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211 lines (161 loc) · 5.54 KB

File metadata and controls

211 lines (161 loc) · 5.54 KB

Test Experiment


Jesse plays Crab Rave on the Meta Quest at home, but metric collection is fixed!

The game runs on the headset. I play the same song two times.


## Warning in system("timedatectl", intern = TRUE): running command 'timedatectl'
## had status 1

saveplot <- function(filename, ...) {
  ggsave2(filename, ...)

Frame Rate

fps <- system('grep -Po "(?<=FPS=)[0-9]+" logcat_VrApi.log', intern = TRUE)
data <- tibble(fps) %>% mutate(fps = as.numeric(fps)) %>% mutate(ts = 0:(n()-1)) %>% select(ts, everything())
data %>%
ggplot(aes(x = ts, y=fps)) +
geom_line() +
ylim(0, NA) +
theme_half_open() + background_grid()

Battery Levels


if (file.exists("battery.log")) {
battery <- system('grep -Po "(?<=level: )[0-9]+" battery.log', intern = TRUE)
data <- tibble(battery) %>% mutate(battery = as.numeric(battery)) %>% mutate(ts = 0:(n()-1)) %>% select(ts, everything())
data %>%
ggplot(aes(x = ts, y=battery)) +
geom_line() +
ylim(0, NA) +
theme_half_open() + background_grid()


if (file.exists("OVRRemoteService.log")) {
battery <- system("grep -Po '(?<=Type:)\\s+(Left|Right),.+Battery:\\s+[0-9]+(?=%)' OVRRemoteService.log | tr -s ' ' | sed -e \'s/^[[:space:]]*//\' -e \'s/\\n[[:space:]]*//\' | cut -d' ' -f 1,5", intern=TRUE)
data <- tibble(battery) %>% separate(battery, c("hand", "level"), convert = TRUE) %>% group_by(hand) %>% mutate(ts = 0:(n()-1)) %>% select(ts, everything())
data %>%
ggplot(aes(x=ts, y=level, color=hand)) +
geom_line() +
ylim(0, NA) +
theme_half_open() + background_grid()

CPU Usage

cpu_util <- system('grep -Po "(?<=CPU%=)[0-9]+.[0-9]+" logcat_VrApi.log', intern = TRUE)
data <- tibble(cpu_util) %>% mutate(cpu_util = 100 * as.numeric(cpu_util)) %>% mutate(ts = 0:(n()-1)) %>% select(ts, everything())
data %>%
ggplot(aes(x = ts, y=cpu_util)) +
geom_line() +
ylim(0, NA) +
theme_half_open() + background_grid()

GPU Usage

gpu_util <- system('grep -Po "(?<=GPU%=)[0-9]+.[0-9]+" logcat_VrApi.log', intern = TRUE)
data <- tibble(gpu_util) %>% mutate(gpu_util = 100 * as.numeric(gpu_util)) %>% mutate(ts = 0:(n()-1)) %>% select(ts, everything())
data %>%
ggplot(aes(x = ts, y=gpu_util)) +
geom_line() +
ylim(0, NA) +
theme_half_open() + background_grid()

Memory Usage

mem_usage <- system('grep -Po "(?<=Free=)[0-9]+" logcat_VrApi.log', intern = TRUE)
data <- tibble(mem_usage) %>% mutate(mem_usage = 12288 - as.numeric(mem_usage)) %>% mutate(ts = 0:(n()-1)) %>% select(ts, everything())
data %>%
ggplot(aes(x = ts, y=mem_usage)) +
geom_line() +
ylim(0, NA) +
theme_half_open() + background_grid()


temp <- system('grep -Po "(?<=Temp=)[0-9]+" logcat_VrApi.log', intern = TRUE)
data <- tibble(temp) %>% mutate(temp = as.numeric(temp)) %>% mutate(ts = 0:(n()-1)) %>% select(ts, everything())
data %>%
ggplot(aes(x = ts, y=temp)) +
geom_line() +
ylim(0, NA) +
theme_half_open() + background_grid()

Network Usage

network <- system('grep -P "\\s+wlan0\\W" net_dev.log | tr -s " " | sed -e \'s/^[[:space:]]*//\' -e \'s/\\n[[:space:]]*//\'', intern = TRUE)
data <- tibble(network) %>% separate(network, c("interface", "bytes_rx", "packets_rx", "errs_rx", "drop_rx", "fifo_rx", "frame_rx", "compressed_rx", "multicast_rx", "bytes_tx", "packets_tx", "errs_tx", "drop_tx", "fifo_tx", "colls_tx", "carrier_tx", "compressed_tx"), sep = " ", convert = TRUE) %>% mutate(ts = 0:(n()-1))

Bytes Recv

data %>%
mutate(bytes_rx = (bytes_rx - lag(bytes_rx)) / 1000) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = ts, y=bytes_rx)) +
geom_line() +
ylab("KB/s") +
ylim(0, NA) +
theme_half_open() + background_grid()
## Warning: Removed 1 row(s) containing missing values (geom_path).

Bytes Sent

data %>%
mutate(bytes_tx = (bytes_tx - lag(bytes_tx)) / 1000) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = ts, y=bytes_tx)) +
geom_line() +
ylab("KB/s") +
ylim(0, NA) +
theme_half_open() + background_grid()
## Warning: Removed 1 row(s) containing missing values (geom_path).

Packets Recv

data %>%
mutate(packets_rx = packets_rx - lag(packets_rx)) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = ts, y=packets_rx)) +
geom_line() +
ylim(0, NA) +
theme_half_open() + background_grid()
## Warning: Removed 1 row(s) containing missing values (geom_path).

Packets Sent

data %>%
mutate(packets_tx = packets_tx - lag(packets_tx)) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = ts, y=packets_tx)) +
geom_line() +
ylim(0, NA) +
theme_half_open() + background_grid()
## Warning: Removed 1 row(s) containing missing values (geom_path).