Node.js framework to build Restful APIs, Angular.js pages...
var nylex = require('nylex')
var exampleController = require('/path/to/controller')
//first route to mount the controller, second the controller.
nylex.mount("/", exampleController)
//Start the server
var Controller = require('nylex-controller')
var exampleController = new Controller();
exampleController.get("/", function(req, res) {
res.send("Hello World!");
module.exports = exampleController;
$ npm install nylex nylex-controller
- Use verbs to route (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE);
- Use vars in the routes ("/example/route/:example_id")
- Get post, put and delete data in a simple way ( var exampleVar = req.body.exampleVar)
$ git clone
To run the example you need to be root, if you want you can change the port defined in index.js