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Joinmarket-clientserver 0.9.6:

Please report bugs using the issue tracker at github:


To upgrade:

Reminder: always back up and recreate your joinmarket.cfg file when doing the upgrade; this is to make sure you have the new default settings.

(If you are upgrading from a version pre-0.7.0 please read the "Upgrading" section in the 0.7.0 release notes.)

(If you are upgrading from a version pre-0.9.0 please read the release notes to find out how about fidelity bonds are relevant to your use-case).

First run the script as mentioned in the README. When prompted to overwrite the directory jmvenv, accept.

Note that ./ -? will show the options for installation. See the section on Installation below for a new option for Tor.

Notable changes

New p2p onion messaging channels, with directory nodes

Do not forget to re-create your joinmarket.cfg to activate this!

This is an implementation of the ideas first laid out in #415, i.e. less or non-reliance on central servers for passing messages. That reliance has disadvantages even considering that the transaction negotiation is end to end encrypted, in regards to speed, scalability, censorship resistance and metadata leakage. So while IRC servers, used redundantly, as pre-0.9.6 Joinmarket, works, it has limitations. This does not (yet) mean we stopped using IRC - this is an added message channel, and all message channels are used redundantly. The user can choose to use any set of message channels they prefer, but the defaults are obviously the best choice for most. From this release onwards, we have multiple (currently three, managed by @AdamISZ @bisqubutor @openoms) "directory node" onion addresses which serve a similar function to IRC servers with a difference: once takers find makers' onion addresses via this server, they communicate peer to peer. This should result in faster transaction negotiation and the possibility of much larger anon-set coinjoins getting negotiated, as well as being a little better as a privacy model. The directory nodes function principally as 'name servers' allowing takers to find makers by Joinmarket nick. They also allow 'pubmessage' sending, i.e. sending to every known nick, just as with IRC. Note that these "directory nodes" are ridiculously cheap to set up and don't need any access to Bitcoin core/nodes/wallets/coins. They transfer names and onion locations, and broadcast some messages to clients.

For more details, please read the documentation. The default configuration file joinmarket.cfg will allow negotiation via these new channels. As per that documentation, note that Tor is now a requirement for running Joinmarket (except for testing use cases).

(For those interested in the details, please note that this new 'onion messaging channel' functions as one message channel, along with the existing IRC server message channels, even though under the hood it consists of multiple directory nodes.

The original 2 commits contain the bulk of the new code:

  • fd550ee Onion-based message channels with directory nodes
  • 830ac22 Allow taker peers to not serve onions + bugfixes.

Several bugfixes/updates after testing, notably:

  • a278b91 706bdb0 Directories forward disconnection events

and various minor updates to things like ports, default directory nodes, handshake protocol:

  • 1583e4f 56402af 6b093bc a293da5 704ffcf 041ea4a fbcb9fd cc6d341 e915dae 5cc1695

Testers/developers please review the proposed documentation of the new 'onionmessage' protocol here.

Change to fidelity bond parameter: the 'exponent'

For the basics read here, for the discussion leading to this update see here, and for the detailed mathematics see here.

Significant community discussion has centered around to what extent the current settings for fidelity bonds are optimal, in particular whether the emphasis on size implicit in the formulas leads to too strong of a centralizing force. Though it's impossible to get a clean consensus, we've decided on two steps:

  • Change the exponent which converts the bond's BTC value to its measured 'fidelity bond value' from 2 to 1.3. This number must be larger than one to create a disincentive to spread out the fidelity bond, but there is no requirement that it be any particular value. By reducing this value we make a less extreme emphasis on larger rather than smaller bonds.
  • Make this exponent a configurable variable. While it is difficult for many to understand the significance of this variable, still the documentation helps, and for those that want to value bonds differently, they now can, using the config variable bond_value_exponent.

We did not decide to change the default value of bondless_maker_allowance from 0.125, this representing what fraction of makers the taker does not pay attention to fidelity bonds for. This is also user-determined via the config variable, but we were discussing only whether to change the default.

  • 044bef6 Change default fidelity bond exponent settings.

In addition to the above, a couple of minor fixes/changes were made to fidelity bond handling:

For future-compatibility with a changed signature message format:

  • 1440817 Accept fidelity bonds with ascii cert messages

Fixes a bug whereby the ob-watcher script would not work with fidelity bonds due to not having an address:

  • 9594238 Output script instead of address in /orderbook.json

RPC-API updates

The most notable change here is:

  • a2d6f40 1d5728f 43b4eca Add rpc endpoint for tumbler

This is functional but very limited in user feedback for now; so you can run an entire tumbler algorithm via the RPC-API, but in certain edge cases the API client may not yet receive sufficient feedback to handle error states. This is still being actively worked on.

Another small update, allowing auth-ed /session requests:

  • c7a2612 feat: validate auth header in session request if provided

  • a04fb60 add tests of /session auth-ed and not

  • 7e4d2b1 docs: clarify handling of optional auth token in session endpoint

Bugfixes related to taker/maker state update via the RPC:

  • 1510145 Taker stops cleanly if broadcast fails via RPC-API
  • 65de6ac Don't start maker via RPC-API with frozen coins
  • b1542c6 fix: update taker state after fee config check

Wallet improvements/fixes

A notable overhaul of the way the Joinmarket wallet service functions was added, to reduce CPU cost and/or reduce unneeded polling of transaction events from the Core backend.

  • 8fe5b7b WalletService: clean up and fix callback handling
  • f52bf71 WalletService: reduce polling overhead
  • 8d45427 BitcoinCoreInterface: improve _yield_transactions

The following is somewhat related to the above, but was discovered as a bug while analyzing behaviour using the RPC API: the 'confirmations' field of a utxo was not being updated in certain circumstances:

  • 09b9747 Always track new transactions until confirmed

The following set of commits handle the issue that Core now defaults to descriptor wallets, which we do not yet use.

  • 4e72040 Abort with error if descriptor wallet configured in rpc_wallet_file
  • 44b61a1 Always use legacy Core wallet in tests

This improves the freeze functionality on command line, so that one can freeze/unfreeze all the utxos in a mixdepth in one action:

  • d832d78 Create un/freeze all command in wallet-tool freeze


These are related to a new option to the installation script: to install Tor locally inside your Joinmarket venv, use ./ --with-local-tor.

  • 7a88781 Add support to build and autostart local Tor instance in jmvenv
  • 2692f08 Update local Tor config
  • 5132342 update to build tor on macOS
  • 8d7d82f Add local Tor autostart to missing scripts


  • 42e6459 User instructed to install from release
  • 07cdd3a add twitter joinmarket onion link to readme
  • 97e4816 Update default makercount in
  • fbab9aa Update
  • 2bca836 doc: Document use of legacy wallet in
  • 90ec479 Document wallet creation for old Core versions


  • b4c8bf0 Bump twisted from 21.7.0 to 22.2.0 in /jmbase
  • 1407700 Bump local Tor to version
  • 3eec6e8 docker: remove pip from resulting image
  • 5fa4a51 docker: base from buster to bullseye

Minor changes

A bug in tumbler's --restart feature was fixed:

  • df429cd Fixed so tumbler can restart if no utxos in depth 0

A bug in wallet display when noblockchain is configured was fixed:

  • 9b15218 Don't crash in wallet_display() with no blockchain source

Better compliance with BIP32 + test:

  • 9ab2315 Stricter BIP32 decoding and test vector 5

  • 1db2c40 Add cmtdata/ to .gitignore

  • 8eefb4d unused and missing vars in jmbitcoin tx code

  • 3b3bd39 Replaces test_full_coinjoin with test_e2e_coinjoin

  • 62d7d73 Fix linter errors

  • 308f739 Print which option is invalid in shell scripts

  • 68fe12b reorder IRC server config

  • c07fcfc remove agora from configure

  • 4f1571b Update

  • a8e0a4a Make commitmentlist be in datadir by default.


Thanks to everyone who directly contributed to this release -

  • @dnlggr
  • @chris-belcher
  • @AdamISZ
  • @theborakompanioni
  • @kristapsk
  • @laanwj
  • @bisqubutor
  • @decentclock
  • @jaimefoo
  • @whitslack
  • @they-call-me-steve
  • @PulpCattel
  • @3np

And thanks also to those who submitted bug reports, tested, reviewed and otherwise helped out.