You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 84
Open Banking Configuration
Janssen supports Open banking use cases:
- Dynamic Client Registration
- Payment Authorization
- Identity - eKYC
- Client Initiated Authentication (mobile / out-of-band)
Its best to use the cloud native deployment for open banking so you can take advantage of auto-scaling, high availability, and operational automation. However, for development and testing we also support its VM distribution.
The subsequent parts of this section cover details on its installation, configuration and settings related to the registering an OpenID client,Pushed authorization requests (PAR), JWT Secured Authorization Response Mode (JARM) and MTLS.
This section covers details on setting-up the Openbanking use-case in a Janssen VM. We recommend the Cloud Native Distribution for production environment. However, for development and testing VM distribution will be easier. It can be installed on any of the main Linux distributions.
Prepare a Linux VM with the following minimum specs (recommended):
- 4 GB RAM
- 2 GB swap space
- 2 CPU units
- 50 GB disk space
The VM must have a static IP address and a resolvable hostname. A fully qualified domain name (FQDN) is required for production deployments.
Download the installer (install.py
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JanssenProject/jans/main/jans-linux-setup/jans_setup/install.py
Execute the installer:
sudo python3 install.py --profile openbanking
The installation script will install required tools, programs, packages and then it will prompt the user for setup instructions. Answer the following questions:
Prompt | Description |
Enter IP Address | The IP address for the VM. Use an IP address assigned to one of this server's network interfaces (usage of addresses assigned to loopback interfaces is not supported) |
Enter Hostname | The hostname for the VM. Recommended to be a FQDN |
Enter your city or locality | Used to generate X.509 certificates. |
Enter your state or province two letter code | Used to generate X.509 certificates. |
Enter two letter Country Code | Used to generate X.509 certificates. |
Enter Organization Name | Used to generate X.509 certificates. |
Enter email address for support at your organization | Used to generate X.509 certificates. |
Prompt | Description |
Enter maximum RAM for applications in MB | Maximum RAM Size in MB |
RDBM Type | Backend type. Currently only MySQL is supported |
Use remote RDBM | Select if connecting to an external MySQL server |
Enter Openbanking static kid | The fallback key when key is not passed in requests (as required by Openbanking) |
Use external key | If yes, link to an external Open Banking key file |
Before the last question installer process will display the selected choices and confirms to proceed. as
Prompt | Description |
Proceed with these values [Y/n] | Confirmation before setting up the services. |
Execute the installation script with the -uninstall
For MTLS, OBIE-issued (for openbanking UK) certificates and keys should be used. The following discussion assumes that the file ca.crt
has a CA certificate and ca.key
has a CA private key.
Following command generates self-signed ca.crt and ca.key:
openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyform PEM -keyout ca.key -x509 -days 3650 -outform PEM -out ca.crt
The following set of commands is an example of how to create the server’s private key (server.key
), Certificate Signing Request (CSR) (server.csr
) and certificate (server.crt)
openssl genrsa -out server.key 2048
openssl req -new -key server.key -out server.csr
openssl x509 -req -in server.csr -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -set_serial 100 -days 365 -outform PEM -out server.crt
Now, store the server key (server.key
) and certificate (server.crt
) file in some location (preferably inside /etc/certs
) and set its path in the apache .conf
file (/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/https_jans.conf
) with SSLCertificateFile
and SSLCertificateKeyFile
SSLCertificateFile /etc/certs/bank/server.crt
SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/certs/bank/server.key
The path of CA certificate file should be set to SSLCACertificateFile directive as:
SSLCACertificateFile /etc/apache2/certs/matls.pem
The following commands will create client’s private key (client.key
), CSR (client.csr
) and certificate (client.crt
openssl genrsa -out client.key 2048
openssl req -new -key client.key -out client.csr
openssl x509 -req -in client.csr -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -set_serial 101 -days 365 -outform PEM -out client.crt
The following command will create a client certification chain (private key, public certificate and ca certificate) into the file client.pem
cat client.key client.crt ca.crt >client.pem
Use this pem file to create JWKs for the clients (if required). To create a JWK, you can use a free utility published at https://mkjwk.org. Or you can download the command-line tool from GitHub. There are numerous other online PEM-to-JWKS tools available like JWKConvertFunctions. We may need to add/update some data in these generated JWKs.
!!!Note It is important to give different values of the Common Name field (“Common Name (e.g. server FQDN or YOUR name) []”) for the CA, Server and clients. Other fields may have common values but the same values for Common Name of all certificates results in certificate verification failed at runtime.
Importing the CA certificate in JVM truststore and signing, encryption keys into auth-Server keystore:
The command line utility keytool is installed with JDK, it can be used to import the CA certificate in JVM truststore (/opt/jre/lib/security/cacerts) and signing,encryption keys into the jans-auth server’s keystore(/etc/certs/jans-auth-keys.jks).
./keytool -importcert -file /path/to/file/filename.cer -keystore /etc/certs/jans-auth-keys.jks -alias yourkeystore
./keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore /path/to/file/filename.jks -srcstoretype JKS -destkeystore /opt/jre/lib/security/cacerts -deststoretype JKS
After successful installation, we have following two methods to access the Open Banking Platform, as discussed in the subsequent text:
- jans-cli (recommended) or
- curl
For local deployments like minikube
and microk8s
or cloud installations for demoing Gluu may set the resources to the minimum and hence can have 8GB RAM
, 4 CPU
, and 50GB disk
in total to run all services.
Please calculate the minimum required resources as per services deployed. The following table contains default recommended resources to start with. Depending on the use of each service the resources may be increased or decreased.
Service | CPU Unit | RAM | Disk Space | Processor Type | Required |
Auth-server | 2.5 | 2.5GB | N/A | 64 Bit | Yes |
config - job | 0.5 | 0.5GB | N/A | 64 Bit | Yes on fresh installs |
persistence - job | 0.5 | 0.5GB | N/A | 64 Bit | Yes on fresh installs |
nginx | 1 | 1GB | N/A | 64 Bit | Yes if not ALB or Istio |
=== "AWS" ### Amazon Web Services (AWS) - EKS
#### Setup Cluster
- Follow this [guide](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eks/latest/userguide/getting-started.html)
to install a cluster with worker nodes. Please make sure that you have all the `IAM` policies for the AWS user that will be creating the cluster and volumes.
#### Requirements
- The above guide should also walk you through installing `kubectl` , `aws-iam-authenticator` and `aws cli` on the VM you will be managing your cluster and nodes from. Check to make sure.
aws-iam-authenticator help
kubectl version
- **Optional[alpha]:** If using Istio please [install](https://istio.io/latest/docs/setup/install/standalone-operator/) it prior to installing Gluu. You may choose to use any installation method Istio supports. If you have insalled istio ingress , a loadbalancer will have been created. Please save the address of loadblancer for use later during installation.
### Amazon Aurora
[Amazon Aurora](https://aws.amazon.com/rds/aurora/?aurora-whats-new.sort-by=item.additionalFields.postDateTime&aurora-whats-new.sort-order=desc) is a MySQL and PostgreSQL-compatible relational database built for the cloud, that combines the performance and availability of traditional enterprise databases with the simplicity and cost-effectiveness of open source databases. Gluu fully supports Amazon Aurora, and recommends it in production.
1. Create an Amazon Aurora database with MySQL compatibility version >= `Aurora(MySQL 5.7) 2.07.1` and capacity type `Serverless`. Make sure the EKS cluster can reach the database endpoint. You may choose to use the same VPC as the EKS cluster. Save the master user, master password, and initial database name for use in Gluus helm chart.
1. Inject the Aurora endpoint, master user, master password, and initial database name for use in Gluus helm chart.
|Helm values configuration | Description | default |
|config.configmap.cnSqlDbHost | Aurora database endpoint i.e `gluu.cluster-xxxxxxx.eu-central.rds.amazonaws.com`| empty |
|config.configmap.cnSqlDbPort | Aurora database port | `3306` |
|config.configmap.cnSqlDbName | Aurora initial database name | `jans` |
|config.configmap.cnSqlDbUser | Aurora master user | `jans` |
|config.configmap.cnSqldbUserPassword | Aurora master password | `Test1234#`|
=== "Quick start with Microk8s" ### MicroK8s
#### Requirements
1. Create a fresh Ubuntu 20.04 on AWS.
1. Run the following command:
sudo su -
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GluuFederation/flex/main/automation/startopenabankingdemo.sh && chmod u+x startopenabankingdemo.sh && ./startopenabankingdemo.sh
1. [Map](#non-registered-fqdn) your vm ip to the fqdn `demoexample.gluu.org`
Optional if not using istio ingress: Install nginx-ingress Helm Chart.
kubectl create ns <nginx-namespace> helm repo add ingress-nginx https://kubernetes.github.io/ingress-nginx helm repo update helm install <nginx-release-name> ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx --namespace=<nginx-namespace>
Copy the values.yaml below into a file named
Modify the values to fit the deployment. This is the time to inject your database connection parameters. You will find the file marked where you need to change the values.
Create a namespace and install:
kubectl create ns gluu helm repo add gluu https://gluufederation.github.io/flex/flex-cn-setup/pygluu/kubernetes/templates/helm helm repo update helm install <release-name> gluu/gluu -n <namespace> -f override-values.yaml --version=5.0.2
If the provided FQDN for Gluu is not globally resolvable map Gluus FQDN at /etc/hosts
file to the IP of the lb or microk8s vm as shown below.
# Host Database
# localhost is used to configure the loopback interface
# when the system is booting. Do not change this entry.
## demo.openbanking.org # IP and example domain localhost broadcasthost
::1 localhost
Please note that enabling the following annotations in the values.yaml will enable client certificate authentication. Uncomment the following from the helm charts
additionalAnnotations: # Enable client certificate authentication. Keep this optional. We force it on the path level for /token and /register endpoints. nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/auth-tls-verify-client: "optional" # Create the secret containing the trusted ca certificates nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/auth-tls-secret: "gluu/tls-ob-ca-certificates" # Specify the verification depth in the client certificates chain nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/auth-tls-verify-depth: "1" # Specify if certificates are passed to upstream server nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/auth-tls-pass-certificate-to-upstream: "true"
in the helm chartsoverride-values.yaml
. -
Create a secret containing the OB CA certificates (issuing, root, and signing CAs) and the OB AS transport crt. For more information read here.
cat web_https_ca.crt issuingca.crt rootca.crt signingca.crt >> ca.crt kubectl create secret generic tls-ob-ca-certificates -n gluu --from-file=tls.crt=web_https.crt --from-file=tls.key=web_https.key --from-file=ca.crt=ca.crt
Inject OBIE signed certs, keys and uri:
When using OBIE signed certificates and keys, there are many objects that can be injected. The certificate signing pem file i.e
, the signing key i.eobsigning-oajsdij8927123.key
, the certificate transport pem file i.eobtransport.pem
, the transport key i.eobtransport-sdfe4234234.key
, the transport truststore p12 i.eob-transport-truststore.p12
, and the jwks urihttps://mykeystore.openbanking.wow/xxxxx/xxxxx.jwks
. -
base64 encrypt all
files as they will be injected as base64 strings inside the helmoverride-values.yaml
.cat obsigning.pem | base64 | tr -d '\n' > obsigningbase64.pem cat obsigning-oajsdij8927123.key | base64 | tr -d '\n' > obsigningbase64.key cat obtransport.pem | base64 | tr -d '\n' > obtransportbase64.pem cat obtransport-sdfe4234234.key | base64 | tr -d '\n' > obtransportbase64.key
Copy the base64 string in
into the helm chartoverride-values.yaml
Copy the base64 string in
into the helm chartoverride-values.yaml
Inject the base64 string passphrase of
into the helm chartoverride-values.yaml
Copy the base64 string in
into the helm chartoverride-values.yaml
Copy the base64 string in
into the helm chartoverride-values.yaml
Inject the base64 string passphrase of
into the helm chartoverride-values.yaml
Generate your transport truststore or convert it to
format. Please name it asob-transport-truststore.p12
cat obissuingca.pem obrootca.pem obsigningca.pem > transport-truststore.crt keytool -importcert -file transport-truststore.crt -keystore ob-transport-truststore.p12 -alias obkeystore
base64 encrypt the
cat ob-transport-truststore.p12 | base64 | tr -d '\n' > obtransporttruststorebase64.pem
Copy the base64 string in
into the helm chartoverride-values.yaml
Add the jwks uri to the helm chart
Add the kid as the alias for the JKS used for the OB AS external signing crt. This is a kid value.Used in SSA Validation, kid used while encoding a JWT sent to token URL i.e XkwIzWy44xWSlcWnMiEc8iq9s2G. This kid value should exist inside the jwks uri endpoint.
Specify the signing key that will be used by the AS
Helm values configuration Description default Associated files created in auth-server pod at /etc/certs
global.cnObExtSigningJwksUri external signing jwks uri string empty obextjwksuri.crt
parsed from the URI and added to the JVMglobal.cnObExtSigningJwksCrt Used in SSA Validation. base64 string for the external signing jwks crt. Activated when .global.cnObExtSigningJwksUri is set empty ob-ext-signing.crt
global.cnObExtSigningJwksKey Used in SSA Validation. base64 string for the external signing jwks key . Activated when .global.cnObExtSigningJwksUri is set empty ob-ext-signing.key
. With the above crtob-ext-signing.jks
, andob-ext-signing.pkcs12
get created.global.cnObExtSigningJwksKeyPassPhrase Needed if global.cnObExtSigningJwksKey has a passphrase . Activated when .global.cnObExtSigningJwksUri is set empty ob-ext-signing.pin
.global.cnObExtSigningAlias This is a kid value.Used in SSA Validation, kid used while encoding a JWT sent to token URL i.e XkwIzWy44xWSlcWnMiEc8iq9s2G empty Alias of the entry inside the keystore ob-ext-signing.jks
.global.cnObStaticSigningKeyKid This is a kid value.Used to force the AS to use a specific signing key i.e XkwIzWy44xWSlcWnMiEc8iq9s2G empty Alias of the entry inside the keystore ob-ext-signing.jks
.global.cnObTransportCrt Used in SSA Validation. base64 string for the transport crt. Activated when .global.cnObExtSigningJwksUri is set empty ob-transport.crt
global.cnObTransportKey Used in SSA Validation. base64 string for the transport key. Activated when .global.cnObExtSigningJwksUri is set empty ob-transport.key
. With the above crtob-transport.jks
, andob-transport.pkcs12
get created.global.cnObTransportKeyPassPhrase Needed if global.cnObTransportKey has a passphrase . Activated when .global.cnObExtSigningJwksUri is set empty ob-transport.pin
.global.cnObTransportTrustStore Used in SSA Validation. base64 string for the transport truststore crt. Activated when .global.cnObExtSigningJwksUri is set empty ob-transport-truststore.p12
Please note that the password for the keystores created can be fetched by executing the following command:
AUTH_JKS_PASS=$(kubectl get secret cn -o json -n gluu | grep '"auth_openid_jks_pass":' | sed -e 's#.*:\(\)#\1#' | tr -d '"' | tr -d "," | tr -d '[:space:]' | base64 -d)
The above password is needed in custom scripts such as in client registeration.
Specify a the signing key that will be used by the AS:
Get a client and its associated password. Here, we will use the client id and secret created for config-api.
TESTCLIENT=$(kubectl get cm cn -o json -n gluu | grep '"jca_client_id":' | sed -e 's#.*:\(\)#\1#' | tr -d '"' | tr -d "," | tr -d '[:space:]') TESTCLIENTSECRET=$(kubectl get secret cn -o json -n gluu | grep '"jca_client_pw":' | sed -e 's#.*:\(\)#\1#' | tr -d '"' | tr -d "," | tr -d '[:space:]' | base64 -d)
Get a token , here the crt and key used need to be a crt and key that can pass mTLS:
curl -k -u $TESTCLIENT:$TESTCLIENTSECRET https://<FQDN>/jans-auth/restv1/token -d "grant_type=client_credentials&scope=https://jans.io/oauth/jans-auth-server/config/properties.write" --cert mtls.pem --key mtls.key
Add the entry
to force the AS to use a specific signing key. Please modifyXhCYDfFM7UFXHfykNaLk1aLCnZM
to the kid to be used:curl -k -X PATCH "https://<FQDN>/jans-config-api/api/v1/jans-auth-server/config" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json-patch+json" -H "Authorization:Bearer 170e8412-1d55-4b19-ssss-8fcdeaafb954" -d "[{\"op\":\"add\",\"path\":\"/staticKid\",\"value\":\"XhCYDfFM7UFXHfykNaLk1aLCnZM\"}]"
Preform a rolling restart for the auth-server and config-api
kubectl rollout restart deployment <gluu-relase-name>-auth-server -n <gluu-namespace> kubectl rollout restart deployment <gluu-relase-name>-config-api -n <gluu-namespace> #kubectl rollout restart deployment gluu-auth-server -n gluu
certificates and keys of interest in https | Notes |
web_https.crt | (nginx) web server certificate. This is commonly referred to as server.crt |
web_https.key | (nginx) web server key. This is commonly referred to as server.key |
web_https.csr | (nginx) web server certificate signing request. This is commonly referred to as server.csr |
web_https_ca.crt | Certificate authority certificate that signed/signs the web server certificate. |
web_https_ca.key | Certificate authority key that signed/signs the web server certificate. |
Please note you might be using cert-manager here by specifying your issuer as an annotation at nginx-ingress.ingress.additionalAnnotations
. By default self-signed certs for https get automatically generated and used.
To uninstall/delete my-release
helm delete <my-release>
If during installation the release was not defined, release name is checked by running $ helm ls
then deleted using the previous command and the default release name.
certificates and keys of interest for https | Notes |
web_https.crt | (nginx) web server certificate. This is commonly referred to as server.crt |
web_https.key | (nginx) web server key. This is commonly referred to as server.key |
web_https.csr | (nginx) web server certificate signing request. This is commonly referred to as server.csr |
web_https_ca.crt | Certificate authority certificate that signed/signs the web server certificate. |
web_https_ca.key | Certificate authority key that signed/signs the web server certificate. |
!!! Note
This will load web_https.crt
, web_https.key
, web_https.csr
, web_https_ca.crt
, and web_https_ca.key
to /etc/certs
. This step is important in order for mTLS to fully work as nginx-ingress will pass the client certificate down to the auth-server and the auth-server will validate the client certificate.
Create a secret with
, andweb_https_ca.key
. Note that this may already exist in your deployment.kubectl create secret generic web-cert-key --from-file=web_https.crt --from-file=web_https.key --from-file=web_https.csr --from-file=ca.crt=web_https_ca.crt --from-file=ca.key=web_https_ca.key -n <gluu-namespace>
Create a file named
with the following contents :# License terms and conditions for Gluu Cloud Native Edition: # https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 apiVersion: batch/v1 kind: Job metadata: name: load-web-key-rotation spec: template: metadata: annotations: sidecar.istio.io/inject: "false" spec: restartPolicy: Never volumes: - name: web-cert secret: secretName: web-cert-key items: - key: web_https.crt path: web_https.crt - name: web-key secret: secretName: web-cert-key items: - key: web_https.key path: web_https.key - name: web-csr secret: secretName: web-cert-key items: - key: web_https.csr path: web_https.csr - name: web-ca-cert secret: secretName: web-cert-key items: - key: ca.crt path: ca.crt - name: web-ca-key secret: secretName: web-cert-key items: - key: ca.key path: ca.key containers: - name: load-web-key-rotation image: janssenproject/certmanager:1.0.0-beta.14 envFrom: - configMapRef: name: gluu-config-cm #This may be different in your Helm setup volumeMounts: - name: web-cert mountPath: /etc/certs/web_https.crt subPath: web_https.crt - name: web-key mountPath: /etc/certs/web_https.key subPath: web_https.key - name: web-csr mountPath: /etc/certs/web_https.csr subPath: web_https.csr - name: web-ca-cert mountPath: /etc/certs/ca.crt subPath: ca.crt - name: web-ca-key mountPath: /etc/certs/ca.key subPath: ca.key args: ["patch", "web", "--opts", "source:from-files"]
Apply job
kubectl apply -f load-web-key-rotation.yaml -n <gluu-namespace>
Follow the above steps to enable the annotations and protected endpoints before running the
helm install
command. -
Wait for services to be in a running state.
Get self signed certs and generate client crt and key. This assumes the namespace Gluu has been installed in is
.mkdir certs cd certs kubectl get secret cn -o json -n gluu | grep '"ssl_ca_cert":' | sed -e 's#.*:\(\)#\1#' | tr -d '"' | tr -d "," | tr -d '[:space:]' | base64 -d > web_https_ca.crt kubectl get secret cn -o json -n gluu | grep '"ssl_ca_key":' | sed -e 's#.*:\(\)#\1#' | tr -d '"' | tr -d "," | tr -d '[:space:]' | base64 -d > web_https_ca.key kubectl get secret cn -o json -n gluu | grep '"ssl_cert":' | sed -e 's#.*:\(\)#\1#' | tr -d '"' | tr -d "," | tr -d '[:space:]' | base64 -d > web_https.crt kubectl get secret cn -o json -n gluu | grep '"ssl_key":' | sed -e 's#.*:\(\)#\1#' | tr -d '"' | tr -d "," | tr -d '[:space:]' | base64 -d > web_https.key openssl req -new -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout jans_cli_client.key -out jans_cli_client.csr -nodes -subj '/CN=Openbanking' openssl x509 -req -sha256 -days 365 -in jans_cli_client.csr -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -set_serial 02 -out jans_cli_client.crt kubectl create secret generic ca-secret -n gluu --from-file=tls.crt=server.crt --from-file=tls.key=server.key --from-file=ca.crt=ca.crt cd ..
Try curling a protected endpoint.
Get a client and its associated password. Here, we will use the client id and secret created for config-api.
TESTCLIENT=$(kubectl get cm cn -o json -n gluu | grep '"jca_client_id":' | sed -e 's#.*:\(\)#\1#' | tr -d '"' | tr -d "," | tr -d '[:space:]') TESTCLIENTSECRET=$(kubectl get secret cn -o json -n gluu | grep '"jca_client_pw":' | sed -e 's#.*:\(\)#\1#' | tr -d '"' | tr -d "," | tr -d '[:space:]' | base64 -d)
Curl the protected
endpoint.curl -X POST -k --cert jans_cli_client.crt --key jans_cli_client.key -u $TESTCLIENT:$TESTCLIENTSECRET https://demo.openbanking.org/jans-auth/restv1/token -d grant_type=client_credentials {"access_token":"07688c3e-69ea-403b-a35a-fa3877982c7a","token_type":"bearer","expires_in":299}
Try using the
. This package can be built manually. -
Run the jans-cli in interactive mode and try it out:
python3 jans-cli-linux-amd64.pyz --host demo.openbanking.org --client-id $TESTCLIENT --client_secret $TESTCLIENTSECRET --cert-file jans_cli_client.crt --key-file jans_cli_client.key -noverify
Follow the above steps to enable the annotations and protected endpoints before running the
helm install
command. -
Wait for services to be in a running state.
Move all your certs and keys inside one folder called
or any name that is convenient . The necessary certs and keys are highlighted in the table. This assumes the namespace Gluu has been installed in isgluu
. -
Follow instructions to rotate all associated certs and keys. This is normally done right after installation. Please note that the fqdn inside the crts and keys must be the same as the one provided during installation.
Move all your certs and keys inside one folder. Generate jans cli client side crt, key and create the secret for nginx ingress. This assumes the namespace Gluu has been installed in is
.cd certs openssl req -new -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout jans_cli_client.key -out jans_cli_client.csr -nodes -subj '/CN=Openbanking' openssl x509 -req -sha256 -days 365 -in client.csr -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -set_serial 02 -out jans_cli_client.crt kubectl create secret generic ca-secret -n gluu --from-file=tls.crt=web_https.crt --from-file=tls.key=web_https.key --from-file=ca.crt=ca.crt cd ..
By default secret used for TLS
is created upon installation. This secret must be updated with with the server cert and keytls.crt=web_https.crt
.kubectl delete secret tls-certificate -n gluu kubectl create secret generic tls-certificate --from-file=tls.crt=server.crt --from-file=tls.key=server.key -n gluu
Try curling a protected endpoint.
Get a client and its associated password. Here, we will use the client id and secret created for config-api.
TESTCLIENT=$(kubectl get cm cn -o json -n gluu | grep '"jca_client_id":' | sed -e 's#.*:\(\)#\1#' | tr -d '"' | tr -d "," | tr -d '[:space:]') TESTCLIENTSECRET=$(kubectl get secret cn -o json -n gluu | grep '"jca_client_pw":' | sed -e 's#.*:\(\)#\1#' | tr -d '"' | tr -d "," | tr -d '[:space:]' | base64 -d)
Curl the protected
endpoint.curl -X POST --cert jans_cli_client.crt --key jans_cli_client.key -u $TESTCLIENT:$TESTCLIENTSECRET https://demo.openbanking.org/jans-auth/restv1/token -d grant_type=client_credentials {"access_token":"07688c3e-69ea-403b-a35a-fa3877982c7a","token_type":"bearer","expires_in":299}
Try using the
. This package can be built manually. -
Run the jans-cli in interactive mode and try it out:
python3 jans-cli-linux-amd64.pyz --host demo.openbanking.org --client-id $TESTCLIENT --client_secret $TESTCLIENTSECRET --cert-file jans_cli_client.crt --key-file jans_cli_client.key
is a Command Line Interface for Gluu Configuration. It also has menu-driven interface that makes it easier to understand how to use Gluu Server through the Interactive Mode.
. This package can be built manually. -
Get a client and its associated password. Here, we will use the client id and secret created for config-api.
TESTCLIENT=$(kubectl get cm cn -o json -n gluu | grep '"jca_client_id":' | sed -e 's#.*:\(\)#\1#' | tr -d '"' | tr -d "," | tr -d '[:space:]') TESTCLIENTSECRET=$(kubectl get secret cn -o json -n gluu | grep '"jca_client_pw":' | sed -e 's#.*:\(\)#\1#' | tr -d '"' | tr -d "," | tr -d '[:space:]' | base64 -d)
Run the jans-cli in interactive mode and try it out:
python3 jans-cli-linux-amd64.pyz --host demo.openbanking.org --client-id $TESTCLIENT --client_secret $TESTCLIENTSECRET -CC jans_cli_client.crt -CK jans_cli_client.key
Download the original scopes file
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JanssenProject/docker-jans-persistence-loader/master/templates/scopes.ob.ldif
Adjust that file to add the custom scopes needed.
Create a configmap to hold the file:
kubectl create cm custom-scopes -n gluu --from-file=scopes.ob.ldif
Inside your override yaml you have the ability to inject additional volumes and volume mounts. Inside the
key add the following:persistence: volumes: - name: custom-scopes configMap: name: custom-scopes volumeMounts: - name: custom-scopes mountPath: "/app/templates/scopes.ob.ldif" subPath: scopes.ob.ldif
Now you are ready to install with the custom scopes added.
=== "auth-server"
| Key | Type | Default | Description |
| auth-server | object | {"dnsConfig":{},"dnsPolicy":"","hpa":{"behavior":{},"enabled":true,"maxReplicas":10,"metrics":[],"minReplicas":1,"targetCPUUtilizationPercentage":50},"image":{"pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent","repository":"janssenproject/auth-server","tag":"1.0.0-beta.14"},"livenessProbe":{"exec":{"command":["python3","/app/scripts/healthcheck.py"]},"initialDelaySeconds":30,"periodSeconds":30,"timeoutSeconds":5},"readinessProbe":{"exec":{"command":["python3","/app/scripts/healthcheck.py"]},"initialDelaySeconds":25,"periodSeconds":25,"timeoutSeconds":5},"replicas":1,"resources":{"limits":{"cpu":"2500m","memory":"2500Mi"},"requests":{"cpu":"2500m","memory":"2500Mi"}},"usrEnvs":{"normal":{},"secret":{}},"volumeMounts":[],"volumes":[]}
| OAuth Authorization Server, the OpenID Connect Provider, the UMA Authorization Server--this is the main Internet facing component of Gluu. It's the service that returns tokens, JWT's and identity assertions. This service must be Internet facing. |
| auth-server.dnsConfig | object | {}
| Add custom dns config |
| auth-server.dnsPolicy | string | ""
| Add custom dns policy |
| auth-server.hpa | object | {"behavior":{},"enabled":true,"maxReplicas":10,"metrics":[],"minReplicas":1,"targetCPUUtilizationPercentage":50}
| Configure the HorizontalPodAutoscaler |
| auth-server.hpa.behavior | object | {}
| Scaling Policies |
| auth-server.hpa.metrics | list | []
| metrics if targetCPUUtilizationPercentage is not set |
| auth-server.image.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent"
| Image pullPolicy to use for deploying. |
| auth-server.image.repository | string | "janssenproject/auth-server"
| Image to use for deploying. |
| auth-server.image.tag | string | "1.0.0-beta.14"
| Image tag to use for deploying. |
| auth-server.livenessProbe | object | {"exec":{"command":["python3","/app/scripts/healthcheck.py"]},"initialDelaySeconds":30,"periodSeconds":30,"timeoutSeconds":5}
| Configure the liveness healthcheck for the auth server if needed. |
| auth-server.livenessProbe.exec | object | {"command":["python3","/app/scripts/healthcheck.py"]}
| Executes the python3 healthcheck. https://github.com/JanssenProject/docker-jans-auth-server/blob/master/scripts/healthcheck.py |
| auth-server.readinessProbe | object | {"exec":{"command":["python3","/app/scripts/healthcheck.py"]},"initialDelaySeconds":25,"periodSeconds":25,"timeoutSeconds":5}
| Configure the readiness healthcheck for the auth server if needed. https://github.com/JanssenProject/docker-jans-auth-server/blob/master/scripts/healthcheck.py |
| auth-server.replicas | int | 1
| Service replica number. |
| auth-server.resources | object | {"limits":{"cpu":"2500m","memory":"2500Mi"},"requests":{"cpu":"2500m","memory":"2500Mi"}}
| Resource specs. |
| auth-server.resources.limits.cpu | string | "2500m"
| CPU limit. |
| auth-server.resources.limits.memory | string | "2500Mi"
| Memory limit. |
| auth-server.resources.requests.cpu | string | "2500m"
| CPU request. |
| auth-server.resources.requests.memory | string | "2500Mi"
| Memory request. |
| auth-server.usrEnvs | object | {"normal":{},"secret":{}}
| Add custom normal and secret envs to the service |
| auth-server.usrEnvs.normal | object | {}
| Add custom normal envs to the service variable1: value1 |
| auth-server.usrEnvs.secret | object | {}
| Add custom secret envs to the service variable1: value1 |
| auth-server.volumeMounts | list | []
| Configure any additional volumesMounts that need to be attached to the containers |
| auth-server.volumes | list | []
| Configure any additional volumes that need to be attached to the pod |
=== "config"
| Key | Type | Default | Description |
| config | object | {"city":"Austin","configmap":{"cnCacheType":"NATIVE_PERSISTENCE","cnConfigGoogleSecretNamePrefix":"gluu","cnConfigGoogleSecretVersionId":"latest","cnConfigKubernetesConfigMap":"cn","cnGoogleProjectId":"google-project-to-save-config-and-secrets-to","cnGoogleSecretManagerPassPhrase":"Test1234#","cnGoogleSecretManagerServiceAccount":"SWFtTm90YVNlcnZpY2VBY2NvdW50Q2hhbmdlTWV0b09uZQo=","cnGoogleSpannerDatabaseId":"","cnGoogleSpannerInstanceId":"","cnJettyRequestHeaderSize":8192,"cnMaxRamPercent":"75.0","cnPassportEnabled":false,"cnRedisSentinelGroup":"","cnRedisSslTruststore":"","cnRedisType":"STANDALONE","cnRedisUrl":"redis.redis.svc.cluster.local:6379","cnRedisUseSsl":false,"cnSamlEnabled":false,"cnSecretGoogleSecretNamePrefix":"gluu","cnSecretGoogleSecretVersionId":"latest","cnSecretKubernetesSecret":"cn","cnSqlDbDialect":"mysql","cnSqlDbHost":"my-release-mysql.default.svc.cluster.local","cnSqlDbName":"jans","cnSqlDbPort":3306,"cnSqlDbTimezone":"UTC","cnSqlDbUser":"jans","cnSqlPasswordFile":"/etc/jans/conf/sql_password","cnSqldbUserPassword":"Test1234#","lbAddr":""},"countryCode":"US","dnsConfig":{},"dnsPolicy":"","email":"support@gluu.org","image":{"repository":"janssenproject/configuration-manager","tag":"1.0.0-beta.14"},"orgName":"Gluu","redisPassword":"P@assw0rd","resources":{"limits":{"cpu":"300m","memory":"300Mi"},"requests":{"cpu":"300m","memory":"300Mi"}},"state":"TX","usrEnvs":{"normal":{},"secret":{}},"volumeMounts":[],"volumes":[]}
| Configuration parameters for setup and initial configuration secret and config layers used by Gluu services. |
| config.city | string | "Austin"
| City. Used for certificate creation. |
| config.configmap.cnCacheType | string | "NATIVE_PERSISTENCE"
. |
| config.configmap.cnConfigKubernetesConfigMap | string | "cn"
| The name of the Kubernetes ConfigMap that will hold the configuration layer |
| config.configmap.cnJettyRequestHeaderSize | int | 8192
| Jetty header size in bytes in the auth server |
| config.configmap.cnSecretKubernetesSecret | string | "cn"
| Kubernetes secret name holding configuration keys. Used when global.configSecretAdapter is set to kubernetes which is the default. |
| config.configmap.cnSqlDbDialect | string | "mysql"
| SQL database dialect. mysql
or pgsql
| config.configmap.cnSqlDbHost | string | "my-release-mysql.default.svc.cluster.local"
| SQL database host uri. |
| config.configmap.cnSqlDbName | string | "jans"
| SQL database name. |
| config.configmap.cnSqlDbPort | int | 3306
| SQL database port. |
| config.configmap.cnSqlDbTimezone | string | "UTC"
| SQL database timezone. |
| config.configmap.cnSqlDbUser | string | "jans"
| SQL database username. |
| config.configmap.cnSqlPasswordFile | string | "/etc/jans/conf/sql_password"
| SQL password file holding password from config.configmap.cnSqldbUserPassword . |
| config.configmap.cnSqldbUserPassword | string | "Test1234#"
| SQL password injected as config.configmap.cnSqlPasswordFile . |
| config.configmap.lbAddr | string | ""
| Loadbalancer address for AWS if the FQDN is not registered. |
| config.countryCode | string | "US"
| Country code. Used for certificate creation. |
| config.dnsConfig | object | {}
| Add custom dns config |
| config.dnsPolicy | string | ""
| Add custom dns policy |
| config.email | string | "support@gluu.org"
| Email address of the administrator usually. Used for certificate creation. |
| config.image.repository | string | "janssenproject/configuration-manager"
| Image to use for deploying. |
| config.image.tag | string | "1.0.0-beta.14"
| Image tag to use for deploying. |
| config.orgName | string | "Gluu"
| Organization name. Used for certificate creation. |
| config.resources | object | {"limits":{"cpu":"300m","memory":"300Mi"},"requests":{"cpu":"300m","memory":"300Mi"}}
| Resource specs. |
| config.resources.limits.cpu | string | "300m"
| CPU limit. |
| config.resources.limits.memory | string | "300Mi"
| Memory limit. |
| config.resources.requests.cpu | string | "300m"
| CPU request. |
| config.resources.requests.memory | string | "300Mi"
| Memory request. |
| config.state | string | "TX"
| State code. Used for certificate creation. |
| config.usrEnvs | object | {"normal":{},"secret":{}}
| Add custom normal and secret envs to the service. |
| config.usrEnvs.normal | object | {}
| Add custom normal envs to the service. variable1: value1 |
| config.usrEnvs.secret | object | {}
| Add custom secret envs to the service. variable1: value1 |
| config.volumeMounts | list | []
| Configure any additional volumesMounts that need to be attached to the containers |
| config.volumes | list | []
| Configure any additional volumes that need to be attached to the pod |
=== "config-api"
| Key | Type | Default | Description |
| config-api | object | {"dnsConfig":{},"dnsPolicy":"","hpa":{"behavior":{},"enabled":true,"maxReplicas":10,"metrics":[],"minReplicas":1,"targetCPUUtilizationPercentage":50},"image":{"pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent","repository":"janssenproject/config-api","tag":"1.0.0-beta.14"},"livenessProbe":{"httpGet":{"path":"/health-check/live","port":8074},"initialDelaySeconds":30,"periodSeconds":30,"timeoutSeconds":5},"readinessProbe":{"httpGet":{"path":"/health-check/ready","port":8074},"initialDelaySeconds":25,"periodSeconds":25,"timeoutSeconds":5},"replicas":1,"resources":{"limits":{"cpu":"1000m","memory":"400Mi"},"requests":{"cpu":"1000m","memory":"400Mi"}},"usrEnvs":{"normal":{},"secret":{}},"volumeMounts":[],"volumes":[]}
| Config Api endpoints can be used to configure the auth-server, which is an open-source OpenID Connect Provider (OP) and UMA Authorization Server (AS). |
| config-api.dnsConfig | object | {}
| Add custom dns config |
| config-api.dnsPolicy | string | ""
| Add custom dns policy |
| config-api.hpa | object | {"behavior":{},"enabled":true,"maxReplicas":10,"metrics":[],"minReplicas":1,"targetCPUUtilizationPercentage":50}
| Configure the HorizontalPodAutoscaler |
| config-api.hpa.behavior | object | {}
| Scaling Policies |
| config-api.hpa.metrics | list | []
| metrics if targetCPUUtilizationPercentage is not set |
| config-api.image.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent"
| Image pullPolicy to use for deploying. |
| config-api.image.repository | string | "janssenproject/config-api"
| Image to use for deploying. |
| config-api.image.tag | string | "1.0.0-beta.14"
| Image tag to use for deploying. |
| config-api.livenessProbe | object | {"httpGet":{"path":"/jans-config-api/api/v1/health/live","port":8074},"initialDelaySeconds":30,"periodSeconds":30,"timeoutSeconds":5}
| Configure the liveness healthcheck for the auth server if needed. |
| config-api.livenessProbe.httpGet | object | {"path":"/jans-config-api/api/v1/health/live","port":8074}
| http liveness probe endpoint |
| config-api.readinessProbe.httpGet | object | {"path":"/jans-config-api/api/v1/health/ready","port":8074}
| http readiness probe endpoint |
| config-api.replicas | int | 1
| Service replica number. |
| config-api.resources | object | {"limits":{"cpu":"1000m","memory":"400Mi"},"requests":{"cpu":"1000m","memory":"400Mi"}}
| Resource specs. |
| config-api.resources.limits.cpu | string | "1000m"
| CPU limit. |
| config-api.resources.limits.memory | string | "400Mi"
| Memory limit. |
| config-api.resources.requests.cpu | string | "1000m"
| CPU request. |
| config-api.resources.requests.memory | string | "400Mi"
| Memory request. |
| config-api.usrEnvs | object | {"normal":{},"secret":{}}
| Add custom normal and secret envs to the service |
| config-api.usrEnvs.normal | object | {}
| Add custom normal envs to the service variable1: value1 |
| config-api.usrEnvs.secret | object | {}
| Add custom secret envs to the service variable1: value1 |
| config-api.volumeMounts | list | []
| Configure any additional volumesMounts that need to be attached to the containers |
| config-api.volumes | list | []
| Configure any additional volumes that need to be attached to the pod |
=== "global"
| Key | Type | Default | Description |
| global | object | {"alb":{"ingress":false},"auth-server":{"appLoggers":{"auditStatsLogLevel":"INFO","auditStatsLogTarget":"FILE","authLogLevel":"INFO","authLogTarget":"STDOUT","httpLogLevel":"INFO","httpLogTarget":"FILE","ldapStatsLogLevel":"INFO","ldapStatsLogTarget":"FILE","persistenceDurationLogLevel":"INFO","persistenceDurationLogTarget":"FILE","persistenceLogLevel":"INFO","persistenceLogTarget":"FILE","scriptLogLevel":"INFO","scriptLogTarget":"FILE"},"authServerServiceName":"auth-server","enabled":true},"auth-server-key-rotation":{"enabled":false},"awsStorageType":"io1","azureStorageAccountType":"Standard_LRS","azureStorageKind":"Managed","casa":{"casaServiceName":"casa"},"client-api":{"appLoggers":{"clientApiLogLevel":"INFO","clientApiLogTarget":"STDOUT"},"clientApiServerServiceName":"client-api","enabled":false},"cloud":{"testEnviroment":false},"cnGoogleApplicationCredentials":"/etc/jans/conf/google-credentials.json","cnJackrabbitCluster":true,"cnObExtSigningAlias":"","cnObExtSigningJwksCrt":"","cnObExtSigningJwksKey":"","cnObExtSigningJwksKeyPassPhrase":"","cnObExtSigningJwksUri":"","cnObStaticSigningKeyKid":"","cnObTransportAlias":"","cnObTransportCrt":"","cnObTransportKey":"","cnObTransportKeyPassPhrase":"","cnObTransportTrustStore":"","cnPersistenceType":"ldap","config":{"enabled":true},"config-api":{"appLoggers":{"configApiLogLevel":"INFO","configApiLogTarget":"STDOUT"},"configApiServerServiceName":"config-api","enabled":true},"configAdapterName":"kubernetes","configSecretAdapter":"kubernetes","cr-rotate":{"enabled":false},"distribution":"default","fido2":{"appLoggers":{"fido2LogLevel":"INFO","fido2LogTarget":"STDOUT","persistenceLogLevel":"INFO","persistenceLogTarget":"FILE"},"enabled":false,"fido2ServiceName":"fido2"},"fqdn":"demoexample.gluu.org","gcePdStorageType":"pd-standard","isFqdnRegistered":false,"istio":{"enabled":false,"ingress":false,"namespace":"istio-system"},"jackrabbit":{"enabled":false,"jackRabbitServiceName":"jackrabbit"},"lbIp":"","nginx-ingress":{"enabled":true},"opendj":{"enabled":false,"ldapServiceName":"opendj"},"oxpassport":{"oxPassportServiceName":"oxpassport"},"oxshibboleth":{"enabled":false,"oxShibbolethServiceName":"oxshibboleth"},"persistence":{"enabled":true},"scim":{"appLoggers":{"ldapStatsLogLevel":"INFO","ldapStatsLogTarget":"FILE","persistenceDurationLogLevel":"INFO","persistenceDurationLogTarget":"FILE","persistenceLogLevel":"INFO","persistenceLogTarget":"FILE","scimLogLevel":"INFO","scimLogTarget":"STDOUT","scriptLogLevel":"INFO","scriptLogTarget":"FILE"},"enabled":false,"scimServiceName":"scim"},"storageClass":{"allowVolumeExpansion":true,"allowedTopologies":[],"mountOptions":["debug"],"parameters":{},"provisioner":"microk8s.io/hostpath","reclaimPolicy":"Retain","volumeBindingMode":"WaitForFirstConsumer"},"upgrade":{"enabled":false},"usrEnvs":{"normal":{},"secret":{}}}
| Parameters used globally across all services helm charts. |
| global.alb.ingress | bool | false
| Activates ALB ingress |
| global.auth-server-key-rotation.enabled | bool | false
| Boolean flag to enable/disable the auth-server-key rotation cronjob chart. |
| global.auth-server.appLoggers | object | {"auditStatsLogLevel":"INFO","auditStatsLogTarget":"FILE","authLogLevel":"INFO","authLogTarget":"STDOUT","httpLogLevel":"INFO","httpLogTarget":"FILE","ldapStatsLogLevel":"INFO","ldapStatsLogTarget":"FILE","persistenceDurationLogLevel":"INFO","persistenceDurationLogTarget":"FILE","persistenceLogLevel":"INFO","persistenceLogTarget":"FILE","scriptLogLevel":"INFO","scriptLogTarget":"FILE"}
| App loggers can be configured to define where the logs will be redirected to and the level of each in which it should be displayed. |
| global.auth-server.appLoggers.auditStatsLogLevel | string | "INFO"
| jans-auth_audit.log level |
| global.auth-server.appLoggers.auditStatsLogTarget | string | "FILE"
| jans-auth_script.log target |
| global.auth-server.appLoggers.authLogLevel | string | "INFO"
| jans-auth.log level |
| global.auth-server.appLoggers.authLogTarget | string | "STDOUT"
| jans-auth.log target |
| global.auth-server.appLoggers.httpLogLevel | string | "INFO"
| http_request_response.log level |
| global.auth-server.appLoggers.httpLogTarget | string | "FILE"
| http_request_response.log target |
| global.auth-server.appLoggers.ldapStatsLogLevel | string | "INFO"
| jans-auth_persistence_ldap_statistics.log level |
| global.auth-server.appLoggers.ldapStatsLogTarget | string | "FILE"
| jans-auth_persistence_ldap_statistics.log target |
| global.auth-server.appLoggers.persistenceDurationLogLevel | string | "INFO"
| jans-auth_persistence_duration.log level |
| global.auth-server.appLoggers.persistenceDurationLogTarget | string | "FILE"
| jans-auth_persistence_duration.log target |
| global.auth-server.appLoggers.persistenceLogLevel | string | "INFO"
| jans-auth_persistence.log level |
| global.auth-server.appLoggers.persistenceLogTarget | string | "FILE"
| jans-auth_persistence.log target |
| global.auth-server.appLoggers.scriptLogLevel | string | "INFO"
| jans-auth_script.log level |
| global.auth-server.appLoggers.scriptLogTarget | string | "FILE"
| jans-auth_script.log target |
| global.auth-server.authServerServiceName | string | "auth-server"
| Name of the auth-server service. Please keep it as default. |
| global.auth-server.enabled | bool | true
| Boolean flag to enable/disable auth-server chart. You should never set this to false. |
| global.cloud.testEnviroment | bool | false
| Boolean flag if enabled will strip resources requests and limits from all services. |
| global.cnGoogleApplicationCredentials | string | "/etc/jans/conf/google-credentials.json"
| Base64 encoded service account. The sa must have roles/secretmanager.admin to use Google secrets and roles/spanner.databaseUser to use Spanner. |
| global.cnObExtSigningAlias | string | ""
| Open banking external signing AS Alias. This is a kid value.Used in SSA Validation, kid used while encoding a JWT sent to token URL i.e XkwIzWy44xWSlcWnMiEc8iq9s2G |
| global.cnObExtSigningJwksCrt | string | ""
| Open banking external signing jwks AS certificate authority string. Used in SSA Validation. This must be encoded using base64.. Used when .global.cnObExtSigningJwksUri
is set. |
| global.cnObExtSigningJwksKey | string | ""
| Open banking external signing jwks AS key string. Used in SSA Validation. This must be encoded using base64. Used when .global.cnObExtSigningJwksUri
is set. |
| global.cnObExtSigningJwksKeyPassPhrase | string | ""
| Open banking external signing jwks AS key passphrase to unlock provided key. This must be encoded using base64. Used when .global.cnObExtSigningJwksUri
is set. |
| global.cnObExtSigningJwksUri | string | ""
| Open banking external signing jwks uri. Used in SSA Validation. |
| global.cnObStaticSigningKeyKid | string | ""
| Open banking signing AS kid to force the AS to use a specific signing key. i.e Wy44xWSlcWnMiEc8iq9s2G |
| global.cnObTransportAlias | string | ""
| Open banking transport Alias used inside the JVM. |
| global.cnObTransportCrt | string | ""
| Open banking AS transport crt. Used in SSA Validation. This must be encoded using base64. |
| global.cnObTransportKey | string | ""
| Open banking AS transport key. Used in SSA Validation. This must be encoded using base64. |
| global.cnObTransportKeyPassPhrase | string | ""
| Open banking AS transport key passphrase to unlock AS transport key. This must be encoded using base64. |
| global.cnObTransportTrustStore | string | ""
| Open banking AS transport truststore crt. This is normally generated from the OB issuing CA, OB Root CA and Signing CA. Used when .global.cnObExtSigningJwksUri is set. Used in SSA Validation. This must be encoded using base64. |
| global.cnPersistenceType | string | "sql"
| Persistence backend to run Gluu with ldap|couchbase|hybrid|sql|spanner. |
| global.config-api.appLoggers | object | {"configApiLogLevel":"INFO","configApiLogTarget":"STDOUT"}
| App loggers can be configured to define where the logs will be redirected to and the level of each in which it should be displayed. |
| global.config-api.appLoggers.configApiLogLevel | string | "INFO"
| configapi.log level |
| global.config-api.appLoggers.configApiLogTarget | string | "STDOUT"
| configapi.log target |
| global.config-api.configApiServerServiceName | string | "config-api"
| Name of the config-api service. Please keep it as default. |
| global.config-api.enabled | bool | true
| Boolean flag to enable/disable the config-api chart. |
| global.config.enabled | bool | true
| Boolean flag to enable/disable the configuration chart. This normally should never be false |
| global.configAdapterName | string | "kubernetes"
| The config backend adapter that will hold Gluu configuration layer. google|kubernetes |
| global.configSecretAdapter | string | "kubernetes"
| The config backend adapter that will hold Gluu secret layer. google|kubernetes |
| global.distribution | string | "openbanking"
| Gluu distributions supported are: default|openbanking. |
| global.fqdn | string | "demoexample.gluu.org"
| Fully qualified domain name to be used for Gluu installation. This address will be used to reach Gluu services. |
| global.isFqdnRegistered | bool | false
| Boolean flag to enable mapping global.lbIp to global.fqdn inside pods on clouds that provide static ip for loadbalancers. On cloud that provide only addresses to the LB this flag will enable a script to actively scan config.configmap.lbAddr and update the hosts file inside the pods automatically. |
| global.istio.enabled | bool | false
| Boolean flag that enables using istio side cars with Gluu services. |
| global.istio.ingress | bool | false
| Boolean flag that enables using istio gateway for Gluu. This assumes istio ingress is installed and hence the LB is available. |
| global.istio.namespace | string | "istio-system"
| The namespace istio is deployed in. The is normally istio-system. |
| global.lbIp | string | ""
| The Loadbalancer IP created by nginx or istio on clouds that provide static IPs. This is not needed if global.fqdn
is globally resolvable. |
| global.nginx-ingress.enabled | bool | true
| Boolean flag to enable/disable the nginx-ingress definitions chart. |
| global.persistence.enabled | bool | true
| Boolean flag to enable/disable the persistence chart. |
| global.usrEnvs | object | {"normal":{},"secret":{}}
| Add custom normal and secret envs to the service. Envs defined in global.userEnvs will be globally available to all services |
| global.usrEnvs.normal | object | {}
| Add custom normal envs to the service. variable1: value1 |
| global.usrEnvs.secret | object | {}
| Add custom secret envs to the service. variable1: value1 |
=== "nginx-ingress"
| Key | Type | Default | Description |
| nginx-ingress | object | {"ingress":{"additionalAnnotations":{},"additionalLabels":{},"adminUiEnabled":true,"adminUiLabels":{},"authServerEnabled":true,"authServerLabels":{},"authServerProtectedRedisterLabels":{},"authServerProtectedRegister":false,"authServerProtectedToken":false,"authServerProtectedTokenLabels":{},"configApiEnabled":true,"configApiLabels":{},"fido2ConfigEnabled":false,"fido2ConfigLabels":{},"hosts":["demoexample.gluu.org"],"openidConfigEnabled":true,"openidConfigLabels":{},"path":"/","scimConfigEnabled":false,"scimConfigLabels":{},"scimEnabled":false,"scimLabels":{},"tls":[{"hosts":["demoexample.gluu.org"],"secretName":"tls-certificate"}],"u2fConfigEnabled":true,"u2fConfigLabels":{},"uma2ConfigEnabled":true,"uma2ConfigLabels":{},"webdiscoveryEnabled":true,"webdiscoveryLabels":{},"webfingerEnabled":true,"webfingerLabels":{}}}
| Nginx ingress definitions chart |
| nginx-ingress.ingress.additionalAnnotations | object | {}
| Additional annotations that will be added across all ingress definitions in the format of {cert-manager.io/issuer: "letsencrypt-prod"} Enable client certificate authentication nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/auth-tls-verify-client: "optional" Create the secret containing the trusted ca certificates nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/auth-tls-secret: "gluu/tls-certificate" Specify the verification depth in the client certificates chain nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/auth-tls-verify-depth: "1" Specify if certificates are passed to upstream server nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/auth-tls-pass-certificate-to-upstream: "true" |
| nginx-ingress.ingress.additionalLabels | object | {}
| Additional labels that will be added across all ingress definitions in the format of {mylabel: "myapp"} |
| nginx-ingress.ingress.authServerEnabled | bool | true
| Enable Auth server endpoints /jans-auth |
| nginx-ingress.ingress.authServerLabels | object | {}
| Auth server config ingress resource labels. key app is taken |
| nginx-ingress.ingress.authServerProtectedRedisterLabels | object | {}
| Auth server protected token ingress resource labels. key app is taken |
| nginx-ingress.ingress.authServerProtectedRegister | bool | false
| Enable mTLS onn Auth server endpoint /jans-auth/restv1/register |
| nginx-ingress.ingress.authServerProtectedToken | bool | false
| Enable mTLS on Auth server endpoint /jans-auth/restv1/token |
| nginx-ingress.ingress.authServerProtectedTokenLabels | object | {}
| Auth server protected token ingress resource labels. key app is taken |
| nginx-ingress.ingress.configApiLabels | object | {}
| configAPI ingress resource labels. key app is taken |
| nginx-ingress.ingress.openidConfigEnabled | bool | true
| Enable endpoint /.well-known/openid-configuration |
| nginx-ingress.ingress.openidConfigLabels | object | {}
| openid-configuration ingress resource labels. key app is taken |
| nginx-ingress.ingress.tls | list | [{"hosts":["demoexample.gluu.org"],"secretName":"tls-certificate"}]
| Secrets holding HTTPS CA cert and key. |
| nginx-ingress.ingress.u2fConfigEnabled | bool | true
| Enable endpoint /.well-known/fido-configuration |
| nginx-ingress.ingress.u2fConfigLabels | object | {}
| u2f config ingress resource labels. key app is taken |
| nginx-ingress.ingress.uma2ConfigEnabled | bool | true
| Enable endpoint /.well-known/uma2-configuration |
| nginx-ingress.ingress.uma2ConfigLabels | object | {}
| uma2 config ingress resource labels. key app is taken |
| nginx-ingress.ingress.webdiscoveryEnabled | bool | true
| Enable endpoint /.well-known/simple-web-discovery |
| nginx-ingress.ingress.webdiscoveryLabels | object | {}
| webdiscovery ingress resource labels. key app is taken |
| nginx-ingress.ingress.webfingerEnabled | bool | true
| Enable endpoint /.well-known/webfinger |
| nginx-ingress.ingress.webfingerLabels | object | {}
| webfinger ingress resource labels. key app is taken |
=== "persistence"
| Key | Type | Default | Description |
| persistence | object | {"dnsConfig":{},"dnsPolicy":"","image":{"pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent","pullSecrets":[],"repository":"janssenproject/persistence-loader","tag":"1.0.0-beta.14"},"resources":{"limits":{"cpu":"300m","memory":"300Mi"},"requests":{"cpu":"300m","memory":"300Mi"}},"usrEnvs":{"normal":{},"secret":{}},"volumeMounts":[],"volumes":[]}
| Job to generate data and intial config for Gluu Server persistence layer. |
| persistence.dnsConfig | object | {}
| Add custom dns config |
| persistence.dnsPolicy | string | ""
| Add custom dns policy |
| persistence.image.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent"
| Image pullPolicy to use for deploying. |
| persistence.image.pullSecrets | list | []
| Image Pull Secrets |
| persistence.image.repository | string | "janssenproject/persistence-loader"
| Image to use for deploying. |
| persistence.image.tag | string | "1.0.0-beta.14"
| Image tag to use for deploying. |
| persistence.resources | object | {"limits":{"cpu":"300m","memory":"300Mi"},"requests":{"cpu":"300m","memory":"300Mi"}}
| Resource specs. |
| persistence.resources.limits.cpu | string | "300m"
| CPU limit |
| persistence.resources.limits.memory | string | "300Mi"
| Memory limit. |
| persistence.resources.requests.cpu | string | "300m"
| CPU request. |
| persistence.resources.requests.memory | string | "300Mi"
| Memory request. |
| persistence.usrEnvs | object | {"normal":{},"secret":{}}
| Add custom normal and secret envs to the service |
| persistence.usrEnvs.normal | object | {}
| Add custom normal envs to the service variable1: value1 |
| persistence.usrEnvs.secret | object | {}
| Add custom secret envs to the service variable1: value1 |
| persistence.volumeMounts | list | []
| Configure any additional volumesMounts that need to be attached to the containers |
| persistence.volumes | list | []
| Configure any additional volumes that need to be attached to the pod |
# -- OAuth Authorization Server, the OpenID Connect Provider, the UMA Authorization Server--this is the main Internet facing component of Gluu. It's the service that returns tokens, JWT's and identity assertions. This service must be Internet facing.
# -- Configure the HorizontalPodAutoscaler
enabled: true
minReplicas: 1
maxReplicas: 10
targetCPUUtilizationPercentage: 50
# -- metrics if targetCPUUtilizationPercentage is not set
metrics: []
# -- Scaling Policies
behavior: {}
# -- Add custom normal and secret envs to the service
# -- Add custom normal envs to the service
# variable1: value1
normal: {}
# -- Add custom secret envs to the service
# variable1: value1
secret: {}
# -- Add custom dns policy
dnsPolicy: ""
# -- Add custom dns config
dnsConfig: {}
# -- Image pullPolicy to use for deploying.
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
# -- Image to use for deploying.
repository: janssenproject/auth-server
# -- Image tag to use for deploying.
tag: 1.0.0-beta.14
# -- Image Pull Secrets
pullSecrets: [ ]
# -- Service replica number.
replicas: 1
# -- Resource specs.
# -- CPU limit.
cpu: 2500m
# -- Memory limit.
memory: 2500Mi
# -- CPU request.
cpu: 2500m
# -- Memory request.
memory: 2500Mi
# -- Configure the liveness healthcheck for the auth server if needed.
# -- Executes the python3 healthcheck.
# https://github.com/JanssenProject/docker-jans-auth-server/blob/master/scripts/healthcheck.py
- python3
- /app/scripts/healthcheck.py
initialDelaySeconds: 30
periodSeconds: 30
timeoutSeconds: 5
# -- Configure the readiness healthcheck for the auth server if needed.
# https://github.com/JanssenProject/docker-jans-auth-server/blob/master/scripts/healthcheck.py
- python3
- /app/scripts/healthcheck.py
initialDelaySeconds: 25
periodSeconds: 25
timeoutSeconds: 5
# -- Configure any additional volumes that need to be attached to the pod
volumes: []
# -- Configure any additional volumesMounts that need to be attached to the containers
volumeMounts: []
# -- Configuration parameters for setup and initial configuration secret and config layers used by Gluu services.
# -- Add custom normal and secret envs to the service.
# -- Add custom normal envs to the service.
# variable1: value1
normal: {}
# -- Add custom secret envs to the service.
# variable1: value1
secret: {}
# -- City. Used for certificate creation.
city: Austin
# -- Jetty header size in bytes in the auth server
cnJettyRequestHeaderSize: 8192
# -- SQL database dialect. `mysql` or `pgsql`
cnSqlDbDialect: mysql
# -- SQL database host uri.
cnSqlDbHost: my-release-mysql.default.svc.cluster.local
# -- SQL database port.
cnSqlDbPort: 3306
# -- SQL database name.
cnSqlDbName: jans
# -- SQL database username.
cnSqlDbUser: jans
# -- SQL database timezone.
cnSqlDbTimezone: UTC
# -- SQL password file holding password from config.configmap.cnSqldbUserPassword .
cnSqlPasswordFile: /etc/jans/conf/sql_password
# -- SQL password injected as config.configmap.cnSqlPasswordFile .
cnSqldbUserPassword: Test1234#
# -- Cache type. `NATIVE_PERSISTENCE`, `REDIS`. or `IN_MEMORY`. Defaults to `NATIVE_PERSISTENCE` .
# -- The name of the Kubernetes ConfigMap that will hold the configuration layer
cnConfigKubernetesConfigMap: cn
# [google_envs] Envs related to using Google
# -- Service account with roles roles/secretmanager.admin base64 encoded string. This is used often inside the services to reach the configuration layer. Used only when global.configAdapterName and global.configSecretAdapter is set to google.
cnGoogleSecretManagerServiceAccount: SWFtTm90YVNlcnZpY2VBY2NvdW50Q2hhbmdlTWV0b09uZQo=
# -- Project id of the google project the secret manager belongs to. Used only when global.configAdapterName and global.configSecretAdapter is set to google.
cnGoogleProjectId: google-project-to-save-config-and-secrets-to
# [google_spanner_envs] Envs related to using Google Secret Manager to store config and secret layer
# -- Google Spanner ID. Used only when global.cnPersistenceType is spanner.
cnGoogleSpannerInstanceId: ""
# -- Google Spanner Database ID. Used only when global.cnPersistenceType is spanner.
cnGoogleSpannerDatabaseId: ""
# [google_spanner_envs] END
# [google_secret_manager_envs] Envs related to using Google Secret Manager to store config and secret layer
# -- Secret version to be used for secret configuration. Defaults to latest and should normally always stay that way. Used only when global.configAdapterName and global.configSecretAdapter is set to google.
cnSecretGoogleSecretVersionId: "latest"
# -- Prefix for Gluu secret in Google Secret Manager. Defaults to gluu. If left gluu-secret secret will be created. Used only when global.configAdapterName and global.configSecretAdapter is set to google.
cnSecretGoogleSecretNamePrefix: gluu
# -- Passphrase for Gluu secret in Google Secret Manager. This is used for encrypting and decrypting data from the Google Secret Manager. Used only when global.configAdapterName and global.configSecretAdapter is set to google.
cnGoogleSecretManagerPassPhrase: Test1234#
# -- Secret version to be used for configuration. Defaults to latest and should normally always stay that way. Used only when global.configAdapterName and global.configSecretAdapter is set to google. Used only when global.configAdapterName and global.configSecretAdapter is set to google.
cnConfigGoogleSecretVersionId: "latest"
# -- Prefix for Gluu configuration secret in Google Secret Manager. Defaults to gluu. If left intact gluu-configuration secret will be created. Used only when global.configAdapterName and global.configSecretAdapter is set to google.
cnConfigGoogleSecretNamePrefix: gluu
# [google_secret_manager_envs] END
# [google_envs] END
# -- Value passed to Java option -XX:MaxRAMPercentage
cnMaxRamPercent: "75.0"
# -- Kubernetes secret name holding configuration keys. Used when global.configSecretAdapter is set to kubernetes which is the default.
cnSecretKubernetesSecret: cn
# -- Loadbalancer address for AWS if the FQDN is not registered.
lbAddr: ""
# -- Country code. Used for certificate creation.
countryCode: US
# -- Email address of the administrator usually. Used for certificate creation.
email: support@gluu.org
# -- Image to use for deploying.
repository: janssenproject/configurator
# -- Image tag to use for deploying.
tag: 1.0.0-beta.14
# -- Image Pull Secrets
pullSecrets: [ ]
# -- Organization name. Used for certificate creation.
orgName: Gluu
# -- Resource specs.
# -- CPU limit.
cpu: 300m
# -- Memory limit.
memory: 300Mi
# -- CPU request.
cpu: 300m
# -- Memory request.
memory: 300Mi
# -- State code. Used for certificate creation.
state: TX
# -- Configure any additional volumes that need to be attached to the pod
volumes: []
# -- Configure any additional volumesMounts that need to be attached to the containers
volumeMounts: []
# -- Add custom dns policy
dnsPolicy: ""
# -- Add custom dns config
dnsConfig: {}
# -- Config Api endpoints can be used to configure the auth-server, which is an open-source OpenID Connect Provider (OP) and UMA Authorization Server (AS).
# -- Configure the HorizontalPodAutoscaler
enabled: true
minReplicas: 1
maxReplicas: 10
targetCPUUtilizationPercentage: 50
# -- metrics if targetCPUUtilizationPercentage is not set
metrics: []
# -- Scaling Policies
behavior: {}
# -- Add custom normal and secret envs to the service
# -- Add custom normal envs to the service
# variable1: value1
normal: {}
# -- Add custom secret envs to the service
# variable1: value1
secret: {}
# -- Add custom dns policy
dnsPolicy: ""
# -- Add custom dns config
dnsConfig: {}
# -- Image pullPolicy to use for deploying.
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
# -- Image to use for deploying.
repository: janssenproject/config-api
# -- Image tag to use for deploying.
tag: 1.0.0-beta.14
# -- Image Pull Secrets
pullSecrets: [ ]
# -- Service replica number.
replicas: 1
# -- Resource specs.
# -- CPU limit.
cpu: 1000m
# -- Memory limit.
memory: 400Mi
# -- CPU request.
cpu: 1000m
# -- Memory request.
memory: 400Mi
# -- Configure the liveness healthcheck for the auth server if needed.
# -- http liveness probe endpoint
path: /jans-config-api/api/v1/health/live
port: 8074
initialDelaySeconds: 30
periodSeconds: 30
timeoutSeconds: 5
# -- http readiness probe endpoint
path: /jans-config-api/api/v1/health/ready
port: 8074
initialDelaySeconds: 25
periodSeconds: 25
timeoutSeconds: 5
# -- Configure any additional volumes that need to be attached to the pod
volumes: []
# -- Configure any additional volumesMounts that need to be attached to the containers
volumeMounts: []
# -- Parameters used globally across all services helm charts.
# -- Add custom normal and secret envs to the service.
# Envs defined in global.userEnvs will be globally available to all services
# -- Add custom normal envs to the service.
# variable1: value1
normal: {}
# -- Add custom secret envs to the service.
# variable1: value1
secret: {}
# -- Activates ALB ingress
ingress: false
# -- Name of the auth-server service. Please keep it as default.
authServerServiceName: auth-server
# -- Boolean flag to enable/disable auth-server chart. You should never set this to false.
enabled: true
# -- App loggers can be configured to define where the logs will be redirected to and the level of each in which it should be displayed.
# -- jans-auth.log target
authLogTarget: "STDOUT"
# -- jans-auth.log level
authLogLevel: "INFO"
# -- http_request_response.log target
httpLogTarget: "FILE"
# -- http_request_response.log level
httpLogLevel: "INFO"
# -- jans-auth_persistence.log target
persistenceLogTarget: "FILE"
# -- jans-auth_persistence.log level
persistenceLogLevel: "INFO"
# -- jans-auth_persistence_duration.log target
persistenceDurationLogTarget: "FILE"
# -- jans-auth_persistence_duration.log level
persistenceDurationLogLevel: "INFO"
# -- jans-auth_persistence_ldap_statistics.log target
ldapStatsLogTarget: "FILE"
# -- jans-auth_persistence_ldap_statistics.log level
ldapStatsLogLevel: "INFO"
# -- jans-auth_script.log target
scriptLogTarget: "FILE"
# -- jans-auth_script.log level
scriptLogLevel: "INFO"
# -- jans-auth_script.log target
auditStatsLogTarget: "FILE"
# -- jans-auth_audit.log level
auditStatsLogLevel: "INFO"
awsStorageType: io1
# -- Boolean flag if enabled will strip resources requests and limits from all services.
testEnviroment: false
# -- Persistence backend to run Gluu with ldap|couchbase|hybrid|sql|spanner.
cnPersistenceType: sql
# -- Open banking external signing jwks uri. Used in SSA Validation.
cnObExtSigningJwksUri: ""
# -- Open banking external signing jwks AS certificate authority string. Used in SSA Validation. This must be encoded using base64.. Used when `.global.cnObExtSigningJwksUri` is set.
cnObExtSigningJwksCrt: ""
# -- Open banking external signing jwks AS key string. Used in SSA Validation. This must be encoded using base64. Used when `.global.cnObExtSigningJwksUri` is set.
cnObExtSigningJwksKey: ""
# -- Open banking external signing jwks AS key passphrase to unlock provided key. This must be encoded using base64. Used when `.global.cnObExtSigningJwksUri` is set.
cnObExtSigningJwksKeyPassPhrase: ""
# -- Open banking external signing AS Alias. This is a kid value.Used in SSA Validation, kid used while encoding a JWT sent to token URL i.e XkwIzWy44xWSlcWnMiEc8iq9s2G
cnObExtSigningAlias: ""
# -- Open banking signing AS kid to force the AS to use a specific signing key. i.e Wy44xWSlcWnMiEc8iq9s2G
cnObStaticSigningKeyKid: ""
# -- Open banking AS transport crt. Used in SSA Validation. This must be encoded using base64.
cnObTransportCrt: ""
# -- Open banking AS transport key. Used in SSA Validation. This must be encoded using base64.
cnObTransportKey: ""
# -- Open banking AS transport key passphrase to unlock AS transport key. This must be encoded using base64.
cnObTransportKeyPassPhrase: ""
# -- Open banking transport Alias used inside the JVM.
cnObTransportAlias: ""
# -- Open banking AS transport truststore crt. This is normally generated from the OB issuing CA, OB Root CA and Signing CA. Used when .global.cnObExtSigningJwksUri is set. Used in SSA Validation. This must be encoded using base64.
cnObTransportTrustStore: ""
# -- Boolean flag to enable/disable the configuration chart. This normally should never be false
enabled: true
# -- The config backend adapter that will hold Gluu configuration layer. google|kubernetes
configAdapterName: kubernetes
# -- The config backend adapter that will hold Gluu secret layer. google|kubernetes
configSecretAdapter: kubernetes
# -- Base64 encoded service account. The sa must have roles/secretmanager.admin to use Google secrets and roles/spanner.databaseUser to use Spanner.
cnGoogleApplicationCredentials: /etc/jans/conf/google-credentials.json
# -- Name of the config-api service. Please keep it as default.
configApiServerServiceName: config-api
# -- Boolean flag to enable/disable the config-api chart.
enabled: true
# -- App loggers can be configured to define where the logs will be redirected to and the level of each in which it should be displayed.
# -- configapi.log target
configApiLogTarget: "STDOUT"
# -- configapi.log level
configApiLogLevel: "INFO"
# -- Fully qualified domain name to be used for Gluu installation. This address will be used to reach Gluu services.
fqdn: demoexample.gluu.org
# -- GCE storage kind if using Google disks
gcePdStorageType: pd-standard
# -- Boolean flag to enable mapping global.lbIp to global.fqdn inside pods on clouds that provide static ip for loadbalancers. On cloud that provide only addresses to the LB this flag will enable a script to actively scan config.configmap.lbAddr and update the hosts file inside the pods automatically.
isFqdnRegistered: false
# -- Boolean flag that enables using istio side cars with Gluu services.
enabled: false
# -- Boolean flag that enables using istio gateway for Gluu. This assumes istio ingress is installed and hence the LB is available.
ingress: false
# -- The namespace istio is deployed in. The is normally istio-system.
namespace: istio-system
# -- The Loadbalancer IP created by nginx or istio on clouds that provide static IPs. This is not needed if `global.fqdn` is globally resolvable.
lbIp: ""
# -- Boolean flag to enable/disable the nginx-ingress definitions chart.
enabled: true
# -- Gluu distributions supported are: default|openbanking.
distribution: openbanking
# -- Boolean flag to enable/disable the persistence chart.
enabled: true
# -- Nginx ingress definitions chart
# -- Enable endpoint /.well-known/openid-configuration
openidConfigEnabled: true
# -- openid-configuration ingress resource labels. key app is taken
openidConfigLabels: { }
# -- Enable endpoint /.well-known/uma2-configuration
uma2ConfigEnabled: true
# -- uma2 config ingress resource labels. key app is taken
uma2ConfigLabels: { }
# -- Enable endpoint /.well-known/webfinger
webfingerEnabled: true
# -- webfinger ingress resource labels. key app is taken
webfingerLabels: { }
# -- Enable endpoint /.well-known/simple-web-discovery
webdiscoveryEnabled: true
# -- webdiscovery ingress resource labels. key app is taken
webdiscoveryLabels: { }
# Enable config API endpoints /jans-config-api
configApiEnabled: true
# -- configAPI ingress resource labels. key app is taken
configApiLabels: { }
# -- Enable endpoint /.well-known/fido-configuration
u2fConfigEnabled: true
# -- u2f config ingress resource labels. key app is taken
u2fConfigLabels: { }
# -- Enable Auth server endpoints /jans-auth
authServerEnabled: true
# -- Auth server config ingress resource labels. key app is taken
authServerLabels: { }
# -- Enable mTLS on Auth server endpoint /jans-auth/restv1/token
authServerProtectedToken: false
# -- Auth server protected token ingress resource labels. key app is taken
authServerProtectedTokenLabels: { }
# -- Enable mTLS onn Auth server endpoint /jans-auth/restv1/register
authServerProtectedRegister: false
# -- Auth server protected token ingress resource labels. key app is taken
authServerProtectedRedisterLabels: { }
# -- Additional labels that will be added across all ingress definitions in the format of {mylabel: "myapp"}
additionalLabels: { }
# -- Additional annotations that will be added across all ingress definitions in the format of {cert-manager.io/issuer: "letsencrypt-prod"}
# Enable client certificate authentication
# nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/auth-tls-verify-client: "optional"
# Create the secret containing the trusted ca certificates
# nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/auth-tls-secret: "gluu/tls-certificate"
# Specify the verification depth in the client certificates chain
# nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/auth-tls-verify-depth: "1"
# Specify if certificates are passed to upstream server
# nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/auth-tls-pass-certificate-to-upstream: "true"
additionalAnnotations: {}
path: /
- demoexample.gluu.org
# -- Secrets holding HTTPS CA cert and key.
- secretName: tls-certificate
- demoexample.gluu.org
# -- Job to generate data and intial config for Gluu Server persistence layer.
# -- Add custom normal and secret envs to the service
# -- Add custom normal envs to the service
# variable1: value1
normal: {}
# -- Add custom secret envs to the service
# variable1: value1
secret: {}
# -- Add custom dns policy
dnsPolicy: ""
# -- Add custom dns config
dnsConfig: {}
# -- Image pullPolicy to use for deploying.
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
# -- Image to use for deploying.
repository: janssenproject/persistence-loader
# -- Image tag to use for deploying.
tag: 1.0.0-beta.14
# -- Image Pull Secrets
pullSecrets: [ ]
# -- Resource specs.
# -- CPU limit
cpu: 300m
# -- Memory limit.
memory: 300Mi
# -- CPU request.
cpu: 300m
# -- Memory request.
memory: 300Mi
# -- Configure any additional volumes that need to be attached to the pod
volumes: []
# -- Configure any additional volumesMounts that need to be attached to the containers
volumeMounts: []