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Guide to bombcell's GUI
Plot a GUI to flip through the quality metrics for each cell with the function bc.viz.unitQualityGUI_synced
bc.viz.unitQualityGUI_synced(memMapData, ephysData, qMetrics, param, probeLocation, unitType, plotRaw)

This commands brings up to synced windows:
One window will display histograms of all unit distributions, with a small vertical black line showing where the current unit lies in the distribution. The colored lines at the bottom indicate how the units are classified based on the metric: red for noise, blue for non-somatic, green for good and orange for MUA. This can be useful to see which parameters you might want to tweak.
The other unit displays all waveform and spike properties and quality metrics for the current unit. Toggle units by using the → and ← keys. Pressing g, m, n, a brings you to the next good, multi-unit, noise or non-somatic unit, respectively. Press u to select a particular unit. Navigate in time through the raw data to see this units' individual spikes with the ↑ and ↓ keys.
Unit location view
This view plots the depth of each unit on the probe in y, and it's log-normalized firing rate in x. Single units are plotted in green, multi-units in indigo and noise in red. The current unit is plotted larger and circled in black.
Template waveform view
This view plots the template waveforms for the current unit. The maximum waveform is in blue, and detected peaks are overlaid.
Raw waveform view
This view plots the mean raw waveforms for the current unit. The maximum waveform is in blue, and detected peaks are overlaid.
ACG view
This view plots the auto-correlogram (ACG) for the current unit. The horizontal red line indicates the ACG asymptote, which corresponds to the unit's firing rate. The vertical red line plot the refractory period location.
Raw waveform view
Plots the raw data in black, with detected spikes for this unit in blue.
Amplitude view
This view plots the scaling factor applied to each spike by kilosort in black. Spikes currently displayed in the raw data view are shown in blue, and spikes that have an ISI < refractory period threshold are shown in purple.
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