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File metadata and controls

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S3 Easy Deploy

Node JS module and cli command for easily deploying to AWS S3.


npm install s3-easy-deploy

How it works

Simply uploads the entire contents of a dirctory to an S3 bucket. MD5 hash is used to determine if a file has changed so that only changed files are uploaded. Also sets ACL to public read on all uploaded files.

AWS Credentials

As per AWS docs, you can set your AWS credentials with environment variables AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY or AWS_PROFILE.


In your package.json

Simply add the following to your package.json file and run npm run deploy to deploy.

  "scfripts": {
    "deploy": "s3-easy-deploy --public-root ./dist --bucket magic-bucket-name"

Within node script

var s3EasyDeploy = require('s3-easy-deploy');

// with callback
  publicRoot: './release',
  bucket: 'magic-bucket-name',
  acl: 'private'
}, function(error, result) {
  // done!

// with promise
  publicRoot: './release',
  bucket: 'magic-bucket-name',
  acl: 'private'
}).then(function(result) {
  // done!
}, function(error) {
  // error!

// with additional headers and metadata
  publicRoot: './release',
  bucket: 'magic-bucket-name',
  acl: 'private',
  putObjectParams: [
          match: /^[^\/]+\.(js|css|html)$/,
          tags: { ContentEncoding: 'gzip' }
  metadata: [
          match: /^[^\/]+\.(js|css|html)$/,
          tags: { 'Build-Version': '1.0.1', 'Build-Timestamp': 442527840000 }
}).then(function(result) {
  // done!
}, function(error) {
  // error!

.deploy(...) options

  • region: The S3 region to deploy to. Defaults to "us-east-1"
  • publicRoot: The path to the directory you want to deploy to s3
  • bucket: The s3 bucket name to deploy to
  • acl: (optional) Canned s3 policy to use (e.g. 'private', 'public-read'). Defaults to "public-read".
  • cloudFrontId: (optional) The CloudFront distribution id to invalidate.
  • concurrentRequests: The number of uploads to process concurrently. Defaults to 10.
  • putObjectParams: (optional) Additional params to pass to S3 putObject call (e.g. headers to set on uploaded files) ([{ match: RegExp, tags: { key: value } }])
  • metadata: (optional) Additional metadata to set ([{ match: RegExp, tags: { key: value } }])

With command s3-easy-deploy

s3-easy-deploy --help:

  Usage: s3-easy-deploy [options]


    -h, --help                                  output usage information
    -V, --version                               output the version number
    -c, --config <configFile>                   A config file
    --region <region>                           The S3 region. Defaults to us-east-1
    --public-root <publicRoot>                  The path of the folder to deploy
    --bucket <bucket>                           The S3 bucket name
    --acl <acl>                                 The ACL policy. Defaults to public-read
    --cloud-front-id <cloudFrontDistributionId> The CloudFront distribution id
    --concurrent-requests <concurrentRequests>  The number of uploads to send at the same time. Defaults to 10

Example usage: s3-easy-deploy --public-root ./public --bucket magic-bucket-name --acl public-read or specify a config file s3-easy-deploy deploy-config.json