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Coding Style

Jirka Dell'Oro-Friedl edited this page Mar 18, 2019 · 36 revisions



The developers code must be self-explanatory. This requires the strict use of naming conventions. Use names, that clearly explain the activity or information addressed and don't be greedy with letters. Short names are allowed only in very small scopes or when their meaning is clear by convention, such as y for a vertical position.

Variables and functions

The names of variables and functions must start lowercase and follow the camelCase notation, with uppercase letters indicating the start of a new part in a compound name such as animalLion. The names of variables describe an information or an object. Names of functions and methods strictly describe activities e.g. calculateHorizontalPosition(...) or questions e.g. isHit()

Formal parameters

Name formal parameters in a functions signature like variables, but prefix them with an underscore

Classes, interfaces and namespaces/modules

Names of classes, interfaces and namespaces or modules start with an uppercase Letter and then follow the camelCase notation (PascalCase). The name describes exactly one object of that type, not an activity e.g. ObjectManager.


The names of enumerations and their elements are written all uppercase, with underscores seperating parts of the name e.g. EVENT_TYPES.EXIT_FRAME

Avoid ambiguities

Bad example from the DOM-API: getElementById(...) vs getElementsByTagName(...). Only the little s in the middle indicates that one returns a collection, not a single element. Better: getElementCollectionByTagName(...)``. However, in getElements(...), the `s` is clearly visible.


Some prefixes may be helpful for finding names for variables, use is encouraged

Prefix Example Meaning
a b c
  • n as in nObjects indicates "the number of"
  • i as in iObject indicates an index
  • x, y, z as in xPos indicates an direction or dimension
  • min, max as in maxHeight indicates boundaries
  • pos, rot as in rotCube indicate a position or rotation
  • cmpas in cmpMaterialindicates a component
  • shdas in shdTextureindicates a shader
  • mtras in mtrRed indicates a material

Use context and reduce redundancy

For example, state may have different meaning depending on the context. Machine.state indicates something different than Address.state. However, it is redundant to write Machine.stateTheMachineOperatesIn or Address.stateAsThePoliticalEntity, since the context is provided already by the namespaces. Use this instead of implementing redundancies.


Use comments sparsely! If you feel that some code needs commenting rethink it and the naming of its components. Remember that you need to maintain comments just as you need to maintain code. Otherwise comments are not only useless but obstructive. Comments are allowed in the following cases


Sections in code may circle around a specific aspect and can therefore be separated by comments. However, if that aspect justifies the creation of a class concerning it, this should be preferred


Mark unfinished business with a TODO comment. The IDE (-Plugins) can find, list and highlight those comments

Generation of documentation

This is required. TS-Doc comments must be inserted before each namespace class, interface, enum and public method and kept up to date. Use /**


Comments about licensing or links to sources used etc.

Hide internal structure

A developer using a class should not be forced to learn its internal structure first, but must be enabled to intuitively work with it. This rule has some consequences on the design of such a class.

  • mostly, all attributes should be private or protected.
  • don't implement getter and setter just to alter or retrieve those attributes. If necessary, make them public.
  • however, if an attribute is not entirely intuitive like color, it should not be revealed at, since the valid manipulation would require knowledge of internals. Instead, provide functions that describe a desired effect, so that the user can write for example Motor.start() instead of Motor.running = true
  • Using a setter or getter must not have sideffects, a user will not expect anything other than setting or retrieving a value. Use a function instead implies that there maybe more complex things happening in the background. Compare oject.x = 10 to object.setHorizontalPosition(10)



A function should not consist of more than 20 lines of code. If possible, split it up into smaller functions each of which has an explanatory name. This way, the calling function consists of multiple calls that are easy to read and interpret, and the concerns are distributed to smaller functions with the same qualities. Also, watch out for the size of classes, beware of monsters! Keep the number of attributes low

Separation of Concerns

One function/method should care only about one concern and do this well

Indentation Depth

A function should not indent more than two levels. Use return statements not only at the end, but so called "early outs" and throw exceptions to keep indentation level low.

Top Down

Order functions and methods in such a way, that the call sits above the called function in code. Reading from top to bottom, the code displays the hierarchy of calls making it possible to understand the overall structure first before diving into the details.


Explicit types

Strictly use explicit typing wherever possible. The type any is prohibited.


Always end statements with semicolon.

Literal strings

Literal strings should be enclosed in double quotiation marks e.g. "Hello World!"

Magic numbers

Are simply disallowed. Never use a literal value in a function call when its meaning is not extremely obvious (e.g. Math.pow(x, 5) to retrieve x to the power of 5). In all other cases, define a variable with a explanatory name and assign the literal value to it. This way, there is a value and a meaning to it, and its value can be changed in a single place.


Use one file per class. Interfaces may be compiled with using classes. Use PascalCase for filenames, exactly the same name as the classes.

Additional reading