GNU Wget2 V2.0.0 - multithreaded metalink/file/website downloader
Usage: wget [options...] <url>...
-a --append-output File where messages are appended to, '-' for STDOUT
-b --background Go to background immediately after startup. If no
output file is specified via the -o, output is redirected to wget-log
-B --base Base for relative URLs read from input-file
or from command line
--config Path to initialization file (default: ~/.config/wget/wget2rc)
-d --debug Print debugging messages.(default: off)
-e --execute Wget compatibility option, not needed for Wget
--force-atom Treat input file as Atom Feed. (default: off) (NEW!)
--force-css Treat input file as CSS. (default: off) (NEW!)
-F --force-html Treat input file as HTML. (default: off)
--force-metalink Treat input file as Metalink. (default: off) (NEW!)
--force-rss Treat input file as RSS Feed. (default: off) (NEW!)
--force-sitemap Treat input file as Sitemap. (default: off) (NEW!)
--fsync-policy Use fsync() to wait for data being written to
the pysical layer. (default: off) (NEW!)
-h --help Print this help.
--hyperlink Enable terminal hyperlink support
--input-encoding Character encoding of the file contents read with
--input-file. (default: local encoding)
-i --input-file File where URLs are read from, - for STDIN.
--local-db Read or load databases
-o --output-file File where messages are printed to,
'-' for STDOUT.
-q --quiet Print no messages except debugging messages.
(default: off)
--stats-dns Print DNS stats. (default: off)
Additional format supported:
--stats-ocsp Print OCSP stats. (default: off)
Additional format supported:
--stats-server Print server stats. (default: off)
Additional format supported:
--stats-site Print site stats. (default: off)
Additional format supported:
--stats-tls Print TLS stats. (default: off)
Additional format supported:
--unlink Remove files before clobbering. (default: off)
-v --verbose Print more messages. (default: on)
-V --version Display the version of Wget and exit.
-A --accept Comma-separated list of file name suffixes or
--accept-regex Regex matching accepted URLs.
--ask-password Print prompt for password
--backups Make backups instead of overwriting/increasing
number. (default: 0)
--bind-address Bind to sockets to local address.
(default: automatic)
--bind-interface Bind sockets to the input Network Interface.
(default: automatic)
--body-data Data to be sent in a request.
--body-file File with data to be sent in a request.
--cache Enabled using of server cache. (default: on)
--chunk-size Download large files in multithreaded chunks.
(default: 0 (=off)) Example:
wget --chunk-size=1M
--clobber Enable file clobbering. (default: on)
--connect-timeout Connect timeout in seconds.
--content-on-error Save response body even on error status.
(default: off)
-c --continue Continue download for given files. (default: off)
--convert-file-only Convert only filename part of embedded URLs.
(default: off)
-k --convert-links Convert embedded URLs to local URLs.
(default: off)
--cut-file-get-vars Cut HTTP GET vars from file names. (default: off)
--cut-url-get-vars Cut HTTP GET vars from URLs. (default: off)
--delete-after Don't save downloaded files. (default: off)
--dns-cache Caching of domain name lookups. (default: on)
--dns-cache-preload File to be used to preload the DNS cache.
Format is like /etc/hosts (IP<whitespace>hostname).
--dns-timeout DNS lookup timeout in seconds.
-D --domains Comma-separated list of domains to follow.
--download-attr Recognize HTML5 download attributes.
'strippath' strips the path to be more secure.
'usepath' uses the path as is (this can be extremely dangerous !).
(default: strippath)
-X --exclude-directories
Comma-separated list of directories NOT to download.
Wildcards are allowed.
--exclude-domains Comma-separated list of domains NOT to follow.
--filter-mime-type Specify a list of mime types to be saved or ignored
--filter-urls Apply the accept and reject filters on the URL
before starting a download. (default: off)
--follow-tags Scan additional tag/attributes for URLs,
e.g. --follow-tags="img/data-500px,img/data-hires
--force-progress Force progress bar.
(default: off)
Max. number of parallel streams per HTTP/2
connection. (default: 30)
--if-modified-since Do not send If-Modified-Since header in -N mode.
Send preliminary HEAD request instead. This has only
effect in -N mode.
--ignore-case Ignore case when matching files. (default: off)
--ignore-length Ignore content-length header field
(default: off)
--ignore-tags Ignore tag/attributes for URL scanning,
e.g. --ignore-tags="img,a/href
-I --include-directories
Comma-separated list of directories TO download.
Wildcards are allowed.
-4 --inet4-only Use IPv4 connections only. (default: off)
-6 --inet6-only Use IPv6 connections only. (default: off)
--iri Wget dummy option, you can't switch off
international support
--keep-extension If file exists: Use pattern 'basename_N.ext'
instead of 'filename.N'. (default: off)
-l --level Maximum recursion depth. (default: 5)
--local-encoding Character encoding of environment and filenames.
--max-redirect Max. number of redirections to follow.
(default: 20)
--max-threads Max. concurrent download threads.
(default: 5) (NEW!)
-m --mirror Turn on mirroring options -r -N -l inf
--netrc Load credentials from ~/.netrc if not given.
(default: on)
-O --output-document File where downloaded content is written to,
'-O' for STDOUT.
-p --page-requisites Download all necessary files to display a
HTML page
--parent Ascend above parent directory. (default: on)
--password Password for Authentication.
(default: empty password)
--post-data Data to be sent in a POST request.
--post-file File with data to be sent in a POST request.
--prefer-family Prefer IPv4 or IPv6. (default: none)
--progress Type of progress bar (bar, none).
(default: none)
--proxy Enable support for *_proxy environment variables.
(default: on)
--random-wait Wait 0.5 up to 1.5*<--wait> seconds between
downloads (per thread). (default: off)
--read-timeout Read and write timeout in seconds.
-r --recursive Recursive download. (default: off)
--regex-type Regular expression type. This build only supports
posix. (default: posix)
-R --reject Comma-separated list of file name suffixes or
--reject-regex Regex matching rejected URLs.
--remote-encoding Character encoding of remote files
(if not specified in Content-Type HTTP header
or in document itself)
--report-speed Output bandwidth as TYPE. TYPE can be bytes
or bits. --progress MUST be used.
unix, windows, nocontrol, ascii, lowercase,
uppercase, none
Specify a list of http statuses in which the download will be retried
--robots Respect robots.txt standard for recursive
downloads. (default: on)
--save-content-on Specify a list of response codes that requires it's
response body to be saved on error status
-S --server-response Print the server response headers. (default: off)
-H --span-hosts Span hosts that were not given on the
command line. (default: off)
--spider Enable web spider mode. (default: off)
--start-pos Start downloading at zero-based position, 0 = option disabled. (default: 0)
--strict-comments A dummy option. Parsing always works non-strict.
--tcp-fastopen Enable TCP Fast Open (TFO). (default: on)
-T --timeout General network timeout in seconds.
-N --timestamping Just retrieve younger files than the local ones.
(default: off)
-t --tries Number of tries for each download. (default 20)
--trust-server-names On redirection use the server's filename.
(default: off)
--use-askpass Prompt for a user and password using
the specified command.
Set local file's timestamp to server's timestamp.
(default: on)
--user Username for Authentication.
(default: empty username)
-w --wait Wait number of seconds between downloads
(per thread). (default: 0)
--waitretry Wait up to number of seconds after error
(per thread). (default: 10)
--xattr Save extended file attributes. (default: off)
HTTP related options:
-E --adjust-extension Append extension to saved file (.html or .css).
(default: off)
--auth-no-challenge send Basic HTTP Authentication before challenge
-K --backup-converted When converting, keep the original file with
a .orig suffix. (default: off)
--compression Customize Accept-Encoding with
identity, gzip, deflate, xz, lzma, br, bzip2, zstd, lzip
and any combination of it
no-compression means no Accept-Encoding
Take filename from Content-Disposition.
(default: off)
--cookie-suffixes Load public suffixes from file.
They prevent 'supercookie' vulnerabilities.
See https://publicsuffix.org/ for details.
--cookies Enable use of cookies. (default: on)
--default-http-port Set default port for HTTP. (default: 80)
--default-https-port Set default port for HTTPS. (default: 443)
--default-page Default file name. (default: index.html)
--header Insert input string as a HTTP header in
all requests
--html-extension Obsoleted by --adjust-extension
--http-keep-alive Keep connection open for further requests.
(default: on)
--http-password Password for HTTP Authentication.
(default: empty password)
--http-proxy Set HTTP proxy/proxies, overriding environment
variables. Use comma to separate proxies.
Password for HTTP Proxy Authentication.
(default: empty password)
--http-proxy-user Username for HTTP Proxy Authentication.
(default: empty username)
--http-user Username for HTTP Authentication.
(default: empty username)
Also save session cookies. (default: off)
--limit-rate Limit rate of download per second, 0 = no limit. (default: 0)
--load-cookies Load cookies from file.
--metalink Follow a metalink file instead of storing it
(default: on)
--method HTTP method to use for request.
--netrc-file Set file for login/password to use instead of
~/.netrc. (default: ~/.netrc)
-Q --quota Download quota, 0 = no quota. (default: 0)
--referer Include Referer: url in HTTP request.
(default: off)
--retry-connrefused Consider "connection refused" a transient error.
(default: off)
--save-cookies Save cookies to file.
--save-headers Save the response headers in front of the response
data. (default: off)
-U --user-agent HTTP User Agent string.
(default: wget)
HTTPS (SSL/TLS) related options:
--ca-certificate File with bundle of PEM CA certificates.
--ca-directory Directory with PEM CA certificates.
--certificate File with client certificate.
--certificate-type Certificate type: PEM or DER (known as ASN1).
(default: PEM)
--check-certificate Check the server's certificate. (default: on)
--check-hostname Check the server's certificate's hostname.
(default: on)
--crl-file File with PEM CRL certificates.
--egd-file File to be used as socket for random data from
Entropy Gathering Daemon.
--hpkp Use HTTP Public Key Pinning (HPKP). (default: on)
--hpkp-file Set file for storing HPKP data
(default: ~/.wget-hpkp)
--hsts Use HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS).
(default: on)
--hsts-file Set file for HSTS caching. (default: ~/.wget-hsts)
--hsts-preload Use HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS).
[Not built with libhsts, so not functional]
--hsts-preload-file Set name for the HSTS Preload file (DAFSA format).
[Not built with libhsts, so not functional]
--http2 Use HTTP/2 protocol if possible. (default: on)
--http2-only Only use HTTP/2 protocol, error if server doesn't offer it. (default: off)
--https-enforce Use secure HTTPS instead of HTTP. Legal types are
'hard', 'soft' and 'none'.
If --https-only is enabled,
this option has no effect. (default: none)
--https-only Do not follow non-secure URLs. (default: off).
--https-proxy Set HTTPS proxy/proxies, overriding environment
variables. Use comma to separate proxies.
--ocsp Use OCSP server access to verify server's
certificate. (default: on)
--ocsp-date Check if OCSP response date is too old.
(default: on)
--ocsp-file Set file for OCSP chaching.
(default: ~/.wget-ocsp)
--ocsp-nonce Allow nonce checking when verifying OCSP
response. (default: on)
--ocsp-server Set OCSP server address.
(default: OCSP server given in certificate)
--ocsp-stapling Use OCSP stapling to verify the server's
certificate. (default: on)
--private-key File with private key.
--private-key-type Type of the private key (PEM or DER).
(default: PEM)
--random-file File to be used as source of random data.
--secure-protocol Set protocol to be used (auto, SSLv3, TLSv1, TLSv1_1, TLSv1_2, TLS1_3, PFS).
(default: auto). Or use GnuTLS priority
strings, e.g. NORMAL:-VERS-SSL3.0:-RSA
--tls-false-start Enable TLS False Start (needs GnuTLS 3.5+).
(default: on)
--tls-resume Enable TLS Session Resumption. (default: off)
--tls-session-file Set file for TLS Session caching.
(default: ~/.wget-session)
Directory options:
--cut-dirs Skip creating given number of directory
components. (default: 0)
--directories Create hierarchy of directories when retrieving
recursively. (default: on)
-P --directory-prefix Set directory prefix.
-x --force-directories Create hierarchy of directories when not
retrieving recursively. (default: off)
--host-directories Create host directories when retrieving
recursively. (default: on)
Force creating protocol directories.
(default: off)
Plugin options:
--list-plugins Lists all the plugins in the plugin search paths.
--local-plugin Loads a plugin with a given path.
--plugin Load a plugin with a given name.
--plugin-dirs Specify alternative directories to look
for plugins, separated by ','
--plugin-help Print help message for all loaded plugins
--plugin-opt Forward an option to a loaded plugin.
The option should be in format:
Example boolean option:
--quiet=no is the same as --no-quiet or --quiet=off or --quiet off
Example string option:
--user-agent=SpecialAgent/1.3.5 or --user-agent "SpecialAgent/1.3.5"
To reset string options use --[no-]option