Releases: Jaspersoft/jasperreports
JasperReports 6.5.0
JasperReports Library 6.5.0 Change Log
support for configuration properties with the net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.pattern.{arbitrary_pattern}
format to allow more flexible and reusable mapping between Java and Excel cell format patterns
for the XLS/XLSX exporters; -
solved various band evaluation issues related to page/column level totals
displayed in page/column footers when page/column breaks are introduced by
stretching bands which are prevented from splitting; -
inhibit the creation of new page/column when the current page/column is already
new and thus avoid creating empty pages/columns in various cases where features
for controlling page/column breaks were involved; -
added more test reports to document the changes in the way band evaluation and
page/column breaks work; -
minor bug fixes and improvements;
JasperReports 6.4.3
JasperReports Library 6.4.3 Change Log
removed JExcelApi dependency and the deprecated source code using it,
including exporters, data sources and query executers; -
removed deprecated HTML and XHTML exporters;
support for simple text expressions to simplify writing expressions for custom properties,
which rely on direct parameter/field/variable reference in-place value expansion,
instead of the usual Java language string concatenation syntax; -
introducing support for custom properties annotations for better documentation
of all available JasperReports configurations and for enhanced custom properties
helper tools in Jaspersoft Studio; -
added new preventOrphanFooter flag in report and dataset group definitions,
to avoid rendering group footers without any accompanying record at the top of new pages; -
added new minDetailsToStartFromTop attribute in report and dataset group definitions,
to avoid rendering group headers too low on the page, where not enough detail records can fit; -
refactored some of the provided samples, including the Web application samples,
to make use of the Jetty engine and make it easier to test them locally; -
minor bug fixes and improvements;
JasperReports 6.4.1
JasperReports Library 6.4.1 Change Log
dependencies upgrade;
minor bug fixes and improvements;
JasperReports 6.4.0
JasperReports Library 6.4.0 Change Log
support for rendering of Web-based visualization components to images or SVG,
inside the Java VM, using a pool of reusable PhantomJS external processes; -
support for request body entity was added to HTTP data adapters;
allow specifying the value of a static custom property using the body content of the
element, instead of the usual value attribute of the element; -
minor bug fixes and improvements;
JasperReports 6.3.1
JasperReports Library 6.3.1 Change Log
new JSONQL query language with advanced syntax for queries and for field mapping
expressions to allow more complex field mapping scenarios including the ability to map
fields to the parent node values; this new query language and its respective query executer,
which offers XPath-like capabilities, deprecate the existing JSON query language and
the former query executer; -
support for request headers was added to HTTP data adapters as well as improved
parameter mapping using custom parameter properties to markup dataset parameters which
contribute to the HTTP request; the new sample under /demo/samples/httpdataadapters shows
some of these improvements; -
new evaluationTime attribute added to dataset parameter definition to control the exact
moment when the default value expression of the parameter is evaluated; the default evaluation
time for parameters which do not specify a value for the attribute is controlled using the
net.sf.jasperreports.parameter.evaluation.time configuration property; -
support for property expressions added for dataset fields to allow more flexibility in
data source and query executer field mapping; -
the use of the fieldDescription attribute in data source and query executer field mapping
is now deprecated by the introduction of special field level custom properties for each type
of data source and query executer; -
support for property expressions in dataset was added to allow more flexibility in dataset
and report configuration, including the ability to control export properties using report parameters;
the report and dataset property expressions can be evaluated at different moments and this is
controlled by the their evaluationTime attribute; when evaluationTime attribute is not specified
for a property expression, it defaults to the value specified by the configuration property; -
multiple chart customizer objects can be registered per chart element using new configuration
properties having the net.sf.jasperreports.customizer.class.{arbitrary_name} format;
the new sample under /demo/samples/chartcustomizers introduces a set of pre-defined chart
customizers which are ready to use in reports; -
the data adapter extension is now enabled by default in all JasperReports deployments;
the XLS, XLSX, DOCX and PPTX exporters were enhanced to support specifying metadata
information such as title, subject, author, keywords and creator application for the
generated documents using export configuration properties; -
minor bug fixes and improvements;