Install the BugSense NuGet package using the Package Manager Console.
PM> Install-Package BugSense.WP8
For Windows 8 run the following:
PM> Install-Package BugSense.W8
You can also use the Package Management Dialog in Visual Studio to install the BugSense.WP8 package.
Then, all you need to do is go inside you App.xaml.cs file and add the code below inside the constructor. Don't forget to use your Project API key that you'll find it in your dashboard!
Note: If you are in debugging mode (ex. Step-by-Step) BugSense Handler will recognize that and will not send the exception. This happens because when you are debugging your app, Visual Studio does a great job on letting you know where the error is.
public App()
// Standard XAML initialization
// Phone-specific initialization
// Language display initialization
// Initialize BugSense
BugSenseHandler.Instance.Init(this, "YOUR_API_KEY");
Now you can ship your application and stay cool. We will make sure you won't miss a bug.
When an error occurs the user is informed by a slick Popup. This option is customizable. You can:
- Display a Fix Notification when a user experiences an error that is been fixed in new versions of the app
- Display nothing and just keep the application running.
- Display a popup with customizable Title and Body.
- Display a confirmation popup with customizable Title and Body allowing the user to decide if he wants to send the error report. An example screenshot is displayed below:
Track an event
You can also use BugSense to log handled exceptions and send useful Metadata
throw new IndexOutOfRangeException();
catch (Exception exc)
BugSenseHandler.AddToLogData("account", "Explorer");
BugSenseHandler.AddToLogData("level", "9");
// Without extra data
throw new Exception("error");
catch (Exception exc)
// With extra data: single key-value pair
throw new Exception("error");
catch (Exception exc)
BugSenseHandler.Instance.LogException(exc, "level", "5");
// With extra data: dictionary
throw new Exception("error");
catch (Exception exc)
new Dictionary<string, string>()
{ "account", "Explorer" },
{ "level", "9"}
Monitor if async Tasks have been completed successfully
// Check is a task if task is faulted and log task exception if it failed
Task t = new Task(() =>
int x = 5;
int y = 0;
int z = x / y;
BugSenseHandler.CheckTaskFault("mathtask", t);
Add Breadcrumbs and meta data to crash reports
// Adding custom extra to be sent with the crash
BugSenseHandler.AddToExtraData("xtra1key", "xtra1val");
BugSenseHandler.AddToExtraData("xtra2key", "xtra2val");
// Leave a breadcrump
BugSenseHandler.LeaveBreadcrumb("Fetch friends");
Set a method to be executed before the app crashes (ex. save state)
public App()
// Global handler for uncaught exceptions.
BugSenseHandler.Instance.Init(this, "YOUR_API_KEY");
// more stuff...
private void MyMethod()
//do stuff here, ex. save state etc ...
Track an event
/* Send event */
Use BugSense along with the VisualStudio debugger
public App()
// Global handler for uncaught exceptions.
BugSenseHandler.Instance.Init(this, "YOUR_API_KEY", new NotificationOptions() { HandleWhileDebugging = true });