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miniSnip is lightweight and minimal snippet plugin written in Vim Script.


Use your favourite plugin manager to install miniSnip:

MinPlug Jorengarenar/miniSnip
Plug 'Jorengarenar/miniSnip'

Vim's packages

cd ~/.vim/pack/plugins/start
git clone git://
NeoBundle 'Jorengarenar/miniSnip'


To get started with miniSnip, in your runtime (on UNIX usually: ~/.vim) create a directory called miniSnip/all. Then placing a file called foo.snip inside it will create the foo snippet, which you can access by typing foo<C-j> in insert mode.

Filetype-aware snippets are also available. For example, a file called main in ~/.vim/miniSnip/java/main.snip will create a main snippet only when filetype=java, allowing you to add a main for C, main for C++ and so on.

See the documentation to learn the snippet syntax and options.


  • default values of placeholders (e.g. <{example}>)
  • references to previous tags (e.g. <{~2}> refers to second placeholder)
  • evaluation of Vim functions (e.g. <{!expand('%')}>)
  • ins-completion function
  • <{+}> will be targeted last (equivalent of $0 in UltiSnips)
  • filetype-aware snippets
  • changing delimiters, snippet file filetype etc. (:h miniSnip-configuration)
  • local snippets (:h g:miniSnip_local)
  • named placeholders (:h g:miniSnip_named)
  • global and local to buffer configuration (:h g:miniSnip-configuration)


  • c/incl.snip
? Include header file
#include "<{!substitute(expand('%:t'), '\.c', '\.h', '')}>"
  • html/html.snip
? HTML basic structure
$ `{{` `}}`
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="{{en}}">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <meta name="author" content="{{~1}}">
  <meta name="description" content="{{}}">
  <meta name="keywords" content="{{example}}">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{style.css}}">
  • sql/join_no_match.snip
SELECT <{table1}>.<{ID_1}>
FROM <{~1}>
LEFT JOIN <{table2}> ON <{~1}>.<{~2}> = <{~3}>.<{ID_2}>
WHERE <{~3}>.<{~4}> IS NULL
  • sh/wrapper_exec.snip
for dir in $(echo "$PATH" | tr ":" "\n" | grep -Fxv "$(dirname $0)"); do
    [ -x "$dir/$(basename $0)" ] && exec "$dir/$(basename $0)" $@

For more information, see the documentation.

Based on vim-minisnip

Main differences:

  • reference tags aren't relative, but absolute, i.e. <{~1}> will refer to first placeholder insted to the previous, <{~2}> will refer to the second instead of the penultimate
  • references aren't in quotes
  • references to bigger numbers than 9
  • descriptions (:h g:miniSnip_descmark)
  • option to change delimiters for specific snippet (:h g:miniSnip_delimChg)
  • extending filetypes (:h g:miniSnip_extends)
  • cursor at the end of snippets without placeholders, not the beginning
  • directories instead of prefixes for snippets file management
  • respect expandtab
  • one final placeholder (:h g:miniSnip_finalTag) instead of final delimiters
  • local snippets
  • named placeholders
  • configurable character class used to get snippet name


Lightweight snippet plugin for Vim





