Releases: JohnSnowLabs/spark-nlp
John Snow Labs Spark-NLP 1.6.0: OCR to Dataframe, Chunker annotator, fixed AWS
We're late! But it was worth it. We're glad to release 1.6.0 which brings new features, lots of enhancements and many bugfixes. First of all, we are thankful for community participating in Slack and in GitHub by reporting feedback and issues.
In this one, we have a new annotator, the Chunker, which allows to grab pieces of text following a particular Part-of-Speech pattern.
On the other hand, we have a brand new OCR to Spark Dataframe utility, which bundles as an optional component to Spark-NLP. This one requires tesseract 4.x+ to be installed on your system, and may be downloaded from our website or readme pages.
Aside from that, we improved in many areas, from the DocumentAssembler to work better with OCR output, down to our Deep Learning models with better consistency and accuracy. Word Embedding based annotators also receive improvements when working in Cluster environments.
Finally, we are glad a user contributed a fix to the AWS dependency issue, particularly happening in Cloudera environments. We're still waiting for feedback, and gladly accept it.
We'll be working on the documentation as this release follows. Thank you.
New Features
- New annotator: Chunker. This annotator takes regex for Part-of-Speech tags and returns appropriate chunks of text following such patterns
- OCR to Spark-NLP: As an optional jar module, users may use OcrHelper class in order to convert PDF files into Spark Dataset, ready to be utilized by Spark-NLP's document assembler. May be used without Spark-NLP. Requires Tesseract 4.x on your system.
- TextMatcher now has caseSensitive (setCaseSensitive) Param which allows to setup for matching with case sensitivity or not (Ignores if Normalizer did it). Returned word is still the original.
- LightPipelines in Python should now be faster thanks to an optimization of prefetching results into Python memory instead of py4j bridge
- LightPipelines can now handle embedded Pipelines
- PerceptronApproach now trains utilizing full Spark distributed algorithm. Still experimental. PerceptronApproachLegacy may still be used, which might be better for local non cluster setups.
- Tokenizer now has a param 'includeDefaults' which may be set to False to disable all preset-rules.
- WordEmbedding based annotators may now decide to normalize tokens before matching embeddings vectors through 'useNormalizedTokensForEmbeddings' Param. Generally improves consistency, lesser overfitting.
- DocumentAssembler may now better deal with large amounts of texts by using 'trimAndClearNewLines' to better work with OCR Outputs and be better ready for further Sentence Detection
- Improved SentenceDetector handling of enumerations and lists
- Slightly improved SentenceDetector performance through non-tail-recursive optimizations
- Finisher does no longer have default delimiters when output into String (not Array) (thanks @S_L)
Bug fixes
- AWS library dependecy conflict now resolved (Thanks to @apiltamang for proposing solution. thanks to the community for follow-up). Solution is experimental, waiting for feedback.
- Fixed wrong order of further added Tokenizer's infixPatterns in Python (Thanks @sethah)
- Training annotators that use Word Embeddings in a distributed cluster does no longer throw file not found exceptions sporadically
- Fixed NerDLModel returning non-deterministic results during prediction
- Deep-Learning based models and graphs now allow running them on CPU if trained on GPU and GPU is not available on client
- WordEmbeddings temporary location no longer in HOME dir, moved to tmp.dir
- Fixed SentenceDetector incorrectly bounding sentences with non-English characters (Thanks @lorenz-nlp)
- Python Spark-NLP annotator models should now have all appropriate setter and getter functions for Params
- Fixed wrong-format of column when showing Metadata through Finisher's output as Array
- Added missing python Finisher's include metadata function (thanks @PinusSilvestris for reporting the bug)
- Fixed Symmetric Delete Spell Checker throwing wrong error when training with an empty dataset (Thanks @ankush)
Developer API
- Deep Learning models may now be read through SavedModelBundle API into Tensorflow for Java in TensorflowWrapper
- WordEmbeddings now allow checking if word exists with contains()
- Included tool that converts text into CoNLL format for further labeling for training NER models
John Snow Labs Spark-NLP 1.5.4: Normalizer improvements, PIP support, python2 fix and more enhancements
This release improves various annotators: the Normalizer, SymmetricDelete, TextMatcher, DocumentAssembler and Finisher allowing them to cover more use-cases that were mentioned in our Slack channel. We also fixed two important bugs.
Finally, this will be our first release with PIP support for python sparknlp, for those entirely python based.
- Normalizer now allows multiple to-delete regex patterns.
- Normalizer slangDictionary param allows converting tokens into something else (e.g. 'lol' into 'laughing out loud') from a dictionary file
- SymmetricDelete spell checker may now be trained from the dataset passed to fit if external corpus not provided
- SymmetricDelete spell checker improved training and prediction performance
- Finisher param includeMetadata now outputs annotation metadata content both in Array format or String format
- DocumentAssembler may now read from Array[String] column if provided. This improves compatibility for some SparkML transformers
- TextMatcher now includes identifier name in metadata
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug introduced in 1.5.3 that made spark-nlp not to work in Python2 (thanks @surendralalwani)
- Fixed SymmetricDeleteApproach wrong annotator type
- for PIP support (instructions will be added to readme and website). Still needs spark-nlp jar in SparkSession classpath.
John Snow Labs Spark-NLP 1.5.3: Retroactive version matching, fixed Sentence Detector param and Symmetric pretrained
This quick release is a hotfix for issues found on 1.5.2 after it's release. Thanks to the users who quickly tested this out.
It fixes Symmetric spell checker not being capable of reading the pretrained model, a SentenceDetector missing default value and retroactive version matching to the downloader
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug causing the library to fail when trying to save or read an annotator with an unset Feature without default
- Added missing default Param value to SentenceDetector. Thanks @superman24-7
- Symmetric spell checker now utilizes List instead of ListBuffer on its prediction layer
- Fixed Vivekn Sentiment Analysis failing when training with a sentiment column
- Symmetric Spell Checker pretrained model now works well and may be downloaded
- Vivekn Sentiment pretrained model now defaults to "token" input column instead of "spell"
- Downloader now works retroactively when a newer version finds a model of a previous release
- Renamed folder argument to remote_loc for downloader remote location, which caused confusion. Thanks @AtulSehgal
- Added new Scala example in example folder, also available on website
John Snow Labs Spark-NLP 1.5.2: Downloader uses distributed fs, new spell checker and better assertion status
This release focuses on improving model downloader stability, fixing word embedding reading issues and joining spark ecosystem filesystem configuration appropriately, utilizing spark's defined default filesystem, in order to work properly with clusters and multi node environments. This includes Databricks cloud clusters or amazon EMR yarn HDFS nodes.
Aside of that we come up with exciting new features, a brand new Spell Checker with higher accuracy inspired on the Symmetric delete algorithm.
Finally Assertion Status can be trained and predicted on top of NER output, since before this only worked by providing assertion status Start and End boundaries for the target to assert.
New Features
- Assertion status annotators can now be trained and predict against NER output instead of start and end boundaries. Entities can now be directly asserted
- Brand new Symmetric Delete annotator (SymmetricDeleteApproach) with closer to start of the art optimal accuracy 80%
- Model downloader now uses proper spark filesystem. Works properly with distributed storage, databricks cloud clusters or amazon EMR seamlessly
- Fixed several race condition while loading word embeddings from disk or download resources, library is more stable
- Improved several assertion status validations and error messages
Bug fixes
- Stand alone Annotator models are now properly read from disk in python
- New Symmetric Delete Spell checker pretrained model
- Vivekn Sentiment annotator may now be downloaded standalone with pretrained()
John Snow Labs Spark-NLP 1.5.1: Better pretrained models, downloader improvements
This release is an enhancement release to 1.5.0 which includes improved downloader properties and better annotator defaults.
Also, assertion status models have been included as pretrained, which are models trained on top of Glove Stanford word embeddings
- SentenceDetector has now a useCustomOnly param which enforces into using only the custom bounds provided (thanks @atomobianco)
- Normalizer defaults to not lowerCase words leads to better implicit accuracy in pipelines (thanks @marek.modry)
- SpellChecker defaults to be case sensitive leads to better accuracy
- DateMatcher improved speed performance
- com.johnsnowlabs.annotator._ in Scala now also includes RecursivePipelines and LightPipelines for easier imports
- ModelDownloader has been improved with better directory management
- New Assertion Status (LogisticRegression and DeepLearning) pretrained models now available
- Vivekn, Basic and Advanced pretrained Pipelines improved accuracy (thanks @marek.modry)
- S3 library dependencies updated
John Snow Labs Spark-NLP 1.5.0: Deep Learning, Light Pipelines and pretrained models
We are proud to announce if not the biggest release in terms of content in Spark-NLP!
This release makes the library miles easier to use for new comers, allowing easier to import
annotators and the extended use of model downloader throughout pretrained models and pipelines.
This also includes two new annotators that use deep learning algorithms with graphs from TensorFlow, which
is the first time we do so.
Apart from this, we include new Light Pipelines that are 10x times faster when working with data smaller than about
50,000 rows length.
Finally, we included several bugfixes across the library, from algorithm wise to developer API.
We'll gladly welcome any feedback! The website has been extensively updated.
New features
- Light Pipelines are Annotator Pipelines created from SparkML pipelines that run more than 10x faster in small datasets
- Deep Learning NER based on Bi-LSTM and Convolutional Neural Networks from word embeddings datasets
- Deep Learning Assertion Status model based on LSTM to compute status identification from word embeddings
- Easier to use Spark-NLP:
- Imports have been made easy in scala API (com.johnsnowlabs.annotator._) to bring all annotators
- BasicPipeline and AdvancedPipeline downloadable pipelines created for quick annotation of text
- Light Pipelines are easy to use and accept simple strings to annotate a Spark ML Pipeline without spark datasets
- New Downloadable models: CRF NER, Lemmatizer, POS and Spell checker
- New Downloadable pipelines: Vivekn Sentiment analysis, BasicPipeline and AdvancedPipeline
- Model downloader significantly improved in terms of usability
- Website widely improved
- Added invite to our first slack chat channel
- Fixed positional index wrong value when creating Annotations from constructor
- Fixed hamming distance calculation in spell checker
- Fixed Downloadable NER model failing sporadically due to missing temporary files
- Fixed SearchTrie algorithm used in TextMatcher (fmy. EntiyExtractor) thanks @avenka11 for reporting and proposing solution
- Fixed some model deserialization issues happening on Windows
- Thanks to @showy we have TravisCI automatic integration testing
- Finisher now outputs to array by default
- Training example resources removed in advantage of using the model downloader more
John Snow Labs Spark-NLP 1.4.2: Fixed protocol reading, improved Windows support and more bug fixes
This release does not include any new improvements or features, but is instead focused on fixing bugs and consolidating the 1.4.0 release. Among the bug fixes, we improved Windows support across the library by fixing a few End of Line character issues. We also fixed an issue affecting word embeddings and some annotators, which prevented reading from external sources located in different storage types, such as S3 or HDFS. Finally, this release reorganizes Model Downloader content and functions in order to have a more consistent API.
- Filesystem protocols now properly read across the library, fixed use case for S3:// protocol (thanks @avenka11)
- Library now works properly in Windows environments
- PySpark annotator param getters now work properly when retrieving default values
- Fixed stemmer serialization due to misspelled param name
- Fixed Tokenizer infixPattern param name to infixPatterns, leading to broken pyspark serialization of such param
- Added missing addInfixPattern() function to PySpark, to allow adding patterns to current value
- Model Downloader clearCache now properly removes both .zip files and extracted content
- Model Downloader is now capable of reading all types of models properly
- Added missing clearCache function into PySpark
Developer API
- Function names in model downloader code has been refactored consistently
- RocksDB rolled back to previous version to support Windows
- NerCRF unittest modified to reduce time to test
- Removed training scripts from repository
- Updated build spark and scala version
John Snow Labs Spark-NLP 1.4.1: Model Downloader and easier to use External Resource API
Here we present an exciting release, since we are including for the first time in the library, the base code for a model and pipeline downloader. This will be used by ourselves to provide quality pre-trained models and pipelines that will allow the user to quickly predict or tag a dataset with NLP annotators out of the box, provided what is the pipeline or model trained for.
The next important enhancement is how we deal with External sources for training annotators. This has been unified in 1.4.0 and now further improved by making it easier to provide reading properties, such as how is it preferred to be read (depending on the size of the target, line by line or as a spark dataset will put significant impact on performance), and allowing protocol reading such as hdfs:// or file:// for local following the spark native HadoopConfiguration setting.
Th rest of the release is about improving and fixing issues on the new 1.4.0 Tokenizer and a few critical bugs on CRF NER. Many users contributed reporting these bugs so we are thankful. There were improvements on PySpark API to make it easy to extend and maintain annotators.
New features
- Model and Pipeline Downloader
We are glad to announce our first experimental model downloader, working both in Python and Scala.
This allows to download pre-trained models from our public storage. This does not include any pre-trained models yet but just the logic to be able to do it.
- Improved ExternalResource API (introduced in 1.4.0) to make it easier to provide external corpus and resource information
on annotators such as readAs (which allows setting how would you like SparkNLP to read your source), delimiters and parse settings among
other options that might be passed to Spark Reader directly. Annotators using external sources now all share this functionality.
WordEmbeddings are not yet supported on this format. - All python annotators now properly have getter functions to retrieve param values
- Fixed some annotators in python not de-serializable on their own outside a Pipeline
- Fixed CRF NER not working when not using word embeddings (thanks @Crisliu for reporting)
- Fixed Tokenizer not properly recognizing some stop words (thanks @easimadi)
- Fixed Tokenizer not properly recognizing composite tokens when changing target pattern param (thanks @easimadi)
- ReadAs parameter now properly read from string in all ExternalResource setters
Developer API
- PySpark API further improvements within AnnotatorApproach, AnnotatorModel and now private internal _AnnotatorModel for fit() result representation
- Automated getter have been written in order not to have to write getter functions in all annotators manually
- RocksDB dependency rolled back to 5.2.1 for better universal compatibility particularly to support databricks platform
- Tests jar is now available in maven central (Thanks @lorenz-nlp for the idea)
- Updated website components page to match 1.4.x
- Replaced notebooks site to a placeholder linking to current python notebooks for lower maintenance
John Snow Labs Spark-NLP 1.4.0: Unified external resources, use Hadoop accordingly, improved resources performance
New features
- All annotator external sources have been unified through an ExternalResource component.
This is used to represents external data information deals with content in HDFS or local just as spark deals with data.
It also improves performance globally and allows customization
into how these sources are read (e.g. as RDD or Line by Line sequences) - NorvigSweeting SpellChecker, ViveknSentiment and POS Perceptron can now train from the dataset passed to fit().
For Spell Checker, this will be applied if the user did not supply a corpus, forcing fit() to learn from words in the data column.
For ViveknSentiment and POS Perceptron, this strategy will be applied if sentimentCol and posCol params have been set respectively.
- ResourceHelper now has an improved SourceStream class which allows for more consistent HDFS/Filesystem reading by using
more of the Hadoop APIs. - application.conf is now a global setting and can be overridden in run-time through ConfigLoader.setConfigPath(). It may also be accessed from PySpark
- EntityMatcher now uses recursive Pipelines
- Part-of-Speech tagging performance has been improved throughout the prediction algorithm
- EntityMatcher may now use RecursivePipeline in order to tokenize external data with the same pipeline provided by the user
Developer API
- PySpark API has been severly improved to make it easier to extend JVM classes
- PySpark API improved for extending annotator approaches and models appropriately
- Reverted a bug introduced causing NER not to read datasets properly from HDFS
- Fixed EntityMatcher wrongly normalizing external content (thanks @sofianeh)
- Fixed EntityMatcher documentation obsolete params (Thanks @sofianeh)
- Fixed NER CRF documentation in website
John Snow Labs Spark-NLP 1.3.0: Better tokenizer, assertion status annotator, and more
IMPORTANT: Pipelines from 1.2.6 or older cannot be loaded from 1.3.0
We are happy to announce a big release this time. 1.3.0 includes a brand new annotator for assertion status and an improved tokenizer, along with many enhancements that bring side-effects to the library.
New features
- #94
Tokenizer annotator has been revamped. It now follows standard NLP Rules, matching above 90% of StanfordNLP Tokens
This annotator has now more complex rules allowing setting custom composite words as exceptions (e.g. to not break New York)
and custom Prefix, Infix, Suffix and Breaking rules. It uses regular expression groups in order to match various tokens per target word
Defaults have been updated to also be language agnostic and support foreign characters from Unicode charset - #93
Assertion Status. This annotator identifies negated sequences within target scope. Assertion status is a machine learning
annotator and works throughout a set of Word Embeddings which a set of them is provided as a part of our Python notebook examples. - #90
Recursive Pipelines. We have created our own Pipeline class which will take more advantages from Spark-NLP annotators.
Although this Pipeline is completely optional and works well with default Apache Spark estimators and transforms, it allows
training our annotators more efficiently by allowing annotator approaches access the previous state of the Pipeline,
allowing them to use it to tokenize or transform their own external content. It is recommended to use such Pipelines.
- #83
Part of Speech training has been improved in both performance and quality, and now better makes use of the input corpus provided.
New params have been extended in order to have more control of its training, through corpusFormat and corpusLimit, allowing
whether to read training data as Dataset or raw text files, and the number of limit files if a folder is provided - #84
Thanks to @lambdaofgod to allow Normalizer to optionally lower case tokens - Thanks to Lorenz Bernauer, Normalizer default pattern now becomes language agnostic by not breaking unicode characters such as Spanish or German letters
- Features now have appropriate default values which are lazy by nature and executed only once upon request. This improves by side effect to the Lemmatizer performance.
- RuleFactory (A regex rule factory) performance has been improved due to set to use a Factory pattern and not re-check it's strategy on every transformation in run-time.
This might have positive side effects in SentenceDetector, DateMatcher and RegexMatcher which extensively use this class.
Class Renames
RegexTokenizer -> Tokenizer (it is not just regex anymore)
SentenceDetectorModel -> SentenceDetector (it is not a model, it is a rule-based algorithm)
SentimentDetectorModel -> SentimentDetector (it is not a model, it is a rule-based algorithm)
User Utilities
- ResourceHelper has a function createDatasetFromText which allows the user to more
easily read one or multiple text files from path into a dataset with various options,
including filename by row or by file aggregation. This class should be more widely
used since it helps dealing with local files parsing. It shall be better documented. - com.johnsnowlabs.util now contains a Benchmark class which allows measuring the time of
any function easily, by using it as Benchmark.time("Description of measured") {someFunction()}
Developer API
Word embedding traits have been generalized. Now any annotator who might want to use them can easily access their properties - Recursive pipelines now allow injecting PipelineModel object into train() stage. It is an optional parameter. If the user
utilizes RecursivePipeline, the annotator might use this pipeline for transforming secondary data inputs. - Annotator abstract class has been divided into a previous RawAnnotator class which contains all annotator properties
and validations, but does not make use of the annotate() function. This allows annotators that need to work directly with
the transform() call, but also participate between other annotators in the pipeline
- Fixed a bug in annotators with word embeddings not correctly serializing into disk
- Fixed a bug creating temporary folders in home folder
- Fixed a broken geospatial pattern in sentence detection