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Digital circuits

  • two voltage levels (shaped like rec, like clock signals)
    • high/true/1/asserted
    • low/false/0/deasserted
  • advantages of digital circuits over analog circuits (curvy)
    • more reliable (simpler circuits, less noise-prone)
    • specified accuracy (determinable)
    • abstraction can be applied using simple mathematical model -- Boolean algebra
    • easer design, analysis and simplification of digital citcuit -- diital logic design
  • Combinational
    • no mem, output depends solely on the input
    • e.g. gates, decoders, mux, adders, multipliers
  • Sequential
    • with mem, output depends on both input and current states
    • e.g. mem, counters, registers

Boolean algebra

  • boolean values (T 1) or (F 0)

  • connectives
    • conjunction (AND) A dot B
    • disjunction (OR) A + B
    • Negation (NOT) A'
  • logic gates ❗

truth tables

  • provide a listing of every possible combination of inputs and its corresponding outputs
  • inputs are usually listed in binary sequence
  • proof using truth tables for some boolean expression -- if two outputs columns are exactly identical for the same inputs, they equal

Precedence of operators

  • precedence from highest to lowest -- NOT, AND, OR
  • use parenthesis to overwrite precedence

Laws of boolean algebra

  1. identity laws
  • A + 0 = 0 + A = A | A dot 1 = 1 dot A = A
  1. inverse/complement laws
  • A + A' = A' + A = 1 | A dot A' = A' dot A = 0
  1. commutative laws
  • A + B = B + A | A dot B = B dot A
  1. associative laws
  • A + (B + C) = (A + B) + C | A dot (B dot C) = (A dot B) dot C
  1. distributive laws
  • A dot ( B + C) = (a dot B) + (A dot C) | A + (B dot C) = (A + B) dot (A + C)
  1. idempotency
  • X + X = X | X dot X = X
  1. one elemnt/ zero elem
  • X + 1 = 1 + X = 1 | X dot 0 = 0 dot X = 0
  1. involution
  • (X')' = X
  1. absorption 1
  • X + X dot Y = X | X dot ( X + Y) = X
  1. absorption 2
  • X + X' dot Y = X + Y | X dot ( X' + Y ) = X dot Y
  1. deMorgans
  • ( X + Y )' = X' dot Y' | (X dot Y)' = X' + Y'
  1. Consensus
  • X dot Y + X' dot Z + Y dot Z = X dot Y + X' dot Z | (X+Y) dot (X'+Z) dot (Y+Z) = (X+Y) dot (X' + Z)


  • if the AND/OR operators and identity elements 0/1 in a Boo equation are interchanged, it remains valid
  • purpose: duality gives free theorems as a boo eq is logically equivalent to its dual -- so prove one theorem and the other comes for free
    • e.g. (x+y+x)' = x' dot y' dot x' is valid, then its dual (x dot y dot z)' = x' + y' + x' is valid
  • not the same as negation ❗

Proving theorem

  • using a truth table or by algebraic manipulation using other theorems/laws
  • then by duality, we may also cite the dual


  • Boolean functions: logic equations as a function
    • F1(x,y,z) = x'doty'dotx + ... or just one term
  • Complement functions: given a boo func F, the complement of , denoted as F', is obtained by interchanging 1 with 0 in the function's output values
    • can use demorgan's law

Standard forms

  • certain types of Boo expr lead to circuits that are desirable from an implementation viewpoint
  • two standard forms
    • sum of products (SOP)
    • product of sums (POS)


  • literals
    • a Boo var on its own or in its complemented form (e.g. (1) x, (2) x' (3)y, (4), y'
  • Product term
    • a single literal or a logical product (AND) of several literals

    • e.g. (1)x, (2) x dot y dot z' (3) A' dot B, (4) A dot B
  • Sum term
    • a single literal or a logical sum (OR) of serveral literals

    • e.g. (1) x, (2) x+y+z' (3) A'+B (4) A+B
  • sum of products expr
    • a product term or a logical sum (OR) of several product terms

    • (1) x, (2) x + y dot z' (3) A dot B + A' dot B'
  • product of sums expr
    • a sum term or a logical product (AND) of several sum terms

    • (1) x, (2) x dot (y+z') (3) (A+B) dot (A'+B')
  • claim: every boo expr can be expressed in SOP or POS form

minterms maxterms

  • minterms
    • a minterm of n var is a product term that contains n literals from all the var
  • maxterm
    • a maxterm of n var is a sum term that contains n literals from all the var
  • general: n var --> up to 2^n minterms and 2^n maxterms
  • the minterms and maxterms on 2 var are dnoted by m0 to m3 and M0 to M3 respectively
  • note: ❗each minterm is the complement of its corresponding maxterm and each maxterm is the complement of its corresponding minterm
  • the number m0, M0 is assigned to the fixed minterm/maxterm corresponds to the binary value of the true values of the n var (e.g. 0,0 for n = 2 means m0 and M0) ❗it's fixed, rmb it

canonical forms

or normal form: a unique form os representation

  • sum of minterms = canonical sum of products, product of maxterms = canomical product of sums
  • sum of minterms
    • given a truth table, obtain the sum-of-minterms expr by gathering the minterms of the function (where output is 1)
    • sum ()
  • product of maxterms
    • given a truth table, obtain the product-of-maxterms expr by gathering the maxterms of the function (where output is 0)
    • pi

Logic circuits

Logic Gates

  • Gate symbols
    • AND: a- b- castle door rotate right
    • OR: a- b- castle door but curve
    • NOT: a- b- 🚩with open dot
    • NAND: a- b- castle door with dot
    • NOR: a- b- castle door with curve with dot
    • XOR: a- b- curvy castle door with outline at curve
  • inverter
    • invert the input
    • A - 🚩with dot - A'
    • A - dot 🚩 - A'
  • other gates: XOR/XNOR, how NAND and NOR gates can be combined from AND/OR and invert(NOT)

Logic circuits deeo dive

  • fan-in: the number of inputs of a gate
  • gates may have fan-in more than 2
  • every input must be connected in a working circuit (multiple inputs circuit, can put 1/0 but no empty input)
  • given a bool expr, can implement it as a logic circuit (boo func)
    • if complemented literals are availble, we don't need to use NOT operation
  • when analysing logic circuits: may ask to analyse it to obtain the logic expression

universal gates

  • AND/OR/NOT gates basically because they are sufficient for building any Boo func
  • {AND, OR, NOT} aka complete set of logic
  • however, other gates are used becuase: usefulness (XOR for parity bit generation), economical, and self-suufficiency (NAND/NOR gates)
  • NAND Gate
    • {NAND} a complete set of logic: proof -- implement NOT/AND/OR using only NAND gates
  • {NOR} is a complete set of logic

SOP and NAND circuits

  • an SOP expr can be implemented using 2-level AND-OR circuit or 2-level NAND circuit

POS and NOR circuits

  • can be implemented using 2-level OR-AND circuit or 2-level NOR circuit

Integrated circuit

  • ~ chip

Porgramming logic array (PLA)

  • a programmable integrated circuit - implements SOP circuits, allow multiple outputs
  • 2 stages: AND gates = product terms and OR gates = outputs
  • connection between inputs and the planes can be 'burned'

simplification, functions, Kmap

function simplification

  • why: simpler expr leads to circuit that uses fewer logic gates + cheaper + uses less power + sometimes faster
  • technicues
    • algebraic: useing theorems, open-ended, require skills
    • Karnaugh maps: easy to use, limited to no more than 6 var
    • quine-mccluskey: suitable for automation, can handle many var (but computationally intensive)

algebraic simplification

  • aims to minimise (1) number of literals and (2) number of terms
  • usually try to minimise number of literals

half adder

  • half adder: circuit that addes 2 single bits (X ,Y) to produce a result of 2 bits (C, S)
  • can be represented: black-boc representation and truth table
  • in canonical form (sum of minterms)
    • C = X dot Y
    • S = X' dot Y + X dot Y'
  • output of S can be simplified further into S = X XOR Y
  • contrast to full-adder

gray code

  • aka reflected binary code
  • unweighted (not an arithmetic code) --> each position don't hold arithmetic weight
  • only a single bit change from one code value to the next
  • not restricted to dec digits: n bits --> 2^n values
  • advantages: good for error detection
  • cannot have duplicate values too
  • can generate standard Gray code by using reflection in 2s


  • resource:
  • to figure out the function from Kmap, look at how output changes when input changes
  • Kmap > a systematic method to obtain simplified SOP expressions
  • objective: fewest possible product terms and literals
  • special/abstract form of venn diagram, organised as a matrix of squares where each square represetns a minterm and two adj squares differ by exactly one literal (gray code sequence)
  • easy to use
  • but limited to 5 to 6 var
  • A k-map for a function is filled by putting a '1' in the square corresponds to a minterm of the function and a '0' otherwise
  • in general, each cell in an n-variable K-map has n adj neighbours

Using K map

  • Unifying theorem (complement)
  • group as many cells as possible -- larger the group, the fewer the no of literals in the resulting product term
  • select as few groups as possible to cover all the minterms of the function -- the fewer no of product terms in the simplified SOP expr
  • valid grouping -- the terms are neighbours
  • invalid -- usually diagonal groupings or too big a chunk
  • If functions aren't in Sum of min form -- convert to SOP terms then expand the SOP exp into sum of minterms expr or fill in the k-map directly based on the SOP expr

Prime implication and essential PI

  • to find the simplest (minimal) SOP expr from a k-map, you need to obtain
    • min no of literals per product term
    • min no of product terms
  • achieved through k-map by
    • using bigger groupings of minterms (prime implicants) where possible and
    • using no redundant gorupings (look for epi)
  • implicant: > a product term that could be used to cover minterms of the function
  • PI: a product term obtained by combining the max possible no of minterms from adjacent squares in the map (biggest grouping possible) (PI can overlap)
  • and no redundant group in PI --> look out for EPI, a PI that includes at least one mintern that is not covered by any other PI

Finding simplified SOP expr

  • algo
    1. circle all PI on the Kmap
    2. identify and select all EPI for the cover
    3. select a min subset of the remaining PI to complete the cover, that is, to cover those minterms not convered by the EPI
  • simplified POS expr can be obtained by grouping the maxterms (0s) of the given function
    • can draw Kmap of F', 0 becomes 1, 1 becomes 0
  • Don't-care condition is output that can be either 1 or 0 (denoted by X or d)
    • can be used to help simplify Boo expr further in Kmaps because they could be chosen to be either 0 or 1 depending on which choice results in a simpler expr