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Setting the FFmpeg version

Alexander Berezhnoi edited this page Mar 25, 2022 · 9 revisions

The script can be executed without any arguments. In this case the FFmpeg 5.0 will be used.

However, it is possible to manually set the the version of FFmpeg to use. Be aware that the script supports FFmpeg 4.1+ only.

For overriding the version you may pass one additional argument to the There are 3 options.

1. Tar archive of a particular release

The script can download an archive with the source code of a particular FFmpeg release. Those archives are usually available on this page. By default, the script downloads an archive of FFmpeg 5.0. The uncompressed archive is kept across different executions of the script, so the archive for the same version is downloaded only once. This approach is equivalent to the git tag option, but is faster, since the git repo isn't cloned.


./ --source-tar=4.2

2. Git Tag

You can set a particular tag of the FFmpeg's git repository. Tags are listed here. The script will clone the git repo (if needed), checkout the specified tag and use it for compilation. The repository is kept across different executions of the script, so the cloning occurs only once.

And here is an example:

./ --source-git-tag=n4.1.4

3. Git Branch

You can set a particular branch of the FFmpeg's git repository. Branches are listed here. The script will clone the git repo (if needed), checkout the specified branch, pull its latest changes and use that state for compilation. The repository is kept across different executions of the script, so the cloning occurs only once.

It works like this:

./ --source-git-branch=release/4.2


./ --source-git-branch=master

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