Here the calculations of the aiida-kkr plugin are presented. It is assumed that the user already has basic knowledge of python, aiida (e.g. database structure, verdi commands, structure nodes) and KKR (e.g. LMAX cutoff, energy contour integration). Also aiida-kkr should be installed as well as the Voronoi, KKR and KKRimp codes should already be configured.
In practice, the use of the workflows is more convenient but here the most basic calculations which are used underneath in the workflows are introduced step by step.
In the following the calculation plugins provided by aiida-kkr are introduced at the example of bulk Cu.
If you follow the steps described here please make sure that your python script contains:
from aiida import load_profile load_profile()
To ensure that the aiida database is properly integrated.
The Voronoi code creates starting potentials for a KKR calculation and sets up the atom-centered division of space into voronoi cells. Also corresponding shape functions are created, which are needed for full-potential corrections.
The voronoi plugin is called kkr.voro
and it has the following input and output nodes:
- Three input nodes:
KKR parameter set for Voronoi calculation (Dict)structure
structure data node node describing the crystal lattice (StructureData)code
Voronoi code node (code)
- Three output nodes:
- Additional optional input nodes that trigger special behavior of a Voronoi calculation are:
(RemoteData of a KKR Calculation)potential_overwrite
Now the basic usage of the voronoi plugin is demonstrated at the example of Cu bulk for which first the aiida structure node and the parameter node containing KKR specific parameters (LMAX cutoff etc.) are created before a voronoi calculation is set up and submitted.
First we create an aiida structure:
# get aiida StructureData class: from aiida.plugins import DataFactory StructureData = DataFactory('structure')
Then we create the aiida StructureData node (here for bulk Cu):
alat = 3.61 # lattice constant in Angstroem bravais = [[0.5*alat, 0.5*alat, 0], [0.5*alat, 0, 0.5*alat], [0, 0.5*alat, 0.5*alat]] # Bravais matrix in Ang. units # now create StructureData instance and set Bravais matrix and atom in unit cell Cu = StructureData(cell=bravais) Cu.append_atom(position=[0,0,0], symbols='Cu')
Next we create an empty set of KKR parameters (LMAX cutoff etc. ) for voronoi code:
# load kkrparms class which is a useful tool to create the set of input parameters for KKR-family of calculations from import kkrparams params = kkrparams(params_type='voronoi')
we can find out which parameters are mandatory to be set using
missing_params = params.get_missing_keys(use_aiida=True)
and set at least the mandatory parameters:
params.set_multiple_values(LMAX=2, NSPIN=1, RCLUSTZ=2.3)
finally create an aiida Dict node and fill with the dictionary of parameters:
Dict = DataFactory('dict') # use DataFactory to get ParamerterData class ParaNode = Dict(dict=params.get_dict())
Now we get the voronoi code:
from aiida.orm import Code # load aiida 'Code' class codename = 'voronoi@localhost' code = Code.get_from_string(codename)
Make sure that the voronoi code is installed:
verdi code list
should give you a list of installed codes where codename should be in.
and create new process builder for a VoronoiCalculation:
builder = code.get_builder()
This will already set builder.code
to the voronoi code which we loaded above.
and set resources that will be used (here serial job) in the options dict of the metadata:
builder.metadata.options = {'resources': {'num_machines':1, 'tot_num_mpiprocs':1} }
If you use a computer without a default queue you need to set the name of the queue as well:
builder.metadata.options['queue_name'] = 'th1')
then set structure and input parameter:
builder.structure = Cu builder.parameters = ParaNode
Additionally you could set the parent_KKR
and potential_overwrite
input nodes which trigger special run modes of the voronoi code that are discussed below.
Now we are ready to submit the calculation:
from aiida.engine import submit voro_calc = submit(builder)
check calculation state (or use verdi calculation list -a -p1) using
To come ...
To come ...
A KKR calculation is provided by the kkr.kkr
plugin, which has the following
input and output nodes.
- Three input nodes:
KKR parameter fitting the requirements for a KKR calculation (Dict)parent_folder
parent calulation remote folder node (RemoteFolder)code
KKR code node (code)
- Three output nodes:
The parent calculation can be one of the following:
- Voronoi calculation, initial calculation starting from structure
- previous KKR calculation, e.g. preconverged calculation
The necessary structure information is always extracted from the voronoi parent calculation. In case of a continued calculation the voronoi parent is recuresively searched for.
- Special features exist where a fourth input node is persent and which triggers special behavior of the KKR calculation:
Node specifying the impurity cluster (Dict)kpoints
Node specifying the kpoints for which the bandstructure is supposed to be calculated (KpointsData)
The different possible modes to run a kkr calculation (start from Voronoi calculation, continue from previous KKR calculation, host Greenfunction writeout feature) are demonstrated in the following.
Reuse settings from voronoi calculation:
voronoi_calc_folder = voro_calc.out.remote_folder voro_params = voro_calc.inputs.parameters
Now we update the KKR parameter set to meet the requirements for a KKR calculation (slightly different than voronoi calculation). Thus, we create a new set of parameters for a KKR calculation and fill the already set values from the previous voronoin calculation:
# new kkrparams instance for KKR calculation params = kkrparams(params_type='kkr', **voro_params.get_dict()) # set the missing values params.set_multiple_values(RMAX=7., GMAX=65.) # choose 20 simple mixing iterations first to preconverge potential (here 5% simple mixing) params.set_multiple_values(NSTEPS=20, IMIX=0, STRMIX=0.05) # create aiida Dict node from the KKR parameters ParaNode = Dict(dict=params.get_dict())
You can find out which parameters are missing for the KKR calculation using params.get_missing_keys()
Now we can get the KKR code and create a new calculation instance and set the input nodes accordingly:
code = Code.get_from_string('KKRcode@localhost') builder = code.get_builder() # set input Parameter, parent calulation (previous voronoi calculation), computer resources builder.parameters = ParaNode builder.parent_folder = voronoi_calc_folder builder.metadata.options = {'resources' :{'num_machines': 1, 'num_mpiprocs_per_machine':1}}
We can then run the KKR calculation:
kkr_calc = submit(builder)
First we create a new KKR calculation instance to continue KKR ontop of a previous KKR calclation:
builder = code.get_builder()
Next we reuse the old KKR parameters and update scf settings (default is NSTEPS=1, IMIX=0):
params.set_multiple_values(NSTEPS=50, IMIX=5)
and create the aiida Dict node:
ParaNode = Dict(dict=params.get_dict())
Then we set the input nodes for calculation:
builder.parameters = ParaNode kkr_calc_parent_folder = kkr_calc.outputs.remote_folder # parent remote folder of previous calculation builder.parent_folder = kkr_calc_parent_folder builder.metadata.options = {'resources': {'num_machines': 1, 'num_mpiprocs_per_machine':1}}
store input nodes and submit calculation:
kkr_calc_continued = submit(builder)
The finished calculation should have this output node that can be access within
python using kkr_calc_continued.outputs.output_parameters.get_dict()
. An excerpt
of the ouput dictionary may look like this:
{u'alat_internal': 4.82381975, u'alat_internal_unit': u'a_Bohr', u'convergence_group': { u'calculation_converged': True, u'charge_neutrality': -1.1e-05, u'nsteps_exhausted': False, u'number_of_iterations': 47, u'rms': 6.4012e-08, ...}, u'energy': -44965.5181266111, u'energy_unit': u'eV', u'fermi_energy': 0.6285993399, u'fermi_energy_units': u'Ry', u'nspin': 1, u'number_of_atoms_in_unit_cell': 1, u'parser_errors': [], ... u'warnings_group': {u'number_of_warnings': 0, u'warnings_list': []}}
Here we take the remote folder of the converged calculation to reuse settings and write out Green function and tmat of the crystalline host system:
kkr_converged_parent_folder = kkr_calc_continued.outputs.remote_folder
Now we extract the parameters of the kkr calculation and add the KKRFLEX
kkrcalc_converged = kkr_converged_parent_folder.get_incoming().first().node kkr_params_dict = kkrcalc_converged.inputs.parameters.get_dict() kkr_params_dict['RUNOPT'] = ['KKRFLEX']
The parameters dictionary is not passed to the aiida Dict node:
ParaNode = Dict(dict=kkr_params_dict)
Now we create a new KKR calculation and set input nodes:
code = kkrcalc_converged.inputs.code # take the same code as in the calculation before builder= code.get_builder() resources = kkrcalc_converged.attributes['resources'] builder.metadata.options = {'resources': resources} builder.parameters = ParaNode builder.parent_folder = kkr_converged_parent_folder # prepare impurity_info node containing the information about the impurity cluster imp_info = Dict(dict={'Rcut':4.0, 'ilayer_center': 0, 'Zimp':[79.]}) # set impurity info node to calculation builder.impurity_info = imp_info
The impurity_info
node should be a Dict node and its dictionary should describe
the impurity cluster using the following parameters:
(int) layer index of position in the unit cell that describes the center of the impurity clusterRcut
(float) cluster radius of impurity cluster in Ang. unitshcut
(float, optional) height of a cylindrical cluster with radiusRcut
, if not given spherical cluster is takencylinder_orient
(list of 3 float values, optional)Zimp
(list of Nimp float entries) atomic charges of the substitutional impurities on positions defined byRimp_rel
(list of Nimp [float, float, float] entries, optional, defaults to [0,0,0] for single impurity) cartesian positions of all Nimp impurities, relative to the center of cluster (i.e. position defined byilayer_center
(list of [float, float, float, int] entries, optional) full list of impurity cluster positions and layer indices (x, y, z, ilayer), overwrites auto generation usingRcut
functionality not implemented yet
The retrieve_kkrflex
node can be used to control wether or not the kkrflex_* files are copied back to the retrieved folder or only stay on the remote folder (saves space in the file repo).
The calculation can then be submitted:
# submit calculation GF_host_calc = submit(builder)
Once the calculation has finished the retrieve folder should contain the kkrflex_*
files needed for the impurity calculation.
Here we take the remote folder of the converged calculation and compute the bandstructure of the Cu bulk system. We reuse the DOS settings for the energy interval in which the bandstructure is computed from a previous calculation:
from aiida.orm import load_node kkr_calc_converged = load_node(<-id-of-previous-calc>) kkr_dos_calc = load_node(<-id-of-previous-DOS-calc>)
Now we need to generate the kpoints node for bandstructure calculation. This is
done using aiida's get_explicit_kpoints_path
function that extracts the kpoints
along high symmetry lines from a structure:
# first extract the structure node from the KKR parent calculation from aiida_kkr.calculations.voro import VoronoiCalculation struc, voro_parent = VoronoiCalculation.find_parent_structure(kkr_calc_converged.outputs.remote_folder) # then create KpointsData node from import get_explicit_kpoints_path kpts = get_explicit_kpoints_path(struc).get('explicit_kpoints')
Note that the get_explicit_kpoints_path
function returns kpoints
for the primitive structure. In this example the input structure is already
the primitive cell however in general this may not always be the case.
Then we set the kpoints
input node to a new KKR calculation and change some settings
of the input parameters accordingly (i.e. energy contour like in DOS run):
# create bandstructure calculation reusing old settings (including same computer and resources in this example) kkrcode = kkr_calc_converged.inputs.code builder = kkrcode.get_builder() builder.kpoints = kpts # pass kpoints as input builder.parent_folder = kkr_calc_converged.outputs.remote_folder builder.metadata.options = {'resources': kkr_calc_converged.attributes['resources']} # change parameters to qdos settings (E range and number of points) from import kkrparams qdos_params = kkrparams(**kkr_calc_converged.inputs.parameters.get_dict()) # reuse old settings # reuse the same emin/emax settings as in DOS run (extracted from input parameter node) qdos_params.set_multiple_values(EMIN=host_dos_calc.inputs.parameters.get_dict().get('EMIN'), EMAX=host_dos_calc.inputs.parameters.get_dict().get('EMAX'), NPT2=100) builder.parameters = Dict(dict=qdos_params.get_dict())
The calculation is then ready to be submitted:
# submit calculation kkrcalc = submit(builder)
The result of the calculation will then contain the qdos.aa.s.dat
files in the
retrieved node, where aa
is the atom index and s
the spin index of all atoms
in the unit cell. The resulting bandstructure (for the Cu bulk test system considered here)
should look like this (see :ref:`here for the plotting script<KKR_bandstruc_example>`):
The extraction of exchange coupling parameters is triggered with the XCPL
run option and needs at lest the JIJRAD
paramter to be set.
Here we take the remote folder of the converged calculation and compute the exchange
from aiida.orm import load_node kkr_calc_converged = load_node(<-id-of-previous-calc>)
Then we set the XCLP
run option and the JIJRAD
parameter (the JIJRADXY
parameters are not mandatory and are ommitted in this
example) in the input node to a new KKR calculation:
# create bandstructure calculation reusing old settings (including same computer and resources in this example) kkrcode = kkr_calc_converged.inputs.code builder = kkrcode.get_builder() builder.parent_folder = kkr_calc_converged.outputs.remote_folder builder.metadata.options = {'resources': kkr_calc_converged.attributes['resources']} # change parameters to Jij settings ('XCPL' runopt and JIJRAD parameter) from import kkrparams Jij_params = kkrparams(**kkr_calc_converged.inputs.parameters.get_dict()) # reuse old settings # add JIJRAD (remember: in alat units) Jij_params.set_value('JIJRAD', 1.5) # add 'XCPL' runopt to list of runopts runopts = Jij_params.get_value('RUNOPT') runopts.append('XCPL ') Jij_params.set_value('RUNOPT', runopts) # now use updated parameters builder.parameters = Dict(dict=qdos_params.get_dict())
The calculation is then ready to be submitted:
# submit calculation kkrcalc = submit(builder)
The result of the calculation will then contain the Jijatom.*
files in the
retrieved node and the shells.dat
files which allows to map the values of the
exchange interaction to equivalent positions in the different shells.
Plugin: kkr.kkrimp
- Four input nodes:
, optional: KKR parameter fitting the requirements for a KKRimp calculation (Dict)Only one of
: starting potential for the impurity run (SingleFileData)parent_folder
: previous KKRimp parent calulation folder (RemoteFolder)
: KKRimp code node (code)host_Greenfunction_folder
: KKR parent calulation folder containing the writeout of the :ref:`host's Green function files <host_GF_writeout>` (RemoteFolder)
If no parameters
node is given then the default values are extracted from the host_Greenfunction
- Three output nodes:
The parent calculation can be one of the following:
- Voronoi calculation, initial calculation starting from structure
- previous KKR calculation, e.g. preconverged calculation
The necessary structure information is always extracted from the voronoi parent calculation. In case of a continued calculation the voronoi parent is recuresively searched for.
Now the starting potential for the impurity calculation needs to be generated. This means that we need to create an auxiliary structure which contians the impurity in the system where we want to embed it. Then we run a Voronoi calculation to create the starting potential. Here we use the example of a Au impurity embedded into bulk Cu.
The impurity code expects an aiida SingleFileData object that contains the impurity
potential. This is finally constructed using the neworder_potential_wf
We start with the creation of the auxiliary styructure:
# use an aiida calcfunction to keep track of the provenance from aiida.engine import calcfunction @calcfunction def change_struc_imp_aux_wf(struc, imp_info): # Note: works for single imp at center only! from aiida.common.constants import elements as PeriodicTableElements _atomic_numbers = {data['symbol']: num for num, data in PeriodicTableElements.iteritems()} new_struc = StructureData(cell=struc.cell) isite = 0 for site in struc.sites: sname = site.kind_name kind = struc.get_kind(sname) pos = site.position zatom = _atomic_numbers[kind.get_symbols_string()] if isite == imp_info.get_dict().get('ilayer_center'): zatom = imp_info.get_dict().get('Zimp')[0] symbol = PeriodicTableElements.get(zatom).get('symbol') new_struc.append_atom(position=pos, symbols=symbol) isite += 1 return new_struc new_struc = change_struc_imp_aux_wf(voro_calc.inputs.structure, imp_info)
This functionality is alreadyincorporated in the kkr_imp_wc
Then we run the Voronoi calculation for auxiliary structure to create the impurity starting potential:
codename = 'voronoi@localhost' code = Code.get_from_string(codename) builder = code.get_builder() builder.metadata.options = {'resources': {'num_machines':1, 'tot_num_mpiprocs':1}} builder.structure = new_struc builder.parameters = kkrcalc_converged.inputs.parameters voro_calc_aux = submit(builder)
Now we create the impurity starting potential using the converged host potential for the surrounding of the impurity and the new Au impurity startpot:
from import neworder_potential_wf potname_converged = kkrcalc_converged._POTENTIAL potname_imp = 'potential_imp' neworder_pot1 = [int(i) for i in loadtxt(GF_host_calc.outputs.retrieved.get_abs_path('scoef'), skiprows=1)[:,3]-1] potname_impvorostart = voro_calc_aux._OUT_POTENTIAL_voronoi replacelist_pot2 = [[0,0]] settings_dict = {'pot1': potname_converged, 'out_pot': potname_imp, 'neworder': neworder_pot1, 'pot2': potname_impvorostart, 'replace_newpos': replacelist_pot2, 'label': 'startpot_KKRimp', 'description': 'starting potential for Au impurity in bulk Cu'} settings = Dict(dict=settings_dict) startpot_Au_imp_sfd = neworder_potential_wf(settings_node=settings, parent_calc_folder=kkrcalc_converged.outputs.remote_folder, parent_calc_folder2=voro_calc_aux.outputs.remote_folder)
Now we create a new impurity calculation, set all input nodes and submit the calculation
to preconverge the impurity potential (Au embedded into Cu ulk host as described in the
# needed to link to host GF writeout calculation GF_host_output_folder = GF_host_calc.outputs.remote_folder # create new KKRimp calculation from aiida_kkr.calculations.kkrimp import KkrimpCalculation kkrimp_calc = KkrimpCalculation() builder = Code.get_from_string('KKRimp@my_mac') builder.code(kkrimp_code) builder.host_Greenfunction_folder = GF_host_output_folder builder.impurity_potential = startpot_Au_imp_sfd builder.resources = resources # first set 20 simple mixing steps kkrimp_params = kkrparams(params_type='kkrimp') kkrimp_params.set_multiple_values(SCFSTEPS=20, IMIX=0, MIXFAC=0.05) ParamsKKRimp = Dict(dict=kkrimp_params.get_dict()) bilder.parameters = ParamsKKRimp # submit calculation kkrimp_calc = submit(builder)
Here we demonstrate how to restart a KKRimp calculation from a parent calculation from which the starting potential is extracted autimatically. This is used to compute the converged impurity potential starting from the previous preconvergence step:
builder = kkrimp_code.get_builder() builder.parent_calc_folder = kkrimp_calc.outputs.remote_folder builder.metadata.options = {'resources': resources} builder.host_Greenfunction_folder = kkrimp_calc.inputs.GFhost_folder kkrimp_params = kkrparams(params_type='kkrimp', **kkrimp_calc.inputs.parameters.get_dict()) kkrimp_params.set_multiple_values(SCFSTEPS=99, IMIX=5, MIXFAC=0.05) ParamsKKRimp = Dict(dict=kkrimp_params.get_dict()) builder.parameters = ParamsKKRimp # submit kkrimp_calc_converge = submit(builder)
create final imp DOS (new host GF for DOS contour, then KKRimp calc using converged potential)
first prepare host GF with DOS contour:
params = kkrparams(**GF_host_calc.inputs.parameters.get_dict()) params.set_multiple_values(EMIN=-0.2, EMAX=GF_host_calc.res.fermi_energy+0.1, NPOL=0, NPT1=0, NPT2=101, NPT3=0) ParaNode = Dict(dict=params.get_dict()) code = GF_host_calc.inputs.code # take the same code as in the calculation before builder= code.new_calc() resources = GF_host_calc.get_resources() builder.resources = resources builder.parameters = ParaNode builder.parent_folder = kkr_converged_parent_folder builder.impurity_info = GF_host_calc.inputs.impurity_info GF_host_doscalc = submit(builder)
Then we run the KKRimp step using the converged potential (via the parent_calc_folder
node) and the host GF which contains the DOS contour information (via host_Greenfunction_folder
builder = kkrimp_calc_converge.inputs.code.get_builder() builder.host_Greenfunction_folder(GF_host_doscalc.outputs.remote_folder) builder.parent_calc_folder(kkrimp_calc_converge.outputs.remote_folder) builder.resources(kkrimp_calc_converge.get_resources()) params = kkrparams(params_type='kkrimp', **kkrimp_calc_converge.inputs.parameters.get_dict()) params.set_multiple_values(RUNFLAG=['lmdos'], SCFSTEPS=1) ParaNode = Dict(dict=params.get_dict()) builder.parameters(ParaNode) kkrimp_doscalc = submit(builder)
Finally we plot the DOS:
# get interpolated DOS from GF_host_doscalc calculation: from import interpolate_dos dospath_host = GF_host_doscalc.outputs.retrieved.get_abs_path('') ef, dos, dos_interpol = interpolate_dos(dospath_host, return_original=True) dos, dos_interpol = dos[0], dos_interpol[0] # read in impurity DOS from numpy import loadtxt impdos0 = loadtxt(kkrimp_doscalc.outputs.retrieved.get_abs_path('out_lmdos.interpol.atom=01_spin1.dat')) impdos1 = loadtxt(kkrimp_doscalc.outputs.retrieved.get_abs_path('out_lmdos.interpol.atom=13_spin1.dat')) # sum over spins: impdos0[:,1:] = impdos0[:,1:]*2 impdos1[:,1:] = impdos1[:,1:]*2 # plot bulk and impurity DOS from matplotlib.pyplot import figure, fill_between, plot, legend, title, axhline, axvline, xlim, ylim, ylabel, xlabel, title, show figure() fill_between((dos_interpol[:,0]-ef)*13.6, dos_interpol[:,1]/13.6, color='lightgrey', lw=0, label='bulk Cu') plot((impdos0[:,0]-ef)*13.6, impdos0[:,1]/13.6, label='Au imp') plot((impdos0[:,0]-ef)*13.6, impdos1[:,1]/13.6, label='1st Cu neighbor') plot((impdos0[:,0]-ef)*13.6, (impdos1[:,1]-dos_interpol[:,1])/dos_interpol[:,1], '--', label='relative difference in 1st Cu neighbor') legend() title('DOS of Au impurity embedded into bulk Cu') axhline(0, lw=1, color='grey') axvline(0, lw=1, color='grey') xlim(-8, 1) ylim(-0.5,8.5) xlabel('E-E_F (eV)') ylabel('DOS (states/eV)') show()
Which should look like this:
Only functional in version below 1.0
Plugin kkr.kkrimporter
The calculation importer can be used to import a already finished KKR calculation to the aiida dbatabase. The KKRimporterCalculation takes the inputs
: KKR code installation on the computer from which the calculation is importedcomputer
: computer on which the calulation has been performedresources
: resources used in the calculationremote_workdir
: remote abolute path oncomputer
to the path where the calculation has been performedinput_file_names
: dictionary of input file namesoutput_file_names
, optional: dictionary of output file names
and mimicks a KKR calculation (i.e. stores KKR parameter set in node parameters
the extracted aiida StructureData node structure
as inputs and creates
, retrieved
and output_parameters
output nodes).
A KKRimporter calculation can then be used like a KKR claculation to continue
calculations with correct provenance tracking in the database.
- At least
need to be given ininput_file_names
. - Works also if output was a Jij calculation, then
files are retreived as well.
Example on how to use the calculation importer:
# Load the KKRimporter class from aiida.orm import CalculationFactory KkrImporter = CalculationFactory('kkr.kkrimporter') # Load the Code node representative of the one used to perform the calculations from aiida.orm.code import Code code = Code.get_from_string('KKRcode@my_mac') # Get the Computer node representative of the one the calculations were run on computer = code.get_remote_computer() # Define the computation resources used for the calculations resources = {'num_machines': 1, 'num_mpiprocs_per_machine': 1} # Create calculation calc1 = KkrImporter(computer=computer, resources=resources, remote_workdir='<absolute-remote-path-to-calculation>', input_file_names={'input_file':'inputcard', 'potential_file':'potential', 'shapefun_file':'shapefun'}, output_file_names={'out_potential_file':'potential'}) # Link the code that was used to run the calculations. calc1.use_code(code) # Get the computer's transport and create an instance. from aiida.backends.utils import get_authinfo, get_automatic_user authinfo = get_authinfo(computer=computer, aiidauser=get_automatic_user()) transport = authinfo.get_transport() # Open the transport for the duration of the immigrations, so it's not # reopened for each one. This is best performed using the transport's # context guard through the ``with`` statement. with transport as open_transport: # Parse the calculations' input files to automatically generate and link the # calculations' input nodes. calc1.create_input_nodes(open_transport) # Store the calculations and their input nodes and tell the daeomon the output # is ready to be retrieved and parsed. calc1.prepare_for_retrieval_and_parsing(open_transport)
After the calculation has finished the following nodes should appear in the aiida database:
$ verdi calculation show <pk-to-imported-calculation> ----------- ------------------------------------ type KkrImporterCalculation pk 22121 uuid 848c2185-8c82-44cd-ab67-213c20aaa414 label description ctime 2018-04-24 15:29:42.136154+00:00 mtime 2018-04-24 15:29:48.496421+00:00 computer [1] my_mac code KKRcode ----------- ------------------------------------ ##### INPUTS: Link label PK Type ------------ ----- ------------- parameters 22120 Dict structure 22119 StructureData ##### OUTPUTS: Link label PK Type ----------------- ----- ------------- remote_folder 22122 RemoteData retrieved 22123 FolderData output_parameters 22124 Dict ##### LOGS: There are 1 log messages for this calculation Run 'verdi calculation logshow 22121' to see them
Here is a small collection of example scripts.
Scripts need to be updated for new version (>1.0)
Compact script starting with structure setup, then voronoi calculation, followed by initial KKR claculation which is then continued for convergence. The converged calculation is then used to write out the host GF and a simple inmpurity calculation is performed.
Download: :download:`this example script <../examples/>`
#!/usr/bin/env python # connect to aiida db from aiida import load_profile load_profile() # load essential aiida classes from aiida.orm import Code from aiida.orm import DataFactory StructureData = DataFactory('structure') Dict = DataFactory('parameter') # load kkrparms class which is a useful tool to create the set of input parameters for KKR-family of calculations from import kkrparams # load some python modules from numpy import array # helper function def wait_for_it(calc, maxwait=300): from time import sleep N = 0 print 'start waiting for calculation to finish' while not calc.has_finished() and N<(maxwait/2.): N += 1 if N%5==0: print('.') sleep(2.) print('waiting done after {} seconds: {} {}'.format(N*2, calc.has_finished(), calc.has_finished_ok())) ################################################### # initial structure ################################################### # create Copper bulk aiida Structure alat = 3.61 # lattice constant in Angstroem bravais = alat*array([[0.5, 0.5, 0], [0.5, 0, 0.5], [0, 0.5, 0.5]]) # Bravais matrix in Ang. units Cu = StructureData(cell=bravais) Cu.append_atom(position=[0,0,0], symbols='Cu') ################################################### # Voronoi step (preparation of starting potential) ################################################### # create empty set of KKR parameters (LMAX cutoff etc. ) for voronoi code params = kkrparams(params_type='voronoi') # and set at least the mandatory parameters params.set_multiple_values(LMAX=2, NSPIN=1, RCLUSTZ=2.3) # finally create an aiida Dict node and fill with the dictionary of parameters ParaNode = Dict(dict=params.get_dict()) # choose a valid installation of the voronoi code ### !!! adapt to your code name !!! ### codename = 'voronoi@my_mac' code = Code.get_from_string(codename) # create new instance of a VoronoiCalculation voro_calc = code.new_calc() # and set resources that will be used (here serial job) voro_calc.set_resources({'num_machines':1, 'tot_num_mpiprocs':1}) ### !!! use queue name if necessary !!! ### # voro_calc.set_queue_name('<quene_name>') # then set structure and input parameter voro_calc.use_structure(Cu) voro_calc.use_parameters(ParaNode) # store all nodes and submit the calculation voro_calc.store_all() voro_calc.submit() wait_for_it(voro_calc) # for future reference voronoi_calc_folder = voro_calc.outputs.remote_folder voro_params = voro_calc.inputs.parameters ################################################### # KKR step (20 iterations simple mixing) ################################################### # create new set of parameters for a KKR calculation and fill with values from previous voronoin calculation params = kkrparams(params_type='kkr', **voro_params.get_dict()) # and set the missing values params.set_multiple_values(RMAX=7., GMAX=65.) # choose 20 simple mixing iterations first to preconverge potential (here 5% simple mixing) params.set_multiple_values(NSTEPS=20, IMIX=0, STRMIX=0.05) # create aiida Dict node from the KKR parameters ParaNode = Dict(dict=params.get_dict()) # get KKR code and create new calculation instance ### !!! use your code name !!! ### code = Code.get_from_string('KKRcode@my_mac') kkr_calc = code.new_calc() # set input Parameter, parent calulation (previous voronoi calculation), computer resources kkr_calc.use_parameters(ParaNode) kkr_calc.use_parent_folder(voronoi_calc_folder) kkr_calc.set_resources({'num_machines': 1, 'num_mpiprocs_per_machine':1}) ### !!! use queue name if necessary !!! ### # kkr_calc.set_queue_name('<quene_name>') # store nodes and submit calculation kkr_calc.store_all() kkr_calc.submit() # wait for calculation to finish wait_for_it(kkr_calc) ################################################### # 2nd KKR step (continued from previous KKR calc) ################################################### # create new KKR calculation instance to continue KKR ontop of a previous KKR calclation kkr_calc_continued = code.new_calc() # reuse old KKR parameters and update scf settings (default is NSTEPS=1, IMIX=0) params.set_multiple_values(NSTEPS=50, IMIX=5) # and create aiida Dict node ParaNode = Dict(dict=params.get_dict()) # then set input nodes for calculation kkr_calc_continued.use_code(code) kkr_calc_continued.use_parameters(ParaNode) kkr_calc_parent_folder = kkr_calc.outputs.remote_folder # parent remote folder of previous calculation kkr_calc_continued.use_parent_folder(kkr_calc_parent_folder) kkr_calc_continued.set_resources({'num_machines': 1, 'num_mpiprocs_per_machine':1}) ### !!! use queue name if necessary !!! ### # kkr_calc_continued.set_queue_name('<quene_name>') # store input nodes and submit calculation kkr_calc_continued.store_all() kkr_calc_continued.submit() # wait for calculation to finish wait_for_it(kkr_calc_continued) ################################################### # writeout host GF (using converged calculation) ################################################### # take remote folder of converged calculation to reuse setting and write out Green function and tmat of the crystalline host system kkr_converged_parent_folder = kkr_calc_continued.outputs.remote_folder # extreact kkr calculation from parent calculation folder kkrcalc_converged = kkr_converged_parent_folder.get_inputs()[0] # extract parameters from parent calculation and update RUNOPT for KKRFLEX option kkr_params_dict = kkrcalc_converged.inputs.parameters.get_dict() kkr_params_dict['RUNOPT'] = ['KKRFLEX'] # create aiida Dict node with set parameters that are updated compared to converged parent kkr calculation ParaNode = Dict(dict=kkr_params_dict) # create new KKR calculation code = kkrcalc_converged.get_code() # take the same code as in the calculation before GF_host_calc= code.new_calc() # set resources, Parameter Node and parent calculation resources = kkrcalc_converged.get_resources() GF_host_calc.set_resources(resources) GF_host_calc.use_parameters(ParaNode) GF_host_calc.use_parent_folder(kkr_converged_parent_folder) ### !!! use queue name if necessary !!! ### # GF_host_calc.set_queue_name('<quene_name>') # prepare impurity_info node containing the information about the impurity cluster imp_info = Dict(dict={'Rcut':1.01, 'ilayer_center':0, 'Zimp':[79.]}) # set impurity info node to calculation GF_host_calc.use_impurity_info(imp_info) # store input nodes and submit calculation GF_host_calc.store_all() GF_host_calc.submit() # wait for calculation to finish wait_for_it(GF_host_calc) ###################################################################### # KKRimp calculation (20 simple mixing iterations for preconvergence) ###################################################################### # first create impurity start pot using auxiliary voronoi calculation # creation of the auxiliary styructure: # use an aiida workfunction to keep track of the provenance from import workfunction as wf @wf def change_struc_imp_aux_wf(struc, imp_info): # Note: works for single imp at center only! from aiida.common.constants import elements as PeriodicTableElements _atomic_numbers = {data['symbol']: num for num, data in PeriodicTableElements.iteritems()} new_struc = StructureData(cell=struc.cell) isite = 0 for site in struc.sites: sname = site.kind_name kind = struc.get_kind(sname) pos = site.position zatom = _atomic_numbers[kind.get_symbols_string()] if isite == imp_info.get_dict().get('ilayer_center'): zatom = imp_info.get_dict().get('Zimp')[0] symbol = PeriodicTableElements.get(zatom).get('symbol') new_struc.append_atom(position=pos, symbols=symbol) isite += 1 return new_struc new_struc = change_struc_imp_aux_wf(voro_calc.inputs.structure, imp_info) # then Voronoi calculation for auxiliary structure ### !!! use your code name !!! ### codename = 'voronoi@my_mac' code = Code.get_from_string(codename) voro_calc_aux = code.new_calc() voro_calc_aux.set_resources({'num_machines':1, 'tot_num_mpiprocs':1}) voro_calc_aux.use_structure(new_struc) voro_calc_aux.use_parameters(kkrcalc_converged.inputs.parameters) voro_calc_aux.store_all() voro_calc_aux.submit() ### !!! use queue name if necessary !!! ### # voro_calc_aux.set_queue_name('<quene_name>') # wait for calculation to finish wait_for_it(voro_calc_aux) # then create impurity startpot using auxiliary voronoi calc and converged host potential from import neworder_potential_wf potname_converged = kkrcalc_converged._POTENTIAL potname_imp = 'potential_imp' neworder_pot1 = [int(i) for i in loadtxt(GF_host_calc.outputs.retrieved.get_abs_path('scoef'), skiprows=1)[:,3]-1] potname_impvorostart = voro_calc_aux._OUT_POTENTIAL_voronoi replacelist_pot2 = [[0,0]] settings_dict = {'pot1': potname_converged, 'out_pot': potname_imp, 'neworder': neworder_pot1, 'pot2': potname_impvorostart, 'replace_newpos': replacelist_pot2, 'label': 'startpot_KKRimp', 'description': 'starting potential for Au impurity in bulk Cu'} settings = Dict(dict=settings_dict) startpot_Au_imp_sfd = neworder_potential_wf(settings_node=settings, parent_calc_folder=kkrcalc_converged.out.remote_folder, parent_calc_folder2=voro_calc_aux.out.remote_folder) # now create KKRimp calculation and run first (some simple mixing steps) calculation # needed to link to host GF writeout calculation GF_host_output_folder = GF_host_calc.out.remote_folder # create new KKRimp calculation from aiida_kkr.calculations.kkrimp import KkrimpCalculation kkrimp_calc = KkrimpCalculation() ### !!! use your code name !!! ### kkrimp_code = Code.get_from_string('KKRimp@my_mac') kkrimp_calc.use_code(kkrimp_code) kkrimp_calc.use_host_Greenfunction_folder(GF_host_output_folder) kkrimp_calc.use_impurity_potential(startpot_Au_imp_sfd) kkrimp_calc.set_resources(resources) kkrimp_calc.set_computer(kkrimp_code.get_computer()) # first set 20 simple mixing steps kkrimp_params = kkrparams(params_type='kkrimp') kkrimp_params.set_multiple_values(SCFSTEPS=20, IMIX=0, MIXFAC=0.05) ParamsKKRimp = Dict(dict=kkrimp_params.get_dict()) kkrimp_calc.use_parameters(ParamsKKRimp) # store and submit kkrimp_calc.store_all() kkrimp_calc.submit() # wait for calculation to finish wait_for_it(kkrimp_calc) ################################################### # continued KKRimp calculation until convergence ################################################### kkrimp_calc_converge = kkrimp_code.new_calc() kkrimp_calc_converge.use_parent_calc_folder(kkrimp_calc.out.remote_folder) kkrimp_calc_converge.set_resources(resources) kkrimp_calc_converge.use_host_Greenfunction_folder(kkrimp_calc.inputs.GFhost_folder) kkrimp_params = kkrparams(params_type='kkrimp', **kkrimp_calc.inputs.parameters.get_dict()) kkrimp_params.set_multiple_values(SCFSTEPS=99, IMIX=5, MIXFAC=0.05) ParamsKKRimp = Dict(dict=kkrimp_params.get_dict()) kkrimp_calc_converge.use_parameters(ParamsKKRimp) ### !!! use queue name if necessary !!! ### # kkrimp_calc_converge.set_queue_name('<quene_name>') # store and submit kkrimp_calc_converge.store_all() kkrimp_calc_converge.submit() wait_for_it(kkrimp_calc_converge)
Script running host GF step for DOS contour first before running KKRimp step and plotting.
Download: :download:`this example script <../examples/>`
#!/usr/bin/env python # connect to aiida db from aiida import load_profile load_profile() # load essential aiida classes from aiida.orm import DataFactory, load_node Dict = DataFactory('parameter') # some settings: #DOS contour (in Ry units), emax=EF+dE_emax: emin, dE_emax, npt = -0.2, 0.1, 101 # kkrimp parent (converged imp pot, needs to tbe a KKRimp calculation node) kkrimp_calc_converge = load_node(25025) # derived quantities: GF_host_calc = kkrimp_calc_converge.inputs.GFhost_folder.inputs.remote_folder kkr_converged_parent_folder = GF_host_calc.inputs.parent_calc_folder # helper function def wait_for_it(calc, maxwait=300): from time import sleep N = 0 print 'start waiting for calculation to finish' while not calc.has_finished() and N<(maxwait/2.): N += 1 if N%5==0: print('.') sleep(2.) print('waiting done after {} seconds: {} {}'.format(N*2, calc.has_finished(), calc.has_finished_ok())) ################################################################################################ # first host GF with DOS contour from import kkrparams params = kkrparams(**GF_host_calc.inputs.parameters.get_dict()) params.set_multiple_values(EMIN=emin, EMAX=GF_host_calc.res.fermi_energy+dE_emax, NPOL=0, NPT1=0, NPT2=npt, NPT3=0) ParaNode = Dict(dict=params.get_dict()) code = GF_host_calc.get_code() # take the same code as in the calculation before GF_host_doscalc= code.new_calc() resources = GF_host_calc.get_resources() GF_host_doscalc.set_resources(resources) GF_host_doscalc.use_parameters(ParaNode) GF_host_doscalc.use_parent_folder(kkr_converged_parent_folder) GF_host_doscalc.use_impurity_info(GF_host_calc.inputs.impurity_info) # store and submit GF_host_doscalc.store_all() GF_host_doscalc.submit() # wait for calculation to finish print 'host GF calc for DOS contour' wait_for_it(GF_host_doscalc) # then KKRimp step using the converged potential kkrimp_doscalc = kkrimp_calc_converge.get_code().new_calc() kkrimp_doscalc.use_host_Greenfunction_folder(GF_host_doscalc.out.remote_folder) kkrimp_doscalc.use_parent_calc_folder(kkrimp_calc_converge.out.remote_folder) kkrimp_doscalc.set_resources(kkrimp_calc_converge.get_resources()) # set to DOS settings params = kkrparams(params_type='kkrimp', **kkrimp_calc_converge.inputs.parameters.get_dict()) params.set_multiple_values(RUNFLAG=['lmdos'], SCFSTEPS=1) ParaNode = Dict(dict=params.get_dict()) kkrimp_doscalc.use_parameters(ParaNode) # store and submit calculation kkrimp_doscalc.store_all() kkrimp_doscalc.submit() # wait for calculation to finish print 'KKRimp calc DOS' wait_for_it(kkrimp_doscalc) # Finally plot the DOS: # get interpolated DOS from GF_host_doscalc calculation: from import interpolate_dos dospath_host = GF_host_doscalc.out.retrieved.get_abs_path('') ef, dos, dos_interpol = interpolate_dos(dospath_host, return_original=True) dos, dos_interpol = dos[0], dos_interpol[0] # read in impurity DOS from numpy import loadtxt impdos0 = loadtxt(kkrimp_doscalc.out.retrieved.get_abs_path('out_lmdos.interpol.atom=01_spin1.dat')) impdos1 = loadtxt(kkrimp_doscalc.out.retrieved.get_abs_path('out_lmdos.interpol.atom=13_spin1.dat')) # sum over spins: impdos0[:,1:] = impdos0[:,1:]*2 impdos1[:,1:] = impdos1[:,1:]*2 # plot bulk and impurity DOS from matplotlib.pyplot import figure, fill_between, plot, legend, title, axhline, axvline, xlim, ylim, ylabel, xlabel, title, show figure() fill_between((dos_interpol[:,0]-ef)*13.6, dos_interpol[:,1]/13.6, color='lightgrey', lw=0, label='bulk Cu') plot((impdos0[:,0]-ef)*13.6, impdos0[:,1]/13.6, label='Au imp') plot((impdos0[:,0]-ef)*13.6, impdos1[:,1]/13.6, label='1st Cu neighbor') plot((impdos0[:,0]-ef)*13.6, (impdos1[:,1]-dos_interpol[:,1])/dos_interpol[:,1], '--', label='relative difference in 1st Cu neighbor') legend() title('DOS of Au impurity embedded into bulk Cu') axhline(0, lw=1, color='grey') axvline(0, lw=1, color='grey') xlim(-8, 1) ylim(-0.5,8.5) xlabel('E-E_F (eV)') ylabel('DOS (states/eV)') show()
Script running a bandstructure calculation for which first from the structure node
the kpoints of the high-symmetry lines are extracted and afterwards the bandstructure
(i.e. qdos
) calculation is started. Finally the results are plotted together with
the DOS data (taken from KKRimp DOS preparation step).
Download: :download:`this example script <../examples/>`
#!/usr/bin/env python # connect to aiida db from aiida import load_profile load_profile() # load essential aiida classes from aiida.orm import Code, DataFactory, load_node StructureData = DataFactory('structure') Dict = DataFactory('parameter') # helper function: def wait_for_it(calc, maxwait=300): from time import sleep N = 0 print 'start waiting for calculation to finish' while not calc.has_finished() and N<(maxwait/2.): N += 1 if N%5==0: print('.') sleep(2.) print('waiting done after {} seconds: {} {}'.format(N*2, calc.has_finished(), calc.has_finished_ok())) # some settings (parent calculations): # converged KKR calculation (taken form bulk Cu KKR example) kkr_calc_converged = load_node(24951) # previous DOS calculation started from converged KKR calc (taken from KKRimp DOS example, i.e. GF host calculation with DOS contour) host_dos_calc = load_node(25030) # generate kpoints for bandstructure calculation from aiida_kkr.calculations.voro import VoronoiCalculation struc, voro_parent = VoronoiCalculation.find_parent_structure(kkr_calc_converged.out.remote_folder) from import get_explicit_kpoints_path kpts = get_explicit_kpoints_path(struc).get('explicit_kpoints') # run bandstructure calculation # create bandstructure calculation reusing old settings (including same computer and resources in this example) kkrcode = kkr_calc_converged.get_code() kkrcalc = kkrcode.new_calc() kkrcalc.use_kpoints(kpts) # pass kpoints as input kkrcalc.use_parent_folder(kkr_calc_converged.out.remote_folder) kkrcalc.set_resources(kkr_calc_converged.get_resources()) # change parameters to qdos settings (E range and number of points) from import kkrparams qdos_params = kkrparams(**kkr_calc_converged.inputs.parameters.get_dict()) # reuse old settings # reuse the same emin/emax settings as in DOS run (extracted from input parameter node) qdos_params.set_multiple_values(EMIN=host_dos_calc.inputs.parameters.get_dict().get('EMIN'), EMAX=host_dos_calc.inputs.parameters.get_dict().get('EMAX'), NPT2=100) kkrcalc.use_parameters(Dict(dict=qdos_params.get_dict())) # store and submit calculation kkrcalc.store_all() kkrcalc.submit() wait_for_it(kkrcalc, maxwait=600) # plot results # extract kpoint labels klbl = kpts.labels # fix overlapping labels (nicer plotting) tmp = klbl[2] tmp = (tmp[0], '\n'+tmp[1]+' ') klbl[2] = tmp tmp = klbl[3] tmp = (tmp[0], ' '+tmp[1]) klbl[3] = tmp #plotting of bandstructure and previously calculated DOS data # load DOS data from import interpolate_dos dospath_host = host_dos_calc.out.retrieved.get_abs_path('') ef, dos, dos_interpol = interpolate_dos(dospath_host, return_original=True) dos, dos_interpol = dos[0], dos_interpol[0] # load qdos file and reshape from numpy import loadtxt, sum, log qdos_file = kkrcalc.out.retrieved.get_abs_path('qdos.01.1.dat') q = loadtxt(qdos_file) nepts = len(set(q[:,0])) data = q[:,5:].reshape(nepts, len(q)/nepts, -1) e = (q[::len(q)/nepts, 0]-ef)*13.6 # plot bandstructure from matplotlib.pyplot import figure, pcolormesh, show, xticks, ylabel, axhline, axvline, gca, title, plot, ylim, xlabel, suptitle figure(figsize=((8, 4.8))) pcolormesh(range(len(q)/nepts), e, log(sum(abs(data), axis=2)), lw=0) xticks([i[0] for i in klbl], [i[1] for i in klbl]) ylabel('E-E_F (eV)') axhline(0, color='lightgrey', lw=1) title('band structure') # plot DOS on right hand side of bandstructure plot axBand = gca() from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable divider = make_axes_locatable(axBand) axDOS = divider.append_axes("right", 1.2, pad=0.1, sharey=axBand) plot(dos_interpol[:,1]/13.6, (dos_interpol[:,0]-ef)*13.6) ylim(e.min(), e.max()) axhline(0, color='grey', lw=1) axvline(0, color='grey', lw=1) axDOS.yaxis.set_tick_params(labelleft=False, labelright=True, right=True, left=False) xlabel('states/eV') title('DOS') suptitle(struc.get_formula(), fontsize=16) show()