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Dear Participant,

You are invited to participate in the fifth annual Julia User and Developer survey. The results of this survey will be presented at JuliaCon 2023 this summer and will also be made publicly available online. The survey is developed, administered and analyzed by JuliaHub with input from the Julia community. We value your time and appreciate your participation. This survey consists of 40 questions and is expected to take no more than 10-15 minutes to complete.

Thanks to Roger Luo for building JuliaSurveyForm.jl, and thank you to all of our translators for translations.

Your participation is voluntary and anonymous and no personal information will ever be shared.

Please feel free to forward to colleagues and friends who are Julia users.

Thank you for your participation!


Jeff Bezanson, Stefan Karpinski, Viral Shah and Alan Edelman Julia Co-Creators

  1. Which of the following languages have you used regularly or frequently during the past year? Please select all that apply.
  • Julia
  • Python
  • Shell, Bash, PowerShell
  • R
  • C, C++
  • SQL
  • Java
  • JavaScript
  • Fortran
  • Mathematica
  • Rust
  • C#
  • Go
  • Octave
  • Typescript
  • None of the above
  • Other
  1. Which of the following languages do you plan to use regularly or frequently during the next year? Please select all that apply.
  • Julia
  • Python
  • Shell, Bash, PowerShell
  • R
  • C, C++
  • SQL
  • Java
  • JavaScript
  • Fortran
  • Mathematica
  • Rust
  • C#
  • Go
  • Octave
  • Typescript
  • None of the above
  • Other
  1. How much do you like each of the following languages? If you don't know or have not used a language, please leave it blank.
One of my favorite languages Like Neutral Dislike
Shell, Bash, PowerShell
C, C++
  1. Which of the following are the TECHNICAL aspects or features you like MOST about Julia? Please select all that apply.
  • Speed, performance
  • Ease of use
  • Open source - code is available and can be modified
  • Composable
  • Ease of installation
  • Package manager
  • Solves the two language problem
  • Multiple dispatch
  • Distributed / GPU computing
  • Type system
  • Specific package(s)
  • Integrates well with other language(s)
  • Editor and IDE support (Emacs, Vi, Juno, VS Code)
  • One-based indexing
  • Metaprogramming
  • None of the above
  • Other
  1. Which of the following are the NON-TECHNICAL aspects or features you like MOST about Julia? Please select all that apply.
  • Free – don't have to pay to use Julia
  • Julia community of developers is talented and active
  • MIT license
  • Easy to create packages
  • Julia community of developers is warm and welcoming
  • Easy to get help and information online
  • Easy to contribute to the language
  • Lots of great teaching and learning resources available online
  • Great documentation
  • None of the above
  • Other
  1. Which of the following are the TECHNICAL aspects or features you like LEAST about Julia? Please select all that apply.
  • Slow compile times - for example, it takes too long to generate the first plot
  • Confusing or overly verbose error messages
  • Cannot generate self contained binaries or libraries such as .exe, .dll, .so, etc.
  • Immature, not ready for use in production
  • Poor editor and IDE support
  • Poor linter, poor syntax checking compared to statically typed languages
  • I require packages, libraries or tools that are only available or are more complete in another language
  • The debugger is too slow, and/or not fully-featured
  • Writing high performance code is difficult and requires specialized knowledge
  • Slow garbage collection
  • Bugs
  • One-based indexing
  • No built-in support for mutable, fixed size arrays
  • No built-in support for interfaces or traits
  • Does not integrate well with other language(s)
  • None of the above
  • Other
  1. Which of the following are the NON-TECHNICAL aspects or features you like LEAST about Julia? Please select all that apply. Please select all that apply.
  • There are not enough Julia users in my field or industry
  • My company, university, clients or other organizations I work with do not allow or support Julia
  • Online tutorials and documentation are outdated or insufficient
  • I am more comfortable in another language
  • The Julia community is not active enough
  • The Julia community is too closed and not welcoming enough
  • The Julia community is not diverse enough
  • I feel that the Julia developer team does not communicate its plans or intentions clearly enough
  • The Julia community is too conservative and too reluctant to make useful changes to the language
  • None of the above
  • Other
  1. Why did you start using Julia? Please select all that apply.
  • Julia seems like the language of the future
  • Julia solves the two language problem
  • Faster for the work I am doing
  • I like learning new languages
  • Preferable syntax to other languages
  • I heard about Julia from friends or colleagues
  • Better packages for the work I am doing
  • Because colleagues in my field use Julia and I want to collaborate with them
  • Because my instructor or a course I wanted to take uses Julia
  • Elegance of Julia
  • None of the above
  • Other
  1. Where do you interact with the Julia community? Please select all that apply.
  • GitHub
  • Discourse (
  • Slack
  • Zulip
  • Discord
  • Stack Overflow
  • Reddit
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn
  • JuliaCN Discourse (
  • Julia Forem
  • YouTube
  • None of the above
  • Other
  1. Which of the following best describe your use of Julia? Please select all that apply.
  • I use Julia for research
  • I use Julia for work individually
  • I use Julia for teaching
  • I use Julia for development as part of a team
  • I use Julia in production for a business critical task
  • I use Julia because it is required for classes at my university
  • I use Julia for hobby programming
  • None of the above
  • Other
  1. Which of the following types of Julia packages have you created or contributed to? Please select all that apply.
  • Open source and registered in the Julia general registry
  • Open source and not registered in the Julia general registry
  • Private and not registered in the Julia general registry
  • None of the above
  • Other
  1. IF OPEN SOURCE CREATOR OR CONTRIBUTOR: What is your work status in relation to writing Julia code?
  • Paid programmer
  • Write Julia as a component of other paid work (such as research for academics)
  • Part paid, part voluntary
  • Completely voluntary
  • Prefer not to say
  • None of the above
  1. IF OPEN SOURCE CREATOR OR CONTRIBUTOR: In which of the following capacities do you contribute to Julia?
  • Paid programmer
  • Write Julia as a component of other paid work (such as research for academics)
  • Part paid, part voluntary
  • Completely voluntary
  • Prefer not to say
  • None of the above
  1. IF OPEN SOURCE CREATOR OR CONTRIBUTOR: How many volunteer hours do you spend working on open source Julia projects or the Julia community per week?
  • None
  • 1-10 hours
  • 11-20 hours
  • More than 20 hours
  • Prefer not to say
  1. When did you first start using Julia?enter year from 2023 to 2009

  2. What percentage of the programming you do is in Julia?

  • 0%
  • 1-19%
  • 20-39%
  • 40-59%
  • 60-79%
  • 80-99%
  • 100%
  • Don't do any programming
  1. How robust is the current Julia package ecosystem?
  • Very
  • Somewhat
  • Not very
  • Not at all
  • Don't know
  1. Which editors or IDEs do you use frequently? Please select all that apply.
  • VS Code
  • Pluto
  • Jupyter
  • JupyterLab
  • Juno
  • Nano / Pico
  • RStudio
  • Vi / Vim / Neovim
  • Emacs
  • Sublime Text
  • Notepad++
  • IntelliJ (or other Jetbrains product)
  • Kate
  • None - I write all my code in the Julia REPL
  • Other
  1. What types of AI assistance do you use frequently with Julia? Please select all that apply.
  • GitHub Copilot
  • ChatGPT
  • Other Web-based generative AI
  • None of the above
  • Other
  1. Which cloud solutions, if any, do you use together with Julia? Please select all that apply.
  • Local cluster
  • JuliaHub
  • Amazon Web Services, AWS
  • Google Cloud
  • Microsoft Azure
  • Google Colab
  • MyBinder
  • None of the above
  • Other
  1. How helpful and collaborative is the Julia community?
  • Very
  • Somewhat
  • Not very
  • Not at all
  • Don't know
  1. Have you attended or do you plan to attend JuliaCon? Please select all that apply.
  • 2023 (Boston)
  • 2022 (Online)
  • 2021 (Online)
  • 2020 (Online)
  • 2019 (Baltimore)
  • 2018 (London)
  • 2017 (Berkeley)
  • 2016 (Boston)
  • 2015 (Boston)
  • 2014 (Chicago)
  • Will likely attend in the future
  • Would like to attend, if funds, schedule and location permit
  • Unlikely to attend JuliaCon in future
  • Don't know
  1. How do you download and install Julia? Please select all that apply.
  • Binaries from
  • I compile Julia from source
  • JuliaUp
  • From my Linux distribution
  • From Homebrew cask on Mac
  • Official Docker container
  • None of the above
  • Other
  1. With which operating system(s) do you use Julia most frequently? Please select all that apply.
  • Linux/x86
  • Windows
  • Windows with WSL
  • macOS/x86
  • macOS/ARM
  • ChromeOS
  • Linux/ARM
  • Linux/PPC
  • FreeBSD
  • Other
  1. Which kind of parallelism, if any, do you use together with Julia? Please select all that apply.
  • Tasks/coroutines
  • Julia multi-threading (Threads)
  • Other multi-threading (e.g., Polyester.jl)
  • GPU computing
  • Julia distributed computing (Distributed)
  • Other distributed computing (e.g., MPI.jl, UCX.jl)
  • Large-scale parallel computing (>100 nodes)
  • None of the above
  • Other
  1. Which hardware accelerators, if any, do you use together with Julia? Please select all that apply.
  • Nvidia GPU (released in the last 2 years)
  • Nvidia GPU (older than 2 years)
  • Multiple Nvidia GPUs in one system
  • Apple M-series GPU
  • Intel GPU
  • Distributed cluster of GPUs
  • Quantum computer
  • None of the above
  • Other
  1. What resources have you found most useful when learning Julia for the first time or when learning how to do something in Julia? Please select all that apply.
  • Julia manual
  • YouTube tutorials
  • JuliaCon presentations
  • Julia books
  • JuliaAcademy
  • Online courses
  • Webinars
  • Exercism Julia track
  • University courses
  • None of the above
  • Other
  1. Which of the following do you use? Please select all that apply.
  • Data science
  • Modeling and simulation
  • Statistics
  • Optimization
  • Machine learning
  • Scientific machine learning
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Automatic differentiation
  • Scripting
  • Visualization
  • Differential equations
  • Graphics
  • Controls
  • Signal processing
  • Image processing
  • Supercomputing
  • Computer vision
  • Probabilistic programming
  • None of the above
  • Other
  1. Which of the following best describes you? Please select all that apply.
  • Academic - student, researcher, instructor, scientist
  • Professional - analyst, engineer, developer, researcher, manager, scientist
  • Hobbyist
  • None of the above
  1. IF ACADEMIC: Which of the following best describes you? Please select all that apply.
  • Graduate student
  • Postdoctoral researcher or fellow
  • Faculty
  • Instructor
  • Undergraduate student
  • High school student
  • Researcher
  • Research software engineer
  • System administrator
  • None of the above
  • Other
  1. IF ACADEMIC: What are your primary fields of study or research? Please select all that apply.
  • Computer science
  • Mathematics
  • Statistics
  • Physics
  • Biology, life sciences
  • Electrical engineering
  • Mechanical engineering
  • Industrial engineering
  • Economics
  • Geosciences
  • Astronomy
  • Medicine, pharmaceuticals
  • Aerospace engineering
  • Finance
  • Civil engineering
  • Education
  • Climate science
  • Chemistry
  • Chemical engineering
  • Business
  • Humanities
  • Political science
  • Sociology
  • None of the above
  • Other
  1. IF PROFESSIONAL: Which of the following best describes you? Please select all that apply.
  • Engineer, developer
  • Researcher
  • Analyst
  • Manager
  • Product manager
  • None of the above
  • Other
  1. IF PROFESSIONAL: What are the primary industries in which you work? Please select all that apply.
  • Software, IT
  • Engineering
  • Finance
  • Aerospace, aviation
  • Automotive
  • Energy
  • Consulting
  • Life sciences, health care, pharmaceuticals
  • Telecommunications
  • Government
  • Manufacturing
  • Transportation
  • Retail
  • Logistics
  • Semiconductors
  • Ecommerce
  • Automation
  • Agriculture
  • None of the above
  • Other
  1. How many years of programming experience do you have?
  • 0
  • 1-5
  • 6-10
  • 11-15
  • 16-20
  • 21-25
  • 26-30
  • More than 30
  • Don’t know, prefer not to answer
  1. What is your age?
  • Under 15
  • 15-17
  • 18-22
  • 23-29
  • 30-35
  • 36-40
  • 41-45
  • 46-50
  • 51-55
  • 56-60
  • 61-65
  • 66-70
  • More than 70
  • Don’t know, prefer not to answer
  1. What is the country or region where you currently live or work?
  • Afghanistan
  • Albania
  • Algeria
  • Andorra
  • Angola
  • Antigua and Barbuda
  • Argentina
  • Armenia
  • Australia
  • Austria
  • Azerbaijan
  • Bahamas
  • Bahrain
  • Bangladesh
  • Barbados
  • Belarus
  • Belgium
  • Belize
  • Benin
  • Bhutan
  • Bolivia
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Botswana
  • Brazil
  • Brunei
  • Bulgaria
  • Burkina Faso
  • Burundi
  • Cambodia
  • Cameroon
  • Canada
  • Cape Verde
  • Central African Republic
  • Chad
  • Chile
  • China
  • Colombia
  • Comoros
  • Congo-Brazzaville (RotC)
  • Congo-Kinshasa (DRC)
  • Costa Rica
  • Croatia
  • Cuba
  • Cyprus
  • Czech Republic
  • Denmark
  • Djibouti
  • Dominica
  • Dominican Republic
  • Ecuador
  • Egypt
  • El Salvador
  • Equatorial Guinea
  • Eritrea
  • Estonia
  • Eswatini
  • Ethiopia
  • Fiji
  • Finland
  • France
  • Gabon
  • Gambia
  • Georgia
  • Germany
  • Ghana
  • Greece
  • Greenland
  • Grenada
  • Guatemala
  • Guinea
  • Guinea-Bissau
  • Guyana
  • Haiti
  • Honduras
  • Hong Kong
  • Hungary
  • Iceland
  • India
  • Indonesia
  • Iran
  • Iraq
  • Ireland
  • Israel
  • Ivory Coast (Côte d’Ivoire)
  • Italy
  • Jamaica
  • Japan
  • Jordan
  • Kazakhstan
  • Kenya
  • Kiribati
  • Kosovo
  • Kuwait
  • Kyrgyzstan
  • Laos
  • Latvia
  • Lebanon
  • Lesotho
  • Liberia
  • Libya
  • Liechtenstein
  • Lithuania
  • Luxembourg
  • Macao
  • Macedonia
  • Madagascar
  • Malawi
  • Malaysia
  • Maldives
  • Mali
  • Malta
  • Marshall Islands
  • Mauritania
  • Mauritius
  • Mexico
  • Micronesia
  • Moldova
  • Mozambique
  • Monaco
  • Mongolia
  • Montenegro
  • Morocco
  • Myanmar
  • Namibia
  • Nauru
  • Nepal
  • Netherlands
  • New Zealand
  • Nicaragua
  • Niger
  • Nigeria
  • North Korea
  • North Macedonia
  • Norway
  • Oman
  • Pakistan
  • Palau
  • Palestine, West Bank, Gaza
  • Panama
  • Papua New Guinea
  • Paraguay
  • Peru
  • Philippines
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • Puerto Rico
  • Qatar
  • Romania
  • Russia
  • Rwanda
  • Saint Kitts and Nevis
  • Saint Lucia
  • Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
  • Samoa
  • San Marino
  • Sao Tome and Principe
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Senegal
  • Serbia
  • Seychelles
  • Sierra Leone
  • Singapore
  • Slovakia
  • Slovenia
  • Solomon Islands
  • Somalia
  • South Africa
  • South Korea
  • South Sudan
  • Spain
  • Sri Lanka
  • Sudan
  • Suriname
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland
  • Syria
  • Taiwan
  • Tajikistan
  • Tanzania
  • Thailand
  • Timor-Leste (East Timor)
  • Togo
  • Tonga
  • Trinidad and Tobago
  • Tunisia
  • Turkey
  • Turkmenistan
  • Tuvalu
  • Uganda
  • Ukraine
  • United Arab Emirates
  • United Kingdom
  • United States
  • Uruguay
  • Uzbekistan
  • Vanuatu
  • Vatican City
  • Venezuela
  • Vietnam
  • Western Sahara
  • Yemen
  • Zambia
  • Zimbabwe
  • Other
  • Prefer not to answer
  1. What is the country where you are originally from?
  • Afghanistan
  • Albania
  • Algeria
  • Andorra
  • Angola
  • Antigua and Barbuda
  • Argentina
  • Armenia
  • Australia
  • Austria
  • Azerbaijan
  • Bahamas
  • Bahrain
  • Bangladesh
  • Barbados
  • Belarus
  • Belgium
  • Belize
  • Benin
  • Bhutan
  • Bolivia
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Botswana
  • Brazil
  • Brunei
  • Bulgaria
  • Burkina Faso
  • Burundi
  • Cambodia
  • Cameroon
  • Canada
  • Cape Verde
  • Central African Republic
  • Chad
  • Chile
  • China
  • Colombia
  • Comoros
  • Congo-Brazzaville (RotC)
  • Congo-Kinshasa (DRC)
  • Costa Rica
  • Croatia
  • Cuba
  • Cyprus
  • Czech Republic
  • Denmark
  • Djibouti
  • Dominica
  • Dominican Republic
  • Ecuador
  • Egypt
  • El Salvador
  • Equatorial Guinea
  • Eritrea
  • Estonia
  • Eswatini
  • Ethiopia
  • Fiji
  • Finland
  • France
  • Gabon
  • Gambia
  • Georgia
  • Germany
  • Ghana
  • Greece
  • Greenland
  • Grenada
  • Guatemala
  • Guinea
  • Guinea-Bissau
  • Guyana
  • Haiti
  • Honduras
  • Hong Kong
  • Hungary
  • Iceland
  • India
  • Indonesia
  • Iran
  • Iraq
  • Ireland
  • Israel
  • Ivory Coast (Côte d’Ivoire)
  • Italy
  • Jamaica
  • Japan
  • Jordan
  • Kazakhstan
  • Kenya
  • Kiribati
  • Kosovo
  • Kuwait
  • Kyrgyzstan
  • Laos
  • Latvia
  • Lebanon
  • Lesotho
  • Liberia
  • Libya
  • Liechtenstein
  • Lithuania
  • Luxembourg
  • Macao
  • Macedonia
  • Madagascar
  • Malawi
  • Malaysia
  • Maldives
  • Mali
  • Malta
  • Marshall Islands
  • Mauritania
  • Mauritius
  • Mexico
  • Micronesia
  • Moldova
  • Mozambique
  • Monaco
  • Mongolia
  • Montenegro
  • Morocco
  • Myanmar
  • Namibia
  • Nauru
  • Nepal
  • Netherlands
  • New Zealand
  • Nicaragua
  • Niger
  • Nigeria
  • North Korea
  • North Macedonia
  • Norway
  • Oman
  • Pakistan
  • Palau
  • Palestine, West Bank, Gaza
  • Panama
  • Papua New Guinea
  • Paraguay
  • Peru
  • Philippines
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • Puerto Rico
  • Qatar
  • Romania
  • Russia
  • Rwanda
  • Saint Kitts and Nevis
  • Saint Lucia
  • Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
  • Samoa
  • San Marino
  • Sao Tome and Principe
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Senegal
  • Serbia
  • Seychelles
  • Sierra Leone
  • Singapore
  • Slovakia
  • Slovenia
  • Solomon Islands
  • Somalia
  • South Africa
  • South Korea
  • South Sudan
  • Spain
  • Sri Lanka
  • Sudan
  • Suriname
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland
  • Syria
  • Taiwan
  • Tajikistan
  • Tanzania
  • Thailand
  • Timor-Leste (East Timor)
  • Togo
  • Tonga
  • Trinidad and Tobago
  • Tunisia
  • Turkey
  • Turkmenistan
  • Tuvalu
  • Uganda
  • Ukraine
  • United Arab Emirates
  • United Kingdom
  • United States
  • Uruguay
  • Uzbekistan
  • Vanuatu
  • Vatican City
  • Venezuela
  • Vietnam
  • Western Sahara
  • Yemen
  • Zambia
  • Zimbabwe
  • Other
  • Prefer not to answer
  1. In what language(s) are you fluent? Please select all that apply.
  • Afrikaans
  • Albanian
  • American Sign Language
  • Amharic
  • Arabic
  • Bengali
  • Bosnian
  • Bulgarian
  • Chinese
  • Croatian
  • Czech
  • Danish
  • Dutch
  • English
  • Estonian
  • Farsi
  • Finnish
  • French
  • Georgian
  • German
  • Greek
  • Gujarati
  • Hausa
  • Hebrew
  • Hindi
  • Hungarian
  • Icelandic
  • Igbo
  • Indonesian
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Kannada
  • Kazakh
  • Korean
  • Lithuanian
  • Luxembourgish
  • Macedonian
  • Malay
  • Marathi
  • Malayalam
  • Mongolian
  • Nepali
  • Norwegian
  • Oriya
  • Oromo
  • Pashto
  • Polish
  • Portuguese
  • Punjabi
  • Romanian
  • Russian
  • Serbian
  • Shona
  • Slovakian
  • Slovenian
  • Spanish
  • Swahili
  • Swedish
  • Tagalog
  • Tamil
  • Telugu
  • Thai
  • Turkish
  • Ukrainian
  • Urdu
  • Vietnamese
  • Yoruba
  • Zulu
  • Prefer not to answer
  • Other
  1. Which of the following best describe your race or ethnicity? Please select all that apply.
  • White, Caucasian, European
  • Asian, Asian-American
  • Latin American, Latino, Hispanic
  • Black, African, African-American, Caribbean Black
  • Middle Eastern, Arab, Persian, Turkish
  • American Indian, Alaska Native, Inuit, First Nations, Métis
  • Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander
  • Australian Aboriginal
  • Maori
  • Prefer not to answer
  • Other
  1. What is your gender?
  • Man
  • Woman
  • Non-binary
  • Prefer not to answer
  • Other
  1. Do you identify as LGBTQIA+?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Prefer not to answer
  1. Do you identify as underrepresented in science or computing because of your:
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Gender identity
  • Language(s) or language proficiency
  • Religion
  • Race, ethnicity, national origin
  • Disability
  • Sexual orientation
  • Education level
  • Parents’ education level
  • Income or socioeconomic status
  • Political or ideological beliefs
  • I do not identify as underrepresented in science or computing
  • Prefer not to answer
  • Other
  1. IF PROFESSIONAL: Please click here if you would like JuliaHub to contact you to help your business succeed using Julia.

Thank you for completing the 2023 Julia User and Developer Survey! We greatly value and appreciate your participation.

Please enter your email address here if you would like JuliaHub to contact you to help your business succeed using Julia.

Note that the survey responses you provided are anonymous and will not be connected to your email address.


I_I Please click this box if you would like JuliaHub to reach out to you to help your business succeed using Julia.