Support named arguments in their own position even if the result appears as mixedKT-34648
Support custom messages for @RequiresOptIn-marked annotationsKT-34847
Lift restrictions fromkotlin.Result
Suboptimal compilation of lazy delegated properties with inline getValue
Improve "Supertypes of the following classes cannot be resolved" diagnosticKT-21178
Prohibit access of protected members inside public inline membersKT-24461
Expect interface with suspend function with default arguments causes runtime errorKT-25514
Support usage of function reference with vararg where function of array is expected in new inferenceKT-26435
Bad frame merge after inlineKT-27825
Gradually prohibit non-abstract classes containing abstract members invisible from that classes (internal/package-private)KT-27999
Generic type is fixed too early for lambda argumentsKT-28940
Concurrency issue for lazy values with the post-computation phaseKT-29242
Conditional with generic type Nothing inside inline function throwsjava.lang.VerifyError: Bad return type
Unable to infer common return type for two postponed argumentsKT-30245
Wrong type is inferred for lambda if it has expected type with an extension receiverKT-30277
Relax the "no reflection found in class path" warning for KType and related APIKT-30744
Invoking Interface Static Method from Extension method generates incorrect jvm bytecodeKT-30953
Missing unresolved if callable reference is used in the place in which common super type is computingKT-31227
Prohibit using array based on non-reified type parameters as reified type arguments on JVMKT-31242
"Can't find enclosing method" proguard compilation exception with inline and crossinlineKT-31411
Support mode of compiler where it analyses source-set as platform one, but produces only metadata for that specific source-setKT-31653
Incorrect transformation of the try-catch cover when inliningKT-31923
Outer finally block inserted before return instruction is not excluded from catch interval of inner try (without finally) blockKT-31975
No diagnostic on error typeKT-32106
New type inference: IDE shows error but the code compiles succesfullyKT-32138
New type inference: Invoking type-aliased extension function red in IDE, but compilesKT-32168
Problem in IDE with new type inference and delegate providerKT-32243
New type inference: Type mistmatch in collection type usageKT-32345
New type inference: Error when using helper method to create delegate providerKT-32372
Type inference errors in IDEKT-32415
Type mismatch on argument of super constructor of inner class callKT-32423
New type inference: IllegalStateException: Error type encountered: org.jetbrains.kotlin.types.ErrorUtils$UninferredParameterTypeConstructor@211a538e (ErrorType)KT-32435
New inference preserves platform types while old inference can substitute them with the nullable result typeKT-32456
New type inference: "IllegalStateException: Error type encountered" when adding emptyList to mutableListKT-32499
Kotlin/JS 1.3.40 - new type inference with toTypedArray() failureKT-32742
Gradle/JS "Unresolved Reference" when accessing setting field of Dynamic object w/ ReactKT-32818
Type inference failed with elvis operatorKT-32862
New type inference: Compilation error "IllegalArgumentException: ClassicTypeSystemContextForCS couldn't handle" with overloaded generic extension function reference passed as parameterKT-33033
New type inference: Nothing incorrectly inferred as return type when null passed to generic function with expression if statement bodyKT-33197
Expression with branch resolving to List<…> ultimately resolves to MutableList<…>KT-33263
"IllegalStateException: Type variable TypeVariable(T) should not be fixed!" with generic extension function and in varianceKT-33542
Compilation failed with "AssertionError: Suspend functions may be called either as suspension points or from another suspend function"KT-33544
"UnsupportedOperationException: no descriptor for type constructor of TypeVariable(R)?" with BuilderInference and elvis operatorKT-33592
New type inference: Missed error in IDE — Unsupported [Collection literals outside of annotations]KT-33932
Compiler fails when it encounters inaccessible classes in javac integration modeKT-34029
StackOverflowError for access to nested object inheriting from containing generic class atorg.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.impl.LazySubstitutingClassDescriptor.getTypeConstructor
UNUSED_PARAMETER is not reported on unused parameters of non-operator getValue/setValue/prodiveDelegate functionsKT-34282
Missing diagnostic of unresolved for callable references with overload resolution ambiguityKT-34391
New type inference: False negative EXPERIMENTAL_API_USAGE_ERROR with callable referenceKT-34395
KtWhenConditionInRange.isNegated() doesn't workKT-34500
CompilationException when loop range is DoubleArray and loop parameter is casted to super-type (e.g. Any, Number, etc.)KT-34647
Gradually rename experimentality annotationsKT-34649
Support trailing comma in the compilerKT-34779
JVM: "get()" is not invoked in optimized "for" loop over CharSequence.withIndex() with unused variable ("_") for the element in destructuring declarationKT-34786
Flaky type inference for lambda expressionsKT-34820
New type inference: Red code when expanding type-aliased extension function in LHS position of elvisKT-34888
Kotlin REPL ignores compilation errors in class declarationKT-35035
Incorrect state-machine generated for suspend lambda inside inline lambdaKT-35101
"AssertionError: Mapping ranges should be presented in inline lambda" with a callable reference argument to inline lambdaKT-35168
New type inference: "UninitializedPropertyAccessException: lateinit property subResolvedAtoms has not been initialized"KT-35172
New type inference: False positive type mismatch if nullable type after elvis and safe call inside lambda is returning (expected type is specified explicitly)KT-35224
New type inference: Java call candidate with varargs as Array isn't present if SAM type was used in this callKT-35262
Suspend function with Unit return type returns non-unit value if it is derived from function with non-unit return typeKT-35426
IncompatibleClassChangeError: Method 'int java.lang.Object.hashCode()' must be Methodref constant
when invoking on super with explicit generic typeKT-35843
Emit type annotations in JVM bytecode with target 1.8+ on basic constructionsKT-36297
New type inference: ClassNotFoundException: compiler emits reference to nonexisting class for code with nested inline lambdasKT-36719
Enable new inference in IDE since 1.3.70
Provide missing documentation for StringBuilder members
Color Scheme: allow changing style for suspend function callsKT-30806
Add IntelliJ Color Scheme rules for property declarationsKT-34303
IDE should suggest to import an extension iterator function when using for loop with a rangeKT-34567
Feature: Auto add val keyword on typing data/inline class ctor parametersKT-34667
Add auto-import quickfix for overloaded generic function
Editor is laggy if the code below a current line has unresolved referenceKT-30863
IDE freeze on editing with "Add unambiguous imports on the fly" turned onKT-32868
Provide incremental analysis of file when it is applicableKT-33250
KtLightClassForSourceDeclaration.isFinal() can be very slow (with implications for class inheritor search)KT-33905
Optimize imports under reasonable progressKT-33939
Copy action leads to freezesKT-34956
UI Freeze: PlainTextPasteImportResolverKT-35121
Add support for KtSecondaryConstructors into incremental analysisKT-35189
Support incremental analysis of comment and kdocKT-35590
UI freeze in kotlin.idea.core.script.ScriptConfigurationMemoryCache when editing file
Move-statement doesn't work for methods with single-expression body and lambda as returning typeKT-13344
Reduce visual distraction of val keywordKT-14758
Move statement up shouldn't move top level declarations above package and import directivesKT-23305
We should be able to see platform-specific errors in common moduleKT-24399
No scrollbar in Kotlin compiler settingsKT-27806
UAST: @Deprecated(level=DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN) makes method disappearKT-28708
Java IDE fails to understand @JvmDefault on properties from binariesKT-30489
Kotlin functions are represented in UAST as UAnnotationMethodsKT-31037
Lambda expression default parameter 'it' sometimes is not highlighted in a call chainKT-31365
IDE does not resolve references to stdlib symbols in certain packages (kotlin.jvm) when using OSGi bundleKT-32031
UAST: Method body missing for suspend functionsKT-32540
Ultra light class support for compiler pluginsKT-33820
Stop usingcom.intellij.codeInsight.AnnotationUtil#isJetbrainsAnnotation
Stop usingcom.intellij.openapi.vfs.newvfs.BulkFileListener.Adapter
Bad indentation when copy-paste to trimIndent()KT-34081
Kotlin constants used in Java annotation attributes trigger "Attribute value must be constant" errorKT-34316
UAST: reified methods no longer visible in UASTKT-34337
Descriptors Leak in UltraLightClassesKT-34379
"Implement members" with unspecified type argument: "AssertionError: 2 declarations in override fun"KT-34785
Enter handler: do not add 'trimIndent()' in constKT-34914
Analysis sometimes isn't rerun until an out of code block changeKT-35222
SQL language is not injected to String array attribute of Java annotationKT-35266
Kotlin-specific setting "Optimize imports on the fly" is uselessKT-35454
Weird implementation of KtUltraLightFieldImpl.isEquivalentToKT-35673
ClassCastException on destructuring declaration with annotationKT-36008
IDEA 201: NSME: "com.intellij.openapi.progress.util.ProgressIndicatorUtils.awaitWithCheckCanceled(Future)" at org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.util.ProgressIndicatorUtils.awaitWithCheckCanceled()
Insert empty line between a declaration and declaration with commentKT-35106
Insert empty line between a declaration and declaration with annotation
Code formatter should not move end of line comment afterif
condition to the next lineKT-12490
Formatter inserts empty line between single-line declarations in presence of commentKT-22273
Labeled statements are formatted incorrectlyKT-22362
Formatter breaks up infix function used in elvis operatorKT-23811
Formatter: Constructor parameters are joined with previous line if prefixed with an annotationKT-23929
Formatter: chained method calls: "Chop down if long" setting is ignoredKT-23957
Formatter tears comments away from file annotationsKT-30393
Remove unnecessary whitespaces between property accessor and its parameter list in formatterKT-31881
Redundant indent for single-line comments inside lamdbaKT-32277
Space before by delegate keyword on property is not formattedKT-32324
Formatter doesn't insert space after safe cast operatoras?
Formater does not wrap function chained expression body despite "chained function calls" settingsKT-34049
Formatter breaks string inside template expression with elvis operatorKT-35093
Formatter inserts empty line between single-line declarations in presence of annotationKT-35199
Wrong formatting for lambdas in chain calls
Support import auto-completion for extension functions declared in objectsKT-23026
Code completion: Incorrectconst
in class declaration lineKT-23834
Code completion and auto import do not suggest extension that differs from member only in type parameterKT-25732
keyword should have priority in completion sortKT-29840
is suggested inside the class body, despite it's illegalKT-29926
Suggest lambda parameter names in IDE to improve DSL adoptionKT-31762
Completion: Parameter name is suggested instead of enum entry in entry constructorKT-32615
PIEAE for smart completion of anonymous function with importing name inside of functionKT-33979
No completion for functions from nested objectsKT-34150
No completion for object methods that override somethingKT-34386
Typo in Kotlin arg postfix completionKT-34414
Completion works differently for suspend and regular lambda functionsKT-34644
Code completion list sorting: do not put method before "return" keywordKT-35042
Selecting completion variant works differently for suspend and regular lambda parameterKT-36306
Code completion inlines content of FQN class if completion called in string
Breakpoint in a class is not hit if the class was first accessed in Evaluate ExpressionKT-16277
Can't set breakpoint for object constructionKT-20342
Step Over jumps to wrong position (KotlinUFile)KT-30909
"Kotlin variables" button looks inconsistent with panel styleKT-32704
ISE "Descriptor can be left only if it is last" on calling function with expression body inside Evaluate Expression windowKT-32736
Evaluate Expression on statement makes error or shows nothingKT-32741
"Anonymous functions with names are prohibited" on evaluating functions in Expression modeKT-33303
"Smart step into" doesn't work for library declarationsKT-33304
Can't put a breakpoint to the first line in fileKT-33728
Smart Step Into doesn't work for @InlineOnly functionsKT-35316
IndexNotReadyException on function breakpoint
Folding of multiline functions which don't have curly braces (expression-body functions)
KotlinMPPGradleModelBuilder shows warnings on import because it can't find a not existing directory
Adding a space in build.gradle.kts leads to 'Gradle projects need to be imported' notificationKT-34441
*.gradle.kts: load all scripts configuration at project importKT-34442
*.gradle.kts: avoid just-in-case script configuration request to GradleKT-34530
Equal duplicate script definitions are listed three times in PreferencesKT-34740
Implement completion for implicit receivers in scripts with new scripting APIKT-34795
Gradle Kotlin DSL new project template: don't usesetUrl
syntax insettings.gradle.kts
Duplicated “Kotlin Script” definition for Gradle/Kotlin projectsKT-35149
build.graldle.kts settings importing: configuration for buildSrc/prepare-deps/build.gradle.kts not loadedKT-35205
*.gradle.kts: avoid just-in-case script configuration request to Gradle while loading from FSKT-35563
Track script modifications between IDE restarts
UI Freeze: Show parameter info leads to freezes
Make 'Add parameter to function' quick fix work to parameters other than lastKT-12073
Report IDE inspection warning on pointless unary operators on numbersKT-18536
Provide proper quick fix for accidental override errorKT-34218
Merge 'else if' intentionKT-36018
'Missing visibility' and 'missing explicit return type' compiler and IDE diagnostics for explicit API mode
Cannot access internal Kotlin declaration from Java test code within the same moduleKT-25271
"Remove redundant '.let' call" may introduce expression side effects several timesKT-29737
"Make internal/private/protected" intention works for eitherexpect
Typo in inspection name: "'+=' create new list under the hood"KT-32582
Ambiguous message for [AMBIGUOUS_ACTUALS] error (master)KT-33109
"Add constructor parameters" quick fix should add default parameters from super classKT-33123
False positive "Redundant qualifier name" with inner class as constructor parameter for outerKT-33297
Improve parameter name inAdd parameter to constructor
quick fixKT-33526
False positive "Redundant qualifier name" with enum constant initialized with companion object fieldKT-33580
False positive "Redundant visibility modifier" overriding property with protected set visibilityKT-33771
False positive "Redundant Companion reference" with Java synthetic property and same-named object propertyKT-33796
INVISIBLE_SETTER: quick fix "Make '' public" does not remove redundant setterKT-33902
False positive for "Remove explicit type specification" with type alias as return typeKT-33933
"Create expect" quick fix generates the declaration in a default source set even if an alternative is chosenKT-34078
ReplaceWith does not work if replacement is fun in companion objectKT-34203
'Add constructor parameter' fix does not add genericsKT-34297
"Add 'replaceWith' argument" inserts positional instead of named argumentKT-34325
"Control flow with empty body" inspection should not report ifs with commentsKT-34411
Create expect/actual quick fix: focus is lost in the editor (193 IDEA)KT-34432
Replace with safe call intention inserts redundant elvis operatorKT-34603
"Remove redundant '.let' call" false negative for reference expressionKT-34694
"Terminate preceding call with semicolon" breaks lambda formattingKT-34784
"Indent raw string" intention: do not suggest in constKT-34894
Action "Add not-null asserted (!!) call" doesn't fix error for properties with omittedthis
Quickfix "change to var" doesn't removeconst
NPE from PerModulePackageCacheServiceKT-35242
Text-range based inspection range shifts wrongly due to incremental analysis of whitespace and commentsKT-35288
False positive "Remove braces from 'when' entry" in 'when' expression which returns lambdaKT-35837
Editing Introduce import alias does not affect KDocKT-36020
Intention 'Add public modifier' is not available for highlighted declaration in explicit api modeKT-36021
KDoc shouldn't be highlighted on 'visibility must be specified' warning in explicit api modeKT-36307
False positive "Remove redundant '.let' call" for nested lambda change scope reference
In IDE, actuals of intermediate test source set are incorrectly matched against parent main source-set (not test one)
References for import alias from kotlin library not found using ReferencesSearch.searchKT-35310
PIEAE: "During querying provider Icon preview" at ClsJavaCodeReferenceElementImpl.multiResolve() on navigation to Kotlin declaration
Long pauses with "removing redundant imports" dialog on rename refactoring for IDEA Kotlin Plugin
Refactor / Copy multiple files/classes: package statements are not updatedKT-18539
Default implement fun/property text shouldn't contain scary commentKT-28607
Extract/Introduce variable fails if caret is just after expressionKT-32514
Moving file in with 'search for references' inlines contents in referred source codeKT-32601
Introduce variable in unformatted lambda causes PIEAEKT-32999
Renaming parameter does not rename usage in named argument in a different fileKT-33372
Rename resource cause its content to be replacedKT-34415
Refactor > Change signature of an overridden actual function from a platform class: "org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.InvalidModuleException: Accessing invalid module descriptor"KT-34419
Refactor > Change signature > add a function parameter: "org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.InvalidModuleException: Accessing invalid module descriptor"KT-34459
Change method signature with unresolved lambda type leads to errorKT-34971
Refactor / Copy for declarations from different sources throws IAE: "unexpected element" at CopyFilesOrDirectoriesHandler.getCommonParentDirectory()KT-35689
Change Signature: "InvalidModuleException: Accessing invalid module descriptor" on attempt to change receiver type of a member abstract functionKT-35903
Change Signature refactoring crashes by InvalidModuleException on simplest examples
Kotlin/JS: Can not run single test methodKT-35038
Running a test in a multi-module MPP project via IntelliJ Idea gutter action produces incorrect Gradle Run configuration
Many "scanning dependencies for script definitions progresses at the same timeKT-35886
UI Freeze: ScriptClassRootsCache.hasNotCachedRoots 25 seconds
IDE tests: Not able to run single test using JUnit
Gradle, JS: Add continuous-mode run configuration in New Project Wizard templates
New Project wizard: module names restrictions are too strong with no reasonKT-35690
New Project wizard: artifact and group fields are mixed upKT-35694
New Project wizard creates settings.gradle.kts even for Groovy DSLKT-35695
New Project wizard useskotlin ()
call for dependencies in non-MPP Groovy-DSL JVM projectKT-35710
New Project wizard creates non-Java source/resource roots for Kotlin/JVM JPSKT-35711
New Project wizard: Maven: "Kotlin Test framework" template adds wrong dependencyKT-35712
New Project wizard: source root templates: switching focus from root reverts custom settings to defaultKT-35713
New Project wizard: custom settings for project name, artifact and group ID are reverted to default on Previous/NextKT-35715
New Project wizard: Maven: custom repository required for template (ktor) is not added to pom.xmlKT-35718
New Project wizard: Gradle: ktor: not existing repository is addedKT-35719
New Project wizard: Multiplatform library: entryPoint specifies not existing class nameKT-35720
New Project wizard: Multiplatform library: Groovy DSL: improve the script for nativeTarget calculation
Kotlin/JS: with references to NPM/.kjsm library DCE produces invalid resulting JavaScriptKT-36349
KJS: JS DCE use file's timestamps to compare files. It conflicts with gradle configuration 'preserveFileTimestamps = false'.
KJS generates wrong call for secondary constructor w/ default argument when class inherited by object expressionKT-33149
Lambda is not a subtype ofFunction<*>
JS IR backend works incorrectly when function and property have the same nameKT-33334
JS IR backend can't access private var from internal inline function
functions for Sequences and IterableKT-15363
Builder functions for basic containersKT-21327
Add Deque & ArrayDeque to Kotlin standard libraryKT-33069
StringBuilder common functionsKT-33761
reduceOrNull: reduce that doesn't throw on empty inputKT-35347
Create method Collection.randomOrNull()KT-36118
Provide API for subtyping relationship between CoroutineContextKey and elements associated with this key
JS: document array destructuring behaviorKT-33141
UnderMigration annotation is defined in Kotlin, but supposed to be used from JavaKT-33447
runCatching docs suggests it catches exceptions but it catches throwablesKT-35175
Clarify documentation for XorWowRandomKT-35299
Float.rangeTo(Float): ClosedFloatingPointRange doesn't exist in the common stdlib.
Move KClass.cast / KClass.isInstance into kotlin-stdlibKT-33646
Make KClass.simpleName available on JVM without kotlin-reflect.jarKT-34586
Make KClass.qualifiedName available on JVM without kotlin-reflect.jar
Support relative paths in -Xfriend-pathsKT-34119
Add JVM target bytecode version 13KT-34240
CLI kotlinc help -include-runtime has redundant space
Delegate build/run to gradle results regularly in cannot delete proto.tab.value.sKT-35181
Make kapt Gradle tasks compatible with instant execution
Run NodeJS debugger when running debug gradle task from IDEAKT-32129
Karma: support debuggingKT-32179
DSL: allow npm in root dependencies section of single platform projectsKT-32283
Webpack: Allow to configure Webpack modeKT-32323
Webpack: support optimized webpack bundleKT-32785
Webpack: Asset bundling in distributions folder
Tests: Inner classes mapped incorrectly in short test fail messageKT-31894
ithout Kotlin sourcesbrowserRun
makes the build failKT-34946
DCE require some/all transitive dependencies. Invalid compilation result otherwiseKT-35318
IllegalStateException on clean build withleft-pad
package and generateKotlinExternals=trueKT-35428
Gradle dependency with invalid package.jsonKT-35598
Actualize NPM dependencies in 1.3.70KT-35599
Actualize Node and Yarn versions in 1.3.70KT-36714
Webpack output doesn't consider Kotlin/JS exports (library mode)
Deprecate Kotlin 1.2.x MPP Gradle pluginsKT-35126
Support Gradle instant execution for Kotlin/JVM and Android tasksKT-36469
Dependencies with compileOnly scope are not visible in Gradle build of MPP with source set hierarchies support
Allow setting custom destination directory for Kotlin/Native binariesKT-31542
Allow changing a name of a framework created by CocoaPods Gradle pluginKT-32750
Support subspecs in CocoaPods pluginKT-35352
MPP Gradle plugin: Support exporting K/N dependencies to shared and static librariesKT-35934
Gradle MPP plugin: Spaces are not escaped in K/N compiler parametersKT-35958
Kotlin/Native: Gradle: compiling test sources with no sources in main roots halts the Gradle daemon
Convert string concatenation into multiline string
UI Freeze: J2K, PlainTextPasteImportResolve: IDEA freezes for 10+ seconds when copy-pasting Java code from external source to Kotlin file
Multi-line comments parsed inside Kdoc commentsKT-19574
Code with inferred default parameters and parameter vs property name clashesKT-32551
Non-canonical modifiers order inspection is not applied during convertion of inner super classKT-33637
Property with getter is converted into incompailable code if backing field was not generatedKT-34673
First comment in function (if, for, while) block is moved to declaration line of blockKT-35081
Invalid code with block comment (Javadoc)KT-35152
J2K breaks formatting by moving subsequent single line comments to first columnKT-35395
UninitializedPropertyAccessException throughorg.jetbrains.kotlin.nj2k.conversions.ImplicitCastsConversion
when anonymous inner class passes itself as argument to outer methodKT-35431
"Invalid PSI class com.intellij.psi.PsiLambdaParameterType" with lambda argument in erroneous codeKT-35476
Expression with compound assignment logical operator is changing operator precedence without parenthesesKT-35478
Single line comment before constructor results in wrong codeKT-35739
Line break is not inserted for private property getterKT-35831
Error on inserting plain text with\r
Add support for@CompilerOptions
annotation inkotlin-main-kts
Implement default cache in main-ktsKT-34893
Update apache ivy version in kotlin-main-ktsKT-35413
Implement "evaluate expression" command line parameter and functionality in the JVM cli compilerKT-35415
Implement script and expression evaluation in thekotlin
load main-kts script definition by default in the jvm compiler, if the jar is available
Default field value not transmitted to Java source model for mutable propertiesKT-30368
Deprecated information not transmitted to Java source modelKT-32832
Turn worker API on by defaultKT-33617
Java 9+: "IllegalStateException: Should not be called!"KT-34167
Annotation Processor incorrectly marked as isolating causes full rebuild silently.KT-34258
makes build failed after moving annotation processor filesKT-34569
Kapt doesn't handle methods with both the @Override annotation andoverride
Enabling kapt.incremental.apt makes remote build cache miss viaclasspathStructure$kotlin_gradle_plugin