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302 lines (237 loc) · 9.8 KB

Strings in Kotlin are represented by the type String.

On the JVM, an object of String type in UTF-16 encoding uses approximately 2 bytes per character.


Generally, a string value is a sequence of characters in double quotes ("):

val str = "abcd 123"

Elements of a string are characters that you can access via the indexing operation: s[i]. You can iterate over these characters with a for loop:

fun main() {
    val str = "abcd" 
    for (c in str) {

{kotlin-runnable="true" kotlin-min-compiler-version="1.3"}

Strings are immutable. Once you initialize a string, you can't change its value or assign a new value to it. All operations that transform strings return their results in a new String object, leaving the original string unchanged:

fun main() {
    val str = "abcd"
    // Creates and prints a new String object
    // ABCD
    // The original string remains the same
    // abcd

{kotlin-runnable="true" kotlin-min-compiler-version="1.3"}

To concatenate strings, use the + operator. This also works for concatenating strings with values of other types, as long as the first element in the expression is a string:

fun main() {
    val s = "abc" + 1
    println(s + "def")
    // abc1def    

{kotlin-runnable="true" kotlin-min-compiler-version="1.3"}

In most cases using string templates or multiline strings is preferable to string concatenation.


String literals

Kotlin has two types of string literals:

Escaped strings

Escaped strings can contain escaped characters.
Here's an example of an escaped string:

val s = "Hello, world!\n"

Escaping is done in the conventional way, with a backslash (\).
See Characters page for the list of supported escape sequences.

Multiline strings

Multiline strings can contain newlines and arbitrary text. It is delimited by a triple quote ("""), contains no escaping and can contain newlines and any other characters:

val text = """
    for (c in "foo")

To remove leading whitespace from multiline strings, use the trimMargin() function:

val text = """
    |Tell me and I forget.
    |Teach me and I remember.
    |Involve me and I learn.
    |(Benjamin Franklin)

By default, a pipe symbol | is used as margin prefix, but you can choose another character and pass it as a parameter, like trimMargin(">").

String templates

String literals may contain template expressions – pieces of code that are evaluated and whose results are concatenated into a string. When a template expression is processed, Kotlin automatically calls the .toString() function on the expression's result to convert it into a string. A template expression starts with a dollar sign ($) and consists of either a variable name:

fun main() {
    val i = 10
    println("i = $i") 
    // i = 10
    val letters = listOf("a","b","c","d","e")
    println("Letters: $letters") 
    // Letters: [a, b, c, d, e]


{kotlin-runnable="true" kotlin-min-compiler-version="1.3"}

or an expression in curly braces:

fun main() {
    val s = "abc"
    println("$s.length is ${s.length}") 
    // abc.length is 3

{kotlin-runnable="true" kotlin-min-compiler-version="1.3"}

You can use templates both in multiline and escaped strings. However, multiline strings don't support backslash escaping. To insert the dollar sign $ in a multiline string before any symbol allowed at the beginning of an identifier, use the following syntax:

val price = """

To avoid ${'$'} sequences in strings, you can use the Experimental multi-dollar string interpolation feature.


Multi-dollar string interpolation

The multi-dollar string interpolation is Experimental and opt-in is required (see details below).

It may be changed at any time. We would appreciate your feedback in YouTrack.


Multi-dollar string interpolation allows you to specify how many consecutive dollar signs are required to trigger interpolation. Interpolation is the process of embedding variables or expressions directly into a string.

While you can escape literals for single-line strings, multiline strings in Kotlin don't support backslash escaping. To include dollar signs ($) as literal characters, you must use the ${'$'} construct to prevent string interpolation. This approach can make code harder to read, especially when strings contain multiple dollar signs.

Multi-dollar string interpolation simplifies this by letting you treat dollar signs as literal characters in both single-line and multiline strings. For example:

val KClass<*>.jsonSchema : String
    get() = $$"""
      "$schema": "",
      "$id": "",
      "$dynamicAnchor": "meta"
      "title": "$${simpleName ?: qualifiedName ?: "unknown"}",
      "type": "object"

Here, the $$ prefix specifies that two consecutive dollar signs are required to trigger string interpolation. Single dollar signs remain as literal characters.

You can adjust how many dollar signs trigger interpolation. For example, using three consecutive dollar signs ($$$) allows $ and $$ to remain as literals while enabling interpolation with $$$:

val productName = "carrot"
val requestedData =
      "currency": "$",
      "enteredAmount": "42.45 $$",
      "$$serviceField": "none",
      "product": "$$$productName"

//    "currency": "$",
//    "enteredAmount": "42.45 $$",
//    "$$serviceField": "none",
//    "product": "carrot"

Here, the $$$ prefix allows the string to include $ and $$ without requiring the ${'$'} construct for escaping.

To enable the feature, use the following compiler option in the command line:

kotlinc -Xmulti-dollar-interpolation main.kt

Alternatively, update the compilerOptions {} block of your Gradle build file:

// build.gradle.kts
kotlin {
    compilerOptions {

This feature doesn't affect existing code that uses single-dollar string interpolation. You can continue using a single $ as before and apply multi-dollar signs when you need to handle literal dollar signs in strings.

String formatting

String formatting with the String.format() function is only available in Kotlin/JVM.


To format a string to your specific requirements, use the String.format() function.

The String.format() function accepts a format string and one or more arguments. The format string contains one placeholder (indicated by %) for a given argument, followed by format specifiers. Format specifiers are formatting instructions for the respective argument, consisting of flags, width, precision, and conversion type. Collectively, format specifiers shape the output's formatting. Common format specifiers include %d for integers, %f for floating-point numbers, and %s for strings. You can also use the argument_index$ syntax to reference the same argument multiple times within the format string in different formats.

For a detailed understanding and an extensive list of format specifiers, see Java's Class Formatter documentation.


Let's look at an example:

fun main() { 
    // Formats an integer, adding leading zeroes to reach a length of seven characters
    val integerNumber = String.format("%07d", 31416)
    // 0031416

    // Formats a floating-point number to display with a + sign and four decimal places
    val floatNumber = String.format("%+.4f", 3.141592)
    // +3.1416

    // Formats two strings to uppercase, each taking one placeholder
    val helloString = String.format("%S %S", "hello", "world")
    // Formats a negative number to be enclosed in parentheses, then repeats the same number in a different format (without parentheses) using `argument_index$`.
    val negativeNumberInParentheses = String.format("%(d means %1\$d", -31416)
    //(31416) means -31416

{interpolate-variables="false" kotlin-runnable="true" kotlin-min-compiler-version="1.3"}

The String.format() function provides similar functionality to string templates. However, the String.format() function is more versatile because there are more formatting options available.

In addition, you can assign the format string from a variable. This can be useful when the format string changes, for example, in localization cases that depend on the user locale.

Be careful when using the String.format() function because it can be easy to mismatch the number or position of the arguments with their corresponding placeholders.