r windowactivate $(xdotool getactivewindow)]],
type = "background",
notify = false,
build_scss = {
name = "Compile CSS files",
cmd = "./",
type = "background",
on_success = function()
notify = false,
deploy_test = {
name = "Deploy",
cmd = "./",
type = "terminal",
open_browser = {
name = "Open BROWSER",
cmd = "firefox -P ldd --class=ldd_preview http://linkadeti/ &",
type = "background",
user_buffer_on_attach = function()
local opts = { noremap = true, silent = true }
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(0, "n", "<leader>mc", [[:lua require'neodo'.run('build_scss')<CR>]], opts)
user_on_attach = function(project)
local scss_files = project.path .. "/**/*.scss"
local all_files = project.path .. "/**/*"
augroup PHPComposer
autocmd BufWrite ]] .. scss_files .. [[ lua require'neodo'.run('build_scss')
autocmd BufWrite ]] .. all_files .. [[ lua require'neodo'.run('refresh_browser')
augroup end]], false)
return M
This configuration file defines 4 commands:
- refresh_browser
- build_scss
- deploy_test
- open_browser
There is also user_buffer_on_attach
function defined. This function will define keymap for every opened project file.
The user_on_attach
function defines function that will be called only once, when project is loaded(basically on first project file open). This function defines autocommands to automatically build css
files when scss
files are saved. Also the browser will be refreshed when some project specific file is saved.
- Add support for other project types
- C++/Makefile
- Add support for file specific commands (for example commands defined for every