from deepbots.supervisor.controllers.robot_supervisor_env import RobotSupervisorEnv
from utilities import normalize_to_range
from PPO_agent import PPOAgent, Transition
from gym.spaces import Box, Discrete
import numpy as np
The script uses the deepbots
library, which provides utilities for integrating reinforcement learning with Webots. It uses normalize_to_range
from the utilities
module to scale values, and imports PPOAgent
and Transition
from a custom PPO implementation. gym.spaces
is used to define observation and action spaces.
class CartpoleRobot(RobotSupervisorEnv):
def __init__(self):
self.observation_space = Box(low=np.array([-0.4, -np.inf, -1.3, -np.inf]),
high=np.array([0.4, np.inf, 1.3, np.inf]),
self.action_space = Discrete(2)
Class: ExtendsRobotSupervisorEnv
to interact with Webots.observation_space
: Defines a continuous observation space where the robot observes four values:- Cart’s x-position, x-velocity.
- Pole’s angle, and angular velocity.
: Discrete action space with two actions (left or right force applied to the cart).
self.robot = self.getSelf()
self.position_sensor = self.getDevice("polePosSensor")
self.pole_endpoint = self.getFromDef("POLE_ENDPOINT")
self.wheels = []
for wheel_name in ['wheel1', 'wheel2', 'wheel3', 'wheel4']:
wheel = self.getDevice(wheel_name)
self.steps_per_episode = 200
self.episode_score = 0
self.episode_score_list = []
- Devices: Configures Webots devices, including a position sensor to monitor the pole angle and wheels to control cart movement.
- Steps and Scores:
caps each episode at 200 steps, andepisode_score_list
stores scores for performance tracking.
def get_observations(self):
cart_position = normalize_to_range(self.robot.getPosition()[0], -0.4, 0.4, -1.0, 1.0)
cart_velocity = normalize_to_range(self.robot.getVelocity()[0], -0.2, 0.2, -1.0, 1.0, clip=True)
pole_angle = normalize_to_range(self.position_sensor.getValue(), -0.23, 0.23, -1.0, 1.0, clip=True)
endpoint_velocity = normalize_to_range(self.pole_endpoint.getVelocity()[4], -1.5, 1.5, -1.0, 1.0, clip=True)
return [cart_position, cart_velocity, pole_angle, endpoint_velocity]
The get_observations
method normalizes each component to a range of -1 to 1:
- Cart Position: Clipped between -0.4 and 0.4 on the x-axis.
- Cart Velocity: Velocity on the x-axis is capped within -0.2 and 0.2.
- Pole Angle: Constrained within -0.23 and 0.23 radians (about ±13.18 degrees).
- Endpoint Velocity: Angular velocity of the pole, limited to ±1.5.
def get_reward(self, action=None):
return 1
- Reward: Constant reward of +1 per step as long as the episode continues, encouraging the agent to keep the pole balanced.
def is_done(self):
if self.episode_score > 195.0:
return True
pole_angle = round(self.position_sensor.getValue(), 2)
if abs(pole_angle) > 0.261799388:
return True
cart_position = round(self.robot.getPosition()[0], 2)
if abs(cart_position) > 0.39:
return True
return False
- Termination:
- If the episode score surpasses 195, the episode ends.
- If the pole angle exceeds ±15 degrees, or the cart position exceeds ±0.39 on the x-axis, the episode also ends.
def solved(self):
if len(self.episode_score_list) > 100:
if np.mean(self.episode_score_list[-100:]) > 195.0:
return True
return False
- Solved Condition: The environment is considered solved if the average score of the last 100 episodes exceeds 195, indicating stable balancing.
def apply_action(self, action):
action = int(action[0])
motor_speed = 5.0 if action == 0 else -5.0
for i in range(len(self.wheels)):
- Action Mapping: Applies a positive or negative speed to the wheels based on the chosen action, driving the cart left or right.
env = CartpoleRobot()
agent = PPOAgent(number_of_inputs=env.observation_space.shape[0], number_of_actor_outputs=env.action_space.n)
solved = False
episode_count = 0
episode_limit = 2000
while not solved and episode_count < episode_limit:
observation = env.reset()
env.episode_score = 0
for step in range(env.steps_per_episode):
selected_action, action_prob =, type_="selectAction")
new_observation, reward, done, info = env.step([selected_action])
trans = Transition(observation, selected_action, action_prob, reward, new_observation)
if done:
agent.train_step(batch_size=step + 1)
solved = env.solved()
env.episode_score += reward
observation = new_observation
print("Episode #", episode_count, "score:", env.episode_score)
episode_count += 1
- Training Loop:
- The agent interacts with the environment, selecting actions, receiving rewards, and storing transitions.
- At the end of each episode, the agent trains with the collected transitions, and the environment checks if the task is solved.
if not solved:
print("Task is not solved, deploying agent for testing...")
elif solved:
print("Task is solved, deploying agent for testing...")
observation = env.reset()
env.episode_score = 0.0
while True:
selected_action, action_prob =, type_="selectActionMax")
observation, _, done, _ = env.step([selected_action])
if done:
observation = env.reset()
Once training is complete, the agent operates in "testing" mode, continually attempting to balance the pole without exploring alternative actions, allowing it to demonstrate its learned policy.
The terminal output shows that by the 907th episode, the agent consistently achieves a maximum reward of 196, which is considered solved. However, there are Webots-related errors indicating missing dependencies and declaration issues. These errors can be resolved by following the instructions to update the Webots project to R2023b and adding EXTERNPROTO
declarations for TexturedBackground
, TexturedBackgroundLight
, and RectangleArena
as suggested in the error message.
This script effectively implements PPO to train an agent to balance a cart-pole system in Webots, using deepbots
and a structured reward system. The training loop monitors the agent’s performance, adjusting until the environment is considered solved, after which the agent is deployed in test mode.